PanoraMagique Balloon

Started by Anthony, March 15, 2005, 02:03:01 AM

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Welcome to the official topic for the new PanoraMagique experience in Disney Village!

This amazing balloon takes you up to 100m (around 350ft) into the air to give you an incredible view of the resort and the landscape surrounding it.

It opened on 9th April 2005 with tickets costing 12€ for adults and 6€ for children.

Post anything about the balloon here - news, photos, reviews, opinions...  :wink:

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News today:
It looks like PanoraMagique might be getting its own website!  Take a look...

Hopefully it'll be nicely done - and linked to from the official DV pages!



The site is now online!!!


Hey that looks great. I can't read any word they're saying, but it does look good!  :wink:

Jorien  :D


That looks so cool, and I love how there is history storyline to it, I am beginning to love all these new ideas DLRP are coming up with :D .  You never know it may get me on that balloon after all Baloo :wink: .


Looks like they must have got some feedback about the site - it now says "French | English (coming soon)" at the top, which wasn't there before.

Great news!  The site will go up 100% in my view once they do a translation.

It is quite a nice site, with the DV background colour like the official site, and lots of good info.  The only thing that worries me is the wind speed / people on board ratio chart.  What if lots of people buy tickets for a flight but then can't get on because the winds change?  I sense problems....


Hey that's great news. Then i can finally read it too.  :wink:

About that wind change, i don't think they will let people buy tickets that far in advance. So when they buy the tickets i think they will know almost certain if the people can enter the balloon or not.

Jorien  :D


Quote from: "Jorien"About that wind change, i don't think they will let people buy tickets that far in advance. So when they buy the tickets i think they will know almost certain if the people can enter the balloon or not.

I suppose they might do that, but then it does say that soon you'll be able to buy tickets online.  If they do this and want it to work properly then they'll only be able to sell tickets up to 5 days in advance so that they can have a rough idea of the weather conditions...

I suppose we'll find out more about how it's going to work when it actually opens... or when they get that English translation done!  :D


Quote from: "Baloo"I suppose they might do that, but then it does say that soon you'll be able to buy tickets online.  If they do this and want it to work properly then they'll only be able to sell tickets up to 5 days in advance so that they can have a rough idea of the weather conditions...

Oh, then i think there will be problems indeed when the wind changes.  :( I've no idea what kind of solution they have for this.

Jorien  :D


The Balloon Has Arrived!

Wow!  Just look at these photos!

Photos by Kyoto...

Who said DLP-I don't understand the "weenie" design concept?

It looks so impressive...

Wow!  Funny that it has to have that flight code thing on the side though...

Up in the sky...

I only realised the other day the "ring" design the guest area of the balloon has... It kinda puts me off going on it, especially as it seems to be so open.  I'm sure i'll manage it though!

I'm impressed at how magical the design is aswell.  I wonder if DLRP own and run it, or if DLRP own it and Aerophile run it?  Or Aerophile own and run it?  :lol: So many possibilities....  I did read it cost more than €1m though!

Photos by Emmanuel...

On the landing pad

Whoa! So high!

This is going to be an incredible new addition to the resort.  Not only will it let us see the resort from a totally unique angle, but it'll become a true landmark of the resort, espcially as you approach.  It'll also bring life, colour and MAGIC to Disney Village.

It's all good!  No, infact it's all AMAZING!  :lol:  :sorcerer:


Yes, it does look great!!!! Although i have to say that that ring design makes me a bit scared too.  :wink: I thought it would be some kind of basket or someting like that. Now you can look down on both sides of you.  :?
It's really high too, that the balloon goes up. I think it will be a great view, the only thing i'm wondering is: will you be able to see the balloon in the park too. For some reason i hope not. When i'm at the park i don't want to see things that are from outside the park. I know it not really 'outside', but still.

Jorien  :D


Quote from: "Jorien"will you be able to see the balloon in the park too. For some reason i hope not. When i'm at the park i don't want to see things that are from outside the park. I know it not really 'outside', but still.

You might be able to, i'm afriad.  It'll almost definately be visible from parts of WDS, which isn't so bad, and it might even be visible from Main Street aswell - though since it's designed in a Victorian style this doesn't really matter either - might actually look quite nice and add a bit of extra depth to the theme perhaps?


Quote from: "Baloo"You might be able to, i'm afraid.  It'll almost definately be visible from parts of WDS, which isn't so bad, and it might even be visible from Main Street aswell - though since it's designed in a Victorian style this doesn't really matter either - might actually look quite nice and add a bit of extra depth to the theme perhaps?

Maybe you're right, haven't thought about it that way. It also makes me think about the sketch in the From Sketch to Reality book. Luckily it's not a Kodak Balloon for example, that would definately have spoilt it completely.  :wink:

Jorien  :D


Yes, you can see the balloon at the park. Look at this picture from Filip: ... 572&page=1

Jorien  :D


That looks slightly weird looking at it from Discoveryland, looks like people really will get a great view of the whole resort from that :D .  Now I strangely really want to go on it :wink: .


Thanks for the link Jorien!  It does look very strange in the distance from Discoveryland...  but again, it does actually kindof fit in there, doesn't it?

The only places where I think it'll be a problem are Frontierland, Adventureland, Fantasyland and perhaps Walt Disney Studios.

But then even in Adventureland it could be seen as explorers off in the distance, travelling to a new world, couldn't it?  And it fits in with the fantasy and magic Fantasyland easily aswell... So it's mainly just Frontierland and WDS that it might look odd from.