Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Hey lewis.. Ino I was hoping I would be tooo but some day I promise!! Ehehhe audition was walk forward for 8 as a cowboy, turn as a pirate, on the spot as a dwarf, walk to the side as a villain theb princess curtsey and walk off :D did everythin good, felt dead confidernt and was different to everyone else, also took ur advice n tried to get to the front as much as poss!! Ohh well its just not meant to be, THIS TIME ! :P. God I bet uu lot think I'm a pile of poo at it but honestly I'm not chasin an impossible dream I really know I can do it! Hahaha thanks for all ur advice n kind words guys! :D helped a loaaaaddd aa<3
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


OH NO!!! Nat im sooooooo sorry, silly people not taking u on! Im sure u were fab (especially with all our coaching  :P ) but i guess its one of those things, unfortunately rejection becomes ur best friend in this industry  :(  Im so glad that youre being realisitic and not too upset about it and are determined to carry on, i know you will get to Disney one day, especially with this positive attitude you have, and will be a major asset to them!

Make sure you go the next audition your way, its probably nothing u did but as everyone has said its all about the 'look'. Noone but the casting people know what theyre looking for, its just luck on the day. You could be the most amazing perfomer but if you dont fit in with what theyre looking for they wont take you on...simples!

Keep your head up, sending u big hugs and lots of Disney love your way  :D


Sorry to hear that Nat :( Glad you had fun though!

But as you said, you just weren't what they were looking for today, I'm sure they'll snap you up when they've got the right height requirements for you next time! Each audition is such good experience, so now the next time you have a go, you'll be even better prepared :D


sorry you did not get through nat, but practice makes perfect, now you know what its like, you will be EVEN better next time, and who knows you mite just get through, keep my fingers crossed for you (and toes lol)

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2000 - Disneyland Paris - Sequoia Lodge
5th - 12th October 2008 - Santa Fe | My Trip Report]http://bit.ly/cCy0r0[/url] | My Trip
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Feb. 2012 - Florida - Radisson Hotel Orlando-Lake Buena Vista


Quote from: "ximike"I do not think they know what I am. Even sent a letter to the casting office of the United Kingdom to apply (because they can undestand what I mean more). But I am an aspiring actor, who would like to work somehow DLRP and gap year is an ideal way of doing

There is no need to send them a letter if you want to audition, you just simply turn up as there all open auditions  :D  

There are two auditions in London this week for DLRP:
Tuesday, July 27, 2010 at 10:00 AM - London Pineapple Studios. (Disney Character, Parade and Character Look-alike Performers)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at 10:00 AM - London Pineapple Studios.  (Disney Character, Parade and Character Look-alike Performers)

There are also auditions for Tokyo Disney in London in August:
Monday, August 23, 2010 at 10:00 AM - London Pineapple Studios. (Disney character look-a likes only)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010 at 10:00 AM - London Pineapple Studios. (For Male & Female Vocalists only)
Friday, August 27, 2010 at 10:00 AM - London Pineapple Studios. (For Male & Female Dancers only)
Friday, August 27, 2010 at 03:00 PM - London Pineapple Studios. (Female Aerialists only)

Hope that helped, Lewis xo


(one month today Lewis!)


I know Luke! Still feel un-organised! I've wrote a list but I'll be stressing out until I actually have everything packed!


hi was wondering if any one knows dlp policy on piercings ive got a couple on my face (nose bridge, snake bites and labret) for any poistions they have.
       I heard that they signed i diversity agreement with the goverment ors ome thing like that and they have things on the web site saying a inclkusive caravan and diverse company, i hope that would extended to me, i read some where that they are only just letting people with mustches in in WDW now thanks for info hope everys ones dreams come true X


I would imagine you can't have piercings, Disney aren't even that keen on facial hair for staff


Piercings are not allowed at disney while you work. Tattoos are also discouraged but i guess it depends on where they are. Just fits in with the whole 'clean' image disney promotes. You may be allowed to wear them outside of work but definately not while on duty


Quote from: "SM:M3"I would imagine you can't have piercings, Disney aren't even that keen on facial hair for staff

Nope, you can't. It's in the Disney contract:

"GROOMING: Whilst you are under a Disney contract, we request that you do not change your look by
getting any tattoos or having any piercings, as all piecing must be removed whilst at work due to safety reasons.
All Gentlemen as asked to be cleanly shaven every working show day.

FITNESS: (Also we would like everyone to remain in good heath). There are possibilities of joining the
Disney fitness club or inscribing with one of the local gyms. There are free dance classes organised in the
Parade centre."

Hope that helped.


Im sooooo looking forward to the free dance classes, altho im a bit worried that we'll be pressured to join the fitness club...you know my opinions on gyms lol. I hope we dont have to do fitness tests, i may be sacked on the spot!!!


Hello forum,
I auditioned the other day in London and got put on the waiting list for a character performer :). I hope I get a call soon, but that's probably wishful thinking. I think I might email Daniel and make sure that I put down the right starting date, is it too soon to email or should I do it ASAP?


Quick question, next year i wanted to get a Stitch tattoo on my upper arm, would that be accepted as its above your uniform? ps does anyone know if tattoos hurt, cause im sensitive! lol
101% Stitch LOVING!!


Yay, well done to you Laura!! Us magicforum peeps will be taking over the department soon :p  Id email him if i were u, just say that you cant remember the date you put down on the availability sheet but that you can start as of...... I emailed him twice and Lewis contacted him too so theres no harm in it! Are you character or character and parade??

dlrpmad i wouldnt advise getting a tattoo, u never know what the costumes will be like if u were in a show or parade and u wouldnt want to possibly reduce your chances by it being offered to someone without a tattoo. If u get a job at DLRP id wait until after to get it.....ps yes they hurt lol