A few questions for upcoming day trip to both parks. Thanks in advance!

Started by FrontierlandFan, July 01, 2016, 02:14:34 PM

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Hello!  :D Later this month, my family and I will be visiting DLP for a day. I've been once before but I was only ten years old, and I'd think that going just to one of the parks in the off season is a bit different than going to both parks on the same day in the summer...! :-[

Because we won't have early entry privileges, and BTMRR is closed and we have no interest in Indy, we think we'd get a better morning start at the Studios than at Disneyland (since Fantasyland and Discoveryland will already be full of people by 10). Does that sound alright or would you still recommend visiting Disneyland first?

Is a Buzz Lightyear, Space Mountain, or Peter Pan Fastpass likely to run out the quickest?

How likely is it that the Space Mountain Single Rider line will be in use?

Do all Fantasyland attractions close for Dreams, or just some of them? Which ones?

Do some attractions have limited hours?

Any must-try snacks?

Ok, this question is going to seem like it's coming out of left field, but stay with me. They're small, but I don't want to miss them if they exist. Does DLP have any coin-operated orchestrions, mutoscopes, fortune tellers, or other such old-timey mechanical arcade things?
The only arcades listed as attractions are of the hallway type, but at DL CA we've got an orchestrion in a random corner of a Frontierland store, and a fortune teller off a side street in New Orleans Square, so couldn't hurt to ask..  :P

Thanks in advance for your answers! We're looking forward to a fun trip!  ;D


Sorry I can't help on the vast majority of your questions! I don't think it'll matter which park you go to first - it's personal preference I suppose! And if you are going for more than one morning you could always alternate between the two.

Must have snacks would be a Casey's hotdog (more like a lunch really!!) and a Disney cocktail in one of the restaurants/ bars. They don't do snacks quite on the same level as WDW.



If you start with the Studios first, make sure you grab fastpasses for Ratatouille as it's a quite popular ride. You can of course try the single riders queue, it's the one we've always used and didn't have to wait very long. There are also fastpasses available for Tower of Terror if you're interested in riding it. Crush's Coaster is an extremely popular ride as well which due to its low capacity has long waiting hours, it has a single riders queue that you can use, but it usually has 10 minutes less waiting time than the regular queue. If you're into shows, make sure you don't miss Mickey and the Magician, the preview was yesterday and everyone who attended reported that it's a stunning show.

As for the main park, fastpasses usually run out quickly no matter the ride, especially if it's a busy day. Make good use of single riders queues whenever possible.

All Fantasyland attractions close for Dreams, with no exceptions. There are CMs who direct you to other parts of the park before the show starts.

Apart from Fantasyland which closes for Dreams, there are no limited hours for the rest of the attractions, with the exception of course of rides breaking down.

I wouldn't say that it's a must-try snack, but you could give Pineapple Whip a try, a snack inspired by Dole Whip that can be found in the American parks.

I hope you have lots of fun and that next time you will be back for more days so that you can enjoy the parks at your own pace!  :D


Starting in the Studios then moving to the main Park seems like a good plan to me, we often do that. It sounds like you're familiar with the California Disneyland (and maybe Florida?), so if you want recomendations of stuff you won't have tried before, be sure to go for Ratatouille, Cinemagique, the new show in Animagique, and (if you like coasters and have time) Crush's Coaster. In the main park, you'll be familiar with most stuff, but our version of Buzz Lightyear is noticably better than the American ones, and spend some time exploring the upstairs section of the Castle and the Dragon underneath it. Hopefully you'll still be there in time to watch Dreams, as its a really great show :)

Quote from: FrontierlandFan on July 01, 2016, 02:14:34 PM
Do some attractions have limited hours?
The storybook boat ride and Casey Junior close earlier than everything else, I think.

Quote from: FrontierlandFan on July 01, 2016, 02:14:34 PM
Does DLP have any coin-operated orchestrions, mutoscopes, fortune tellers, or other such old-timey mechanical arcade things?
Unfortunately not really. There are games arcades but they only have comparitively modern games - DDR, Daytona 2 etc. The closest to what you're asking about would be the "flatten and indent a penny" style machines and the "Monnaie de Paris" gold coin vending machines, which are modern but in a vintage style design and build. As a side note, I collect the coins, and the are really nice - and only 2 euros each :) The machines are scattered around teh park - theres some in Disney Village, some in the main entrance area of the park under the hotel, and some in the arcade walkthroughs.

That said, be sure to check out the Art of Animation building in Studios Park - that has some genuine old machines with animation clips played from flipping card/photos - like the old "strip-o-gram" penny viewers, as well as other interesting old machines, including one of only 2 remaining original Disney multiplane cameras in the World.

Quote from: FrontierlandFan on July 01, 2016, 02:14:34 PM
Any must-try snacks?
You can get a deal in the parks from various places dotted around where you get a hot drink and a brownie (or similar) which comes in a re-usable plastic thermos style cup for around 6 euros - quite good value and you get a souvenier out of it :)

Not really a snack, more a full meal, but if you get time I'd thoroughly recomend the Annettes Maxi Incredible Burger from Annettes in Disney Village - a huge 600 g burger with fries, best I've ever had, and if you manage to finish it, you get a free milkshake!
Also, check if there is any concert on at Billy Bob's (again in the village) on the day you are there, the live entertainment there is free and often excellent, and the fixed price meal is only 13 Euros for a main, desert and drink.
I don't know how long your day will be, but both Annettes and Billy Bobs are open after Dreams and the parks close :)


Awesome! Thank you so much for your answers  ;D I'm really looking forward to this trip!

It sounds like we'll get Fastpasses for Ratatouille and go on Crush first thing, then do Cinemagique, the tram tour, mabye armageddon, and peak into animation to see some of the older machines there - including the multiplane! I don't think we'll do any of the other attractions at the Studios though. We only have one day and would rather spend more time at Disneyland.

We'll try for FP both on Peter Pan and Buzz, but we won't die if we can't get on one of them- we're from California and we have both of those attractions there. (I think the DLP version of Buzz is the same as the DL CA version... both better than WDW..) It would be cool to go on Buzz if only to catch a glimpse of 9-Eye though. ^^

I'm so excited for all the walk-through attractions, honestly. The Castle, the dragon, the Fort, Aladdin, the Nautilus... If only Adventure isle or the treehouse were open :P

That's unfortunate with the Fantasyland attractions. Oh well. I guess we'll just have to do them earlier.

Thanks for the snack suggestions.  :) a brownie in a souvenir cup sounds good, and if we're not exhausted at the end of the day (we plan to stay till close) we'll have to check out that burger in the village.

Thanks again! :D


Quote from: FrontierlandFan on July 04, 2016, 09:23:09 PM
I think the DLP version of Buzz is the same as the DL CA version... both better than WDW..)

Ah, you may be correct and I misremembered the CA one. I know that the Florida version is very limited and frustrating for those used to the Paris one, the guns are fixed for example.

Quote from: FrontierlandFan on July 04, 2016, 09:23:09 PM
It sounds like we'll get Fastpasses for Ratatouille and go on Crush first thing, then do Cinemagique, the tram tour, mabye armageddon, and peak into animation to see some of the older machines there - including the multiplane!
Sounds like a good plan for the Studios - although, be aware that many people here found Armageddon underwhelming considering the amount of time it takes - the pre-show and build up last ages (way longer than the actual show) and make it out to be way more exciting than it is ;) Its fun and all, but if you are time limited it does take quite a big chunk out of your day. The coolest thing about it is the big tank outside, which you of course don't have to queue to see.  8)

Glad you are so looking forward to it, and glad to see your enthusiasm for the walkthroughs - TBH one of the things I love about DLRP over the American Parks is a lot of the attention to design and detail that was put in to everything. Sounds like you'll hgave a lot of fun taking in everything, and of course all those things you mentioned have no queues  ;D Be sure to come back to the site here when you retuirn and let us know your impressions  8)


i'm not sure if this is what you are looking for in regards to the coins etc but i know there is a machine as you go into the Magic Kingdom where you put in a 2€ coin and get a 2€ disney coin. If you mean the machines where you put in a cent and it stretches it and indents a mickey image on it like you get in Florida no sorry we didnt see one.
hope that helps


If you are going to start at the studios and have your tickets in advance, I would say its worth queuing at the gates at 9.20am so that when they open at 9.30am you can run straight through to Crush, This way you can ride it within 10 minutes of opening and if you have any children old enough to dash for it you could even be first in line :)

if your children are old enough I would reccomend the single rider line for Rat as this is never really longer then 20 mins and often much shorter :)

in the main park, Peter Pan fast pass tends to run out quickest and Space mountain the slowest - even in August we have often been able to get a fp for this ride until late in the afternoon. Same with Buzz, you can usually get fast passes till mid afternoon. If you are staying in the park till close, both Space Mountain and Buzz tend to have very short queues towards the end of the day so a good time for doing them, same with Pirates


Just to clarify that Dreams is when the park closes so all rides close then. Only if you are already in a queue will they let you ride but the lines close at 11pm when Dreams begins.


I wouldn't bother with the tram tour to be honest. It's not as good as Florida and is very dated.


I enjoy the Tram Tour as well. Yes its a little dated, but its cool to see all the film props (which I assume are unique to this version, due to their nature), and the set from Reign of Fire and Catastrophe Canyon are impressive.