What is your least pleasurable DLRP experience?

Started by Masamune, December 28, 2006, 12:41:23 PM

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disney dreams

The only thing that annoys me is people pushing to meet and great characters.  I have 2 young children and on many occasions they have been knocked over by adults.  We always go to cafe mickeys so the children can meet the characters without any pushing or shoving or we queue for the characters were there is an organised line set out.  The only probelm being the characters you dont usually get in cafe mickeys or organised queses are the ones the children really want to meet.  We seen sully outside the studios one day, we were about second to approach him we waited for the first family to have thier picture taken and by our turn there was a mass of people and me and my children were pushed out of the way this was very dissapointing as my oldest loved watching monsters Inc at that time and it was his favourite character.  I leave this to my husband now he doesnt mind standing his ground with the children but I am to polite and soft, unfotunaly though its the children that miss out.  I could not fault WDW florida for this as every character has a cast member who has everyone organised in line and if anyone tries to push in they get told where to go, the back!!
Dec 2004 - Newport Bay
Oct 2005 - WDW Florida
Dec 2005 - New York
Dec 2006 - Disneyland Hotel
Dec 2007 - Newport Bay
Oct 2008 - Sequia Lodge


If I'm honest, this ones simple

Going Home  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:


My worst experience...

I bought a minnie mouse pen, that was like a snowglobe, and when you write with it, minnie lit up! The next day after I bought it, Minnie stopped lighting up, and when I went to get the REAL Minnie Mouse's autograph when she came round at lunch, the nib of the pen went right up inside it. The guy that was with minnie just said "Oh go to the gift shop, explain what happened, and you'll get a new one!"

The woman in the gift shop said "No, we can't just give you a new one if you've broken it!" But I wasn't the one who broke it, it just happened!

I got a flashing one at Christmas though! I still kept the snowglobe pen, cause I like it, but I got a flashing minnie one from Santa! I use it for school!


@ disney dreams - :lol: I'm like your husband in that I'll happily stand my ground. People seem to think that because I'm not a child (I'm 20), I have absolutely no right to have my pic taken with a character, and therefore their kids should be allowed to go in front of me. :o I'm very polite and patiant as well, but I won't allow others to push me around.

@ javey - :P This one is just obvious.

@ Minnie - :( Aww, that's such a shame. And it sounds like the Cast Member you dealt with was very rude to you, which isn't good at all.


It wasn't the cast member, it was the shopkeeper! She took it off me, had a look, and then gave it back shaking her head and saying "Nope, you've broken it!"

This is a bad experience too:

We were in the line to see Goofy dressed as father christmas in the sleigh, and the kid in front of us got to the que, and his pen ran out. They spent so long to find a pen he could borrow from someone else, and getting his photo taken, that by the time it was me and martin's turn, the guy standing with goofy said "OK! GOOFY WILL BE BACK IN 30 MINUTES!" We were all like "WAH? WE STOOD HERE FOR ALMOST AN HOUR!"

It was even worse when we went to see mickey! We stood in that que for AAAAGES and little kids kept running past us, and this woman with a double pram rammed into the back of my legs and said "Ugh! Watch where you're going!!!"

In the end we got so sick we missed out on Mickey, and went for hot chocolate and a good spot for the parade! Which reminds me, when you're watching the parade, does it seem as if people with video camers always say to you "Can you bend down a bit?" or "Can you move this way just a tad?" and then end up shoving you half way through so they can see? And parents at the back always say to their kids "Go and squeeze between them at the front. Yes, just knock that little girl flying!"


:( Other guests can be so ignorant. :lol: You should read through the rest of this thread, as I think all of us have mentioned bad experiences with other guests.


I have been sooo lucky with my vistits to Disneyland it seems! ... up until recently anyway.

After months of scrimping and saving to pay for me and my boyfriend to go to Disneyland, the day came to pay off the rest of the bill (about £700 outstanding for hotel etc) and my card kept being declined by a VERY impatiant Disney employee, dispite the bank telling me it was not them stopping the transaction and must be whoever was actioning it! I thought I was going to loose my holiday!! :-(
finally the payment was accepted (spread over my card, my mums card and my boyfriends!).

Then when we finally arrived at CDG airport, we missed the fist shuttle bus, the second didn't turn up, we weren;t too bothered as it was low season and thought they must have cut some buses because they just weren't needed. When one finally turned up, the bus driver had a very short temper, tryed to tell us something in French (my French isn't good at the best of times, let alone underpressure) before making a gesture as if to say "f" off (sorry for any offence). the next one turned up about three hours after our plane landed and was again the short tempered bus driver! this time he let us on thankfully!!!!

