The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror

Started by Anthony, March 12, 2005, 04:50:53 PM

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I have been on tower when they have used English for the library and elevator shaft, I do prefer the English, though the French does seem to work very well also.  It seems that the library depends on cast member, since a few times went on this weekend with basically a complete set of French people and the library was in English.


I am back from Disneyland! And rode the Tower 6 times. IT IS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!!
I love it! One of the best attractions I ever visited!
3 Times the elevator was in English! We just asked the CM and 3 of 4 times they switched it to the English version! And I think the English one is MUCH better!!
it definitely one of my favorite attractions in Disneyland!

Quote from: "PATMAGIC"I have been on tower when they have used English for the library and elevator shaft, I do prefer the English, though the French does seem to work very well also.  It seems that the library depends on cast member, since a few times went on this weekend with basically a complete set of French people and the library was in English.

They can switch the language in the library as well? Really?


Mansion Staff

QuoteThey can switch the language in the library as well? Really?
well its only a matter of choosing the other soundtrack when they start the tv up
well we all cant come and go by BUBBLE!

be careful, or Ill drop a house on you.


I have question for all those poeple who have ridden the Tower more than once:

Is it as good the second time?

The reason I ask this question is because my uncle (Who rode the Tower) said that every time you ride it just gets less and less "good", unlike Rock n Roller Coaster for example.

Now, my uncle in't really a person on theming - He just wants thrills. But would you agree with him? Or does he just like his thrills too much? :lol:


Rock 'n' Roller Coaster gets less and less good each time I ride it.  :?


Before my first ride, I wasn't scared at all, according to the forums it was a family attraction, but what a surprise!!! I loved it, it makes you fly upon your seat (sorry for my english), and you really have the impression that the voice plays with you and makes the lift go up and down, my heart beat very fast!

And when I made it again, whaou, the feelings were as intensed even more intensed than for the first ride. This attraction is amazing, RNRC SM2 are a piece of cake for me compared to the TOT.


I don't think  disney is the right place for you if you seek real thrills, atleast in my opinion. It's the theming and the typical disney finishing touches that make these attractions, that's why they stay so "rerideable" (is that even a word? :p), for me atleast. I agree with raptor tho, there is absolutly no thrill in RnR for me anymore, i just do it atleast a few times everytime we get there because a) i'm an Aerosmith fan b) there is no queue and c) you just have to do it alteast once, kinda like you HAVE to do BTM atleast once every day :p.

I've been on ToT about 8 times so far, and it stills feels the same every time i go on it, obviously you get used to the feeling, but the voice and the feeling of the queue, the theming in general actually, make it almost worse then the ride itself actually is, just like RnR without music feels like riding Casey Jr.


Quote from: "MadHatter"I don't think  disney is the right place for you if you seek real thrills, atleast in my opinion.

well, thats sorta true, i actually think the big disney rides (RnR, SM:M2 etc) are better than some of the alton towers rides, they are not as big or fast, but its the launch that is VERY exciting

anyway... back to the topic in hand :p

about how long are the queues for this wonderful new attraction ? i hope they are not as big as they were for crushes coaster  [-o<
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone

The Butlin Boy

New TOT advertising has appeared in the resort:

Source: Kyoto on DMI

It looks good doesn't it :)


Quote from: "Nicholas-c"
Quote from: "MadHatter"I don't think  disney is the right place for you if you seek real thrills, atleast in my opinion.

well, thats sorta true, i actually think the big disney rides (RnR, SM:M2 etc) are better than some of the alton towers rides, they are not as big or fast, but its the launch that is VERY exciting

anyway... back to the topic in hand :p

about how long are the queues for this wonderful new attraction ? i hope they are not as big as they were for crushes coaster  [-o<

In the evening theres practically no q at all, even on christmas day, boxing day etc.. And the FP is available well all day.

If there is a q try to get in the right hand library, saves you joining a longer line inside..
[size=85]WDW Florida July 91(way too hot), DL California June 92,DL California Sep 93, DLP France Feb 96, DLP France March 02, DLP France Christmas to NY 03, WDW Christmas Eve to NY 04, WDW Oct 05, DL California Christmas to NY 05, DLP March 06, WDW Nov 06,DLP Paris Christmas to NY 06, WDW April 07 DL California Nov 07, WDW Dec 07, DLP Mar 08, DLP Jul 08, DL Hong Kong Mar 09, WDW Oct 09,  DLP Xmas 09[/size]


And the queue is very pleasant, the time goes very fast, it's not like for  Crush  :x .
The average waiting time is 40 min but it can be 15min sometimes!


Having been on the tower once and RNRC many times, I'm not the best to comment, but it seems to me that both have plenty of repeat value. There's always the corkscrew to come towards the end of RNRC, even after the thrill of the launch and roll.

After a few goes on the tower, I imagine that you would get used to the sequence of up-downs, but I don't think I could ever tire of the view from the top, and so different times of day add to the repeat value.
July 2003 My Travel Explorers
May 2004 Sequoia Lodge
July 2006 Patio St Antoine @Nation (RER commute to DLRP)
December 2007 Kyriad Val de France
August 2009 Hotel New York
May 2015 Hotel Cheyenne


It's been interesting to read all your comments. My uncle just said that he thought ToT got a bit boring after a few rides, whereas RnRC didn't. But like I said, he doesn't really appreciate theming at all, just the thrills. I prefer theming over thrills, so I expect I'll enjoy it everytime just like you guys have.

:offtopic: I have to disagree though with the people who think RnRC isn't as good after your first ride, but that's probably just me because I'm such a huge fan of it. :lol: :P


There's a huge debate in Disney central plaza about the "air time", it seems that the effect is not felt by everybody it's very wired!
What about your experience? Were you out of your seat during the ride?
And it is said that we can feel it more in the seats of the back of the cabin, I agree with that.


Quote from: "kaysha"There's a huge debate in Disney central plaza about the "air time", it seems that the effect is not felt by everybody it's very wired!
What about your experience? Were you out of your seat during the ride?
And it is said that we can feel it more in the seats of the back of the cabin, I agree with that.

Perhaps they are (ahem) slightly overweight...Or holding on like girls

Actually dont the physics mean the weights irrelevent though as the mass is still accelerating at the same speed.

Technically if you ride it like us (the only way).. Free hands  and free feet (not wedged against the seat in front).. Its impossible not to have air time on the main descents as the cabin does not actually free fall but is pulled down faster than the natural force. Unless your defying the laws of gravity air time is guaranteed.

I fail to see how the air time in the lift shaft can be any different in any seat, the  movement is purely in the vertical plane so the effect of the seating is irrrelevent unlike a coaster where different cars will pass humps at different speeds depending on the push pull force.
[size=85]WDW Florida July 91(way too hot), DL California June 92,DL California Sep 93, DLP France Feb 96, DLP France March 02, DLP France Christmas to NY 03, WDW Christmas Eve to NY 04, WDW Oct 05, DL California Christmas to NY 05, DLP March 06, WDW Nov 06,DLP Paris Christmas to NY 06, WDW April 07 DL California Nov 07, WDW Dec 07, DLP Mar 08, DLP Jul 08, DL Hong Kong Mar 09, WDW Oct 09,  DLP Xmas 09[/size]