Strikes causing problems in DLP

Started by DedicatedToDLP(Steve), March 30, 2012, 05:02:22 PM

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i think many of us agree that taking strike action inside the park wasn't the right place to do it, but then others say how else do they get their point across. They didn't need to cheer and celebrate stopping the parade. I support the right for people to go on strike but I don't like to be put out when the trains, boats, planes and parades stop running. You were unlucky. Put it down to experience.
Ed & David


I am sure if they had put more thought into it they could have found a way that didn't put so much misery into thousands of children,I hope they don't get a pay rise after what they did they have no sympathy off anybody that had to witness the strike with there children so many people went home with bad memories maybe we should have gone on strike to put are point across.
 am disgusted with Disneyland and would never recommend it to anyone


That's probably what the strikers are hoping you will say, they want to cause Disneyland maximum trouble until they get what they want, that's why they try to stop the parades. They know they can hurt the company that way.
Ed & David


Quote from: "Epcot_Boy"I was there yesterday and the reason I was given for the various cancelations was that the power lines which (especially around TS) could be found on the ground along the route made it impossible to run the parade :?  Also all the transportation and mini morning parades were cancelled because of this reason. This came from a CM that I was talking to, he could have been spinning me a line though :oops:

The strikers were there obviously but from what I saw it was all good natured, if noisey ;)  I have some pics and a video of the events and will post them when I can.
Those power lines where there all week and did not stop the parade the other days. Our family found the striking CMs quite noisy and unpleasant.


Both the parade and the character train went out perfectly on press day, Saturday 31st. The only signs of a strike we saw were a few banners and people handing out leaflets at the gates, who Kristof quietly booed as we passed!

The parade was heavily guarded by "security" though, walking a few metres apart on both sides of the parade for its entire length. It looked like everyone had come out to support the parade and make sure it went through, no matter what. We even spotted Peggie Fariss, head of Paris Imagineering, walking alongside it!

Again, during the press "premiere" of the 20th Anniversary Celebration Train, there were about 20 CMs on each side, guarding its run around the parade route. They began clapping along half way up Main Street.

A great show of solidarity from the 99.9% of the 15,000 hard-working Cast Members who don't want all their efforts ruined by an unpleasant and out-of-touch minority, who could have seriously harmed the resort's reputation on the one weekend it was seeking to cast off its troubled earlier years. I don't know the finer details of what they're requesting, but surely one day these people will realise that disrupting the "product" of their loss-making employer is not the best way to get a raise - and certainly not the way to get any public support.


quite agree Anthony, although after similar disruption (last year?) and identical cheering to a parade cancellation, I think they got their raise!!!


Quote from: "Maine82"I am sure if they had put more thought into it they could have found a way that didn't put so much misery into thousands of children,I hope they don't get a pay rise after what they did they have no sympathy off anybody that had to witness the strike with there children so many people went home with bad memories maybe we should have gone on strike to put are point across.
 am disgusted with Disneyland and would never recommend it to anyone

Please tell me how could they have found a better way??????????

I agree with a lot of people here that the way of the strike is not well chosen but what is the best way for a CM to get his way.
Stop the main event that everybody wants to see.
It isn't fun for the guest and very scary for the children but it is their only hard leverage they have.
When the trains or planes go on strike they won't ride/fly a lot of people get stuck and have a bad experiance but we all can relate to them. So way can't we relate to the CM wo were on strike?
Simple we all are selfish and think: hé I paid a lot of money and you just need to work because I paid foir it.

I can understand all the bad thoughts here I really can.

Maine82 you say you are disgusted with Disneyland and would never recommend it so that means the CM on strike won.
You had a bad experiance for 1 day yes I know you wanted your children to have the best memory to take home and not a strike, but if you let that influance you in that way I really hope you never ever get to deal with another strike because than your life will be very dull for exsample if you never want to fly anymore because of a plane strike you won't get to a great place like Disneyland in Anaheim.
My own Radiostation on Radionomy. listen to AYFM on:


I've read on Disney Central plaza that another strike has been called for April 12th surprise, surprise. I hope the strike, if it happens, turns out to be a flop with little or no support from CMs.
Ed & David


Indeed they are planning a strike on the resort hub the 12th, from 8 till 12 am...


Well if it's on the the resort hub and not in the parks that might not be to bad. I hope such a special  day isn't spoilt for guests.
Ed & David


For goodness sake, if they aren't happy working for Disney they should just leave.


Quote from: "15MagicalYears"For goodness sake, if they aren't happy working for Disney they should just leave.


I doubt any of them are being forced to work there. They will have signed contracts when they began employment there, which meant they agreed to the terms of employment. Unless the terms have changed since they signed the contract, then it's their own fault if they aren't happy. They would get no sympathy from me if their picket line blocked my way into the parks.
WDW - July 2010 - All Stars Music (honeymoon)
DLP - March 2011 - Santa Fe
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From my experience the majority, not all, of the cast members are young adults or teenagers and this is just a part-time job. To me this just comes across as greed.  I'm a student and work part-time in retail and would never in my wildest dreams consider striking for a 25(or whatever percentage it is) raise for Sunday work and a bonus. Like I said before, if they aren't happy working for Disney they should go elsewhere.


Come on, this is ridiculous!
You think that working for Disney automatically means forfeiting your rights? Same could be said about every other profession in the world. "You don't like it here? Fine, you are free to leave." God forbid workers fighting for their rights or better payment.

A strike normally stands at the end of failed negotiations so Disney is to blame as well for not preventing the situation to escalate. A strike is the only way for employees to get the company where it hurts. Yes, it is a great inconvenience for the visitors as well as for Disney - but that is the general idea. Nobody here knows what they want and what the company offered them, so don't be so quick to judge people as selfish when you don't know jack about them. The real world does not end at the park gates, if Disney wants to sell the illusion, it is their job to keep their employees happy, not the other way around.

my 2 cents


Quote from: "15MagicalYears"For goodness sake, if they aren't happy working for Disney they should just leave.
Because I'm sure it's really easy to find another job... :|

Quote from: "pfspock"Nobody here knows what they want and what the company offered them, so don't be so quick to judge people as selfish when you don't know jack about them.
But we do. See this post:

Quote from: "DisneyFanB"From what I read, they are on strike for a 4% increase in pay, 25% increase for Sunday work and a one time bonus of €359 for the 20th anniversary.
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