My biggest pet peeve is with shows and parades, i stake out a good pitch every time only to have (like mentioned before) people puch infront of you with buggies or push thier kids through (I don't mind the children 1. its the parents not them. 2. disney is for kids (and big kids too!) 3. they attract characters for me to film/take photos of) its just I find this incredibly rude that they think that they can turn up at the last minute. the worst thing i find is when trying to watch and someone puts their kid on their shoulders!!! WHY?!?!?! i'm sorry but as i mention DISNEY IS FOR BIG KIDS TOO!!! lol and i'm certanly one of those. I actually cried when people kept doing this to me during Candelabration!! especially when the kid in question had REFLECTIVE coat on, so all my flash on my camera did was bounce back off the kid :-(

The only other bad experience I've ever had was when me and my boyfiend came to dlrp for the week before Christmas, due to fly back on the 23rd of Dec to be home for Christmas day.... and our flight was cancelled due to the fog in England. we got put on another flight, which as soon as we got to the front of check in ... was again cancelled. we had to stay one night in the Ibis at CDG (not very pleasurable when you are used to the Disneyland hotels!) and spent all of Christmas eve waiting for a seat to become free on a plane:-( being told constantly families and children come first (had it been a couple of months earlier we would have been "children" none of this was Disney's fault, but i't would have been nice to have got an extra day in Disneyland!!
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]


:shock: What a nightmare! :( It would totally freak me out if someone started having a go at me in a language I don't understand, especially if they were making nasty gestures as well.

In regards to kids and the parades/shows, I'm happy to have kids stand in front of me. ;) Like you say, they draw the attention of characters. What I don't understand is why a lot of people can't just politely ask if their child can stand in front, rather than just shoving them between people's legs.


it wasnt as bad as it sounds! and we didnt let it get us down after all its disneyland!! and we had spent too much on this holiday to let it be ruined by someone we didnt know, although at the time i was facing redundancy at work and didnt know if i would have a job to come home to, luckily we stayed open!!

and i got some of the best shots EVER of characters on my last trip, thanks to the children i allowed to stand infront of me lol. and to see their faces light up is magical (i'm not allowed any of my own yet :-( )
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]


:P The great thing about DLRP is that it's very difficult for your holiday to be ruined, even if you have one of these negative experiences.


My worst Trip is back in june 2007!

it was the arrival day, a rainy day and my birth day, me and my (ex boyfriend)
got to DLRP for 3 days befor he got back to the usa.

we was at the hotel very late so we just want to go at first to the studios, on this day i was very angry and upset because it was my birthday and i want to go first do the disneyland park, but he didn´t want. so on this day this girl dies on Rnrc so this day was over for me.
he was happy about it because we went back to the hotel and he can sleep...

on the second day we got to the main park, and here begins the trouble. at first i got to the emporium to buy something for my friends at home, but i didn´t find my money, i was looking around and he was nomore on my side, later on that day he gave me my money and told me he don´t wannt that i spend money there.
the next is every slow ride we didn´t ride it because he dont like it, the parades i cant watch he dont wanna see it and this goes the whole day. at 4 o´clock he was driving alone to paris, at this time i did what he don´t want to do, at this time i was so happy.

on the last day he told me that i have to pay a bill for his trip to paris and for some stuff at the hotel, i didn´t know anything about it. i was so upset with him that i went alone to the parks and let him alone.

so the funniest thing at all is he did the same crap at WDW in november 2006, at this time i asked him why he did it, and he told that he was so often at WDW for him it is boring. but he wanna go to DLRP because its new for him. but the end of the song is he did the same again.

my next visit is with friends they are all disney fans!!


:shock: I hope you don't mind me saying, but your ex sounds very childish.


and selfish  :?
like so many i too get fed up with the people pushing in. it's time they assigned a cast member to every character, and not just the ones with the photographer.
i would say my worse experiance was on the way there and back. on our last visit 3 years ago we were unfortunate enough to be sat next to the most annoying woman. we'd got all the way to france peacefully and came across this woman and her family on the bus that would take us to cheyenne. she had a teenage boy, a son about 6 or 7 and a husband. there was another couple who had 2 girls around the same age as the younger one. the husband appeared to be asleep the entire trip, the teenager couldn't do a thing right and the other boy was apparently an angel. his halo seemed to be missing to those of us that live in the real world. she apparently wanted to go to greece and reminded her friend at every opportunity, it became apparent that it was her turn to pick. we pulled up at the sequoia and she again informed her friend that if she had booked this holiday she would of pick this hotel and the cheyenne was a dump. she hadn't even seen it! she even got a bag of sweets out and offered everyone a sweet but the teenager! she was just so cruel to him and her friend. i think that's why she annoyed me so much. when we got to or room we discovered those nice people at disney had put her in the next room to us. everyone knew when she arrived at breakfast. apart from that we rarely saw her. we saw her boys though who always seemed to be on their own. they always smiled and said hello and the teenager was very kind to my daughter when she dropped her stuff. i don't think he was the devil she believed.
didn't let her ruin my holiday though  :D i was in disneyland after all
just like alice you\'re in wonderland


Quoteso on this day this girl dies on Rnrc



Quote from: "MinniesBestPal"
Quoteso on this day this girl dies on Rnrc

Yes  :(  
