Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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I auditioned this morning too and got dismissed after the animation round.
It was soooo confusing! -___-


Chrisf101: it was right at the beginning when we got measured!! They hinted at it then that they were looking for taller people! What was the dance routine like? I'm sure you did really well and sometimes a lot of the time in auditions it's not based on your ability, just the roles they need to fill! (that's what I tell myself anyway, ha!) do you think you will audition again for it?


Bee_26: Oh I see! The dance routine was lots of spins, random steps etc, hard for a non dancer like me. It might have been doable at a slower tempo but it was sooo bloomin' quick! (quicker than the animation counts). I will audition again, wouldn't hurt to at least try!

PennyLane: Sorry to hear you didn't get through either! It seemed quite a lot of people didn't get through, probably because there was such a big turnout.


Chrisf101: that's true- doesn't hurt at all! :) well I am sure you will have much better luck next time, I hope you do anyway! :) ooh the dance sounds hard!! Do you know if many people got contracts?


spins! oh gosh, i am definitely getting nervous now!


Bee_26: Haven't got a clue if many people got contracts as I didn't stick around for too long and I was (sort of) in one of the first groups to do everything.

Disneyanniebelle: Don't be nervous, have fun!


Hi everyone!

I'm new to the forum, I'm auditioning on Thursday in Leeds, and after reading a lot of these posts I'm super nervous!! I just hope I'm what they're looking for! Luckily I'm a decent height!

Anyway, Hi, Good luck to all of you who I'll see on Thursday, and to those who didn't get through today/yesterday, I'm sorry :( Always next time! Well done to anyone who got in!!


How did people get on this week?


Hi sorry a quick change from the Parade audition chat, anyone who was waiting on contracts for summer for merchandise, food and beverage positions etc heard anything or on their way?!
im still here .. moved to the Pleiades the other week to live with Rebecca (shes on the thread too at some point in the past 134 pages..) and its greeeaaatt!! :D Loving every minute out here and im hoping to speak to the Team Leaders soon about extending my contract, just cant go home in september!!!!! Start work at 6 tonight so just chilling before hand :) hope everyone is well and best of luck for auditioning everyone in parade!! :))
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Hey Natalie!
Congratulations - i'm so glad you're enjoying it! What store are you in, again?
Would you look at changing for the extension time?

Just wondering aswell how you applied - was it online for this non character audition stuff or did you get this job through an audition?


Hey Natalie! So good to hear from you, I'm glad you're having a fantastic time! I never got a summer contract in the end, but I haven't given up and I'm currently waiting to see if I get a Christmas contract! x


Natalie! So good to hear from you! Hope you & Rebecca are having a fantastic time! I'm in the same position as Cendrillon x


Heeey guys :D im now working in Team Complex in the Disney Village which consists on World of Toys, Hollywood pictures, Disney  Fashion and Art Galleries.. I really love it :D everythings going just great apart from france is TOOO HOT at the moment haahah! I wake up like in a sauna every morning its vile but aside from that, disney is fab :D
My contract is supposed to end in September (too soon!) but i have asked for an extension or a permenant one, the store just has to wait to be told if any is available.. so im kinda just hanging on to hope at the moment that ill be able to stay! No way want to leave just yet.
@olivia I applied online on the disneyland paris casting website for general positions not character, and then i was invited to the interview a few months later, after a phone call, but at the interview they go through the positions available (hotel, boutique, food and beverage, attractions, ticketing, parking, guest flow etcetcetc) and then you can specifiy your prefered, and they will decide based on your level of french and experience what you're best suited for. :) it was quite a long process in total the whole thing and as you see people are still waiting for contracts, so if you're interested, apply online ASAP, might be a while til they do the interviews anyway but best just getting the ball rolling!
@cendrillon and sinead.. ohh no that horrible waiting game!!! :( have you heard anything recently? isit time to email someone and just say you interviewed whenever etc and you're still really interested in a contract for a certain time? keep you fresh in their mind. i dont think theres any harm in that. :D hope everyones ok! rebeccas just gone to work so im sat chilling in the appt on my day off. ^^ bon journee tout le monde! x
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Yeah, I sent an email to them when it became clear that they had given out most of the summer contracts explaining that I understood how many applications they must have but saying that I'd still love to be considered - I think Sinead did the same! And we both had emails back asking when we were available, and then further confirmation that they'd updated our applications - so fingers crossed our time will come soon!

Carry on having a wonderful time, and I hope you manage to get the extension!



Hi guys! First post here even though I've been creeping the boards for a while trying to grasp what I can about auditions etc!

I'm a HUGE Disney fan from the UK with the cheesy grin to match and when I graduate from my performance course next year I plan on auditioning for DLP - preferably a performance role (as that's my area of expertise) but if not I'll apply for an ops or service role!

Just wondering what you guys think on auditions - when is the best time to go for it? Should I audition in September even though I'm not available until June, just to get a feel for the auditions?

Congrats to everyone who's away/ready to leave for this summer - you guys are literally living my dream!

