Toon Studio placemaking

Started by Anthony, March 14, 2005, 12:06:03 AM

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Yeah, the mural looks dodgy. The deep pink is good though. No new paint since raptors photos yet.

Animagique is still yellow... and so is AODA - at night!! Seriously, it's strange, it looks totally yellow lit up. the paint job is AWFUL btw, youcan see the yellow right through and its really patchy. Probably why it still looks yellow in bright light.


Quoteand so is AODA - at night!!

I've updated wdsfans with a photo by Patrick to show the difference during day and night:


They didn't have the lights on top turned on tonight for some reason, maybe they're going to be doing more alterations this week?

The park was trying to close up really early actually - had cleaners out at 6.05, people hoovering in disney studio 1, it was crazy!

The Butlin Boy

Below is the latest birds eye veiw of the WDS, it's quite interesting to see the size and placement of the new toon studio area and there are also some good shots of the cars station and the crush building and rockwork!

:arrow: //

Source: Grandmath/XavDLP @ Cetral Plaza


Nice picture!!!  :lol:
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney

The Butlin Boy

This is quite interesting:

:arrow: //

Source: Grandmath @ Central Plaza


wow you can see everything! that is so cool thx 4 posting butlin boy
Remember Dreams Come True! \":mickey2:\"

[size=100]\'We Keep Moving Forward\' [/i][/size] - Walt Disney

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looking at that last gutted would u be if u paid for a room in the disney hotel and got one overlooking the car park? - me i'd be severely pissed off. It cost me an extra £120 over 4 nights to have an admirals floor/lakeside view at newport bay - and i'm glad i paid it


A very very cool photo!  Studio 5 looks crazy from that angle, really small and very tall, compared to Studios 2 and 3.

It's funny to see how the roofs of the new buildings are exactly the same as all the others in the park, the theme just stops right there.  It's also weird how the roof of Studio 5 is quite a bit lower than the height of the walls - I wonder why they did that? To make it more imposing?  Actually, maybe it's some architectural thing so it doesn't need many supports - for a building that huge, it's weird there are no extra columns on the outside or inside, it's really just 4 walls.  :?

There's some chat on DCP accompanying this photo about the path due to go behind AODA.  I'm not sure that would be a good idea.  Even if it would mean more "floorspace" for the park, with a park like WDS they really shouldn't be adding paths here there and everywhere - AODA doesn't need a path right the way around it, it'll just make it seem more like a series of buildings rather than a proper Disney theme park...

*off topic* Also, it looks like the front of the Crush dark ride building has been primed sometime in the last two days.


The new resort map gives us the first look at a "finished" Toon Studio:

Crush's Coaster seems to be based on the concept art rather than the real thing, since the building is grey (not sky blue) and the rocks are purple (not deep blue).  Cars looks fairly accurate for a rough sketch.

New details:

- A smiling sun peeping over the Toon Town hills!
- Some of the more distant buildings of Toon Town are also purple hues, fitting into the colour scheme of the land.
- The stars, moon and lines of the Sorcerer Hat are now gold!

I think all those things are pretty confirmed now.  The gold stars and moon would fit well with the golden WDW figures too.

One final thing - Animagique is still yellow. :?

Edit: You can see an even larger version here: ... map-04.jpg


The Flying Carpets backdrop is different as well compared to the old resort mapthe park plan.  

On the old resort map there was no backdrop and on the park map there's only the rock background (which we didn't even got).

On this version you can see the rocks with a purple background, similar to what we have in reality.

* Old resort map
* Park map

The Butlin Boy

Grandmath at Central Plaza has provided us with a new pic of the Toon Studio site, notice the big wall at the back!

 :arrow: Link!


Here are some new pictures of the constructions (from

Moderator note: Thanks for posting, but these pics really belong in the Cars Race Rally thread, since they're all about the Cars. Please remember in future, thanks! :wink:

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(1) 2000 - Disneyland Paris (Millennium Celebration)
(2) 2002 - Disneyworld Orlando - Disney Cruise to the Bahamas
(3) 2006 - Disneyland Paris (Christmas Season)
(4) 2009 - Disneyland Paris (Summer Season)


Wow, the rock looks great. Toon Studio already has one of the most awesome theming of the entire Studios park. Can you still imagine how Animation Courtyard looked one year ago?  :)

By the way; could someone tell me if they are planning to add some trees between Crush's Coaster and the Flying Carpets? The view of Disneyland Park still isn't blocked.


Some paths and plants are added to the area:

Also the back of Art of Disney Animation is painted blue.


I must say, it looks great with those palm trees!