Strikes causing problems in DLP

Started by DedicatedToDLP(Steve), March 30, 2012, 05:02:22 PM

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Surly it should be an honour to work at DLP, thats discusting to hear. We where there last week and despite being there 3 times before. Had the