Return to former standards

Started by penfold12, March 25, 2007, 02:26:38 PM

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I didn't put this in trip reports as its more of a comment than a report! But, I just got back from a week in DLRP, and the overwhelming feeling I had was the attempt to return the resort to former high standards.

Cheyenne being refurbed, through to simple touches such as the steam coming out of the coffee cup on the main street motors signage. Is it just me, are things getting back to the way they were?


I agree- everything looks bright and clean again. Big Thunder Mountain is in spectacular shape with all the special effects, animatronics, lights and sound effects running again. There's fire back around Adventureland, including Indiana Jones! The Discoveryland sign is rotating again- now let's hope they get the flame effects I've heard so much about running again. There are lights moving in Phantom Manor's windows once again. The Columbiad's recoil effect still isn't working (or at least it wasn't last time I went), but I'm hoping this will be fixed soon.

Now, all we need is a breathtaking re-imagineering of a classic attarction (Splash Mountain, Indiana Jones Adventure?) and it would really be back to its former standards


When you say the recoil effect, are you refering to the dry ice as you are shot out of the cannon? If so thats back in business too!


No, I know that's still working. The recoil is when the last two sections of the cannon move back as it launches.


The recoil mechanism breaks a lot, since 1995 when SM opened.  But since Mission 2 they're fixing it every week.


I just returned on 16th March and I felt the same way, far higher quality than the previous year.


Quote from: "Dark_Prince"I just returned on 16th March and I felt the same way, far higher quality than the previous year.

This is such fantastic news, if DLP is returning to it's former glory, then I will be spending more time there again!!!  Yay! :D
since 2001 (many before that)


I'm just hoping "back to former standards" includes dumping that crappy buffet in Beaver Creek Tavern at SL and bringing back those lovely mixed meat skewers - YUM! - We used to love eating in there :D


Im afriad not! I ate there last week, booking & expecting the meat skewers as they were my favorite too. But nope, its a buffett now :cry:


and than one day, one happy day, I will get back my table service breakfast at all restaurants in Newport Bay Club. Like at my first visit 8-[
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Quote from: "Lordofthemightybeasts"I agree- everything looks bright and clean again. Big Thunder Mountain is in spectacular shape with all the special effects, animatronics, lights and sound effects running again. There's fire back around Adventureland, including Indiana Jones! The Discoveryland sign is rotating again- now let's hope they get the flame effects I've heard so much about running again. There are lights moving in Phantom Manor's windows once again. The Columbiad's recoil effect still isn't working (or at least it wasn't last time I went), but I'm hoping this will be fixed soon.

Now, all we need is a breathtaking re-imagineering of a classic attarction (Splash Mountain, Indiana Jones Adventure?) and it would really be back to its former standards

Hopefully they will bring back the recoil effect on space mountain or find a way to stop it from breaking so often and get a re-imagineering of splash mountain and start building it. I no its a long shot but i hope in the couple of years to come they get a Splash Mountain to paris ! .


It's great to hear that all these things are working again! Some of the rides I'd never ridden with all the effects working until my last visit  :)

I feel that Splash Mountain is the only attraction that DLRP really needs.

Hopefully they'll get it someday  8)


Just one - maybe curious - question...
why do you think Splash Mountain is so important for DLRP?


Quote from: "RnRCj"It's great to hear that all these things are working again! Some of the rides I'd never ridden with all the effects working until my last visit  :)

I feel that Splash Mountain is the only attraction that DLRP really needs.

Hopefully they'll get it someday  8)

But what about the amazing Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye - awesome.
since 2001 (many before that)


Skysurfer-Personally, a water ride, I think, is important because it can be that first step for some people towards maybe doing a roller coaster. They tend to be accessable to nearly everyone. They cant do anything too fancy or too scary  :shock:  so you know that you're going on this ride to go down a coupla drops that make you think you've left your insides at the top n get you a bit damp.  :D

Even  our little Paultons Park down in Hampshire has three little water rides (OK one of em you cant go on if you're OVER 140cm! It's such a basic log flume for little people) but they are there and my kids love em.

So thats why I think we should have Splash Mountain. (very opinionated!)They just need a good theme.... (that old chestnut again :roll: )

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club