Toon Studio placemaking

Started by Anthony, March 14, 2005, 12:06:03 AM

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Gotta say. it looks so much better than those boards that were hiding it :D

And dammit, I came home on the 28th - if only i'd gone into the park before we left  :oops:


Wow, the palm trees look so great!! :) Really looking forward to see them next year for real in the September sun ;)
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
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2009 - Walt Disney World

The Butlin Boy

It looks so much better now with the oasis area there, well done WDS! :)


The oasis area is pretty good in real life, certainly better than what it was like before.  It does make the rest of the land look even more empty and dull though, they need a few more extra planters outside Animagique on the other side of the parade route.


More photos from all the new planters provided by Anthony: ... uFSxIaHdiW


Might seem a silly thing to ask, but has anyone got before and after pics from roughly the same angle? Would be interesting to compare!


You can see 2 before pictures included here: ... eiled.html

Not quite the same angle as the "after" pictures, but good enough to show the effect of the plants. :)


I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this, but I do hope that they finish the 'rims' on studio 5.

If you look at the very front, they have a kind of border around the top. On Studio One it continues all the way round, down along the sides of the building too. However, on studio 5 it to just stop. I think it looks a bit wierd?

Mod edit: This post belongs in the Crush's Coaster topic please.
Once Upon A Time...


They've wrapped the wall for the Toon Town backdrop in plastic sheets!


Maybe they're painting and themeing it underneath that? :) It also looks like you can see where one of the gates will go on the left, where it gets a bit taller...


The new Toon Studio area (where Crush & Cars are located) will open for guests in May as the access way to Studio Tram Tour will be closed off for teh placemaking project.  Guests will have to take a path through the Toon Studio, behind AODA to go on STT.

Note that the actual attractions won't open before June 10.  :)


Not sure if I have the right spot, but is this the flooring test we heard about?

 :arrow: ... eek-27.jpg

 :arrow: ... C04935.jpg

So it looks like they wanted to paint it or something - a bit like that old concept art with the palette and brushes?  Anyway, it didn't really stand up to cleaning or the weather!  The original patch was green/blue with smaller yellow and red patches.  Could have been a great way to literally add a splash of colour.


That´s what wrote about the flooring:

QuoteAnother improvement project is to differentiate the courtyards stronger by different colored walkways, which would also help to brighten up some areas. In general Imagineering sees to options for this: either new walkways or just painting the existing concrete. But first painting tests concluded at the entrance to the Animation Courtyard to the right of the film stripe of the parade route (where the Mickey's sorcerer statue pointing to the sorcerer's hat of Art of Animation is to be located) were a failure. The trucks of the cleaning teams overnight rubbed off most of the colors, even so close looking guests are still able to spot some remnants on the ground. In the meantime guests can already enjoy the colored (and textured) ground of the new Oasis at the entrance to the future Toon Studios.
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Some photos from past weekend:

The wall for the Toon Town backdrop:

Look how many trees they've placed between Carpets and Crush to hide out the Castle & Phantom Manor.


The wall looks great, thanks for the photos!  Can't see where Goofy has hit it yet... I wonder if that food cart plan is still going ahead?

La Rouquine on DCP reports they have started to instal scaffolding on the front of Animagique Studio 3. :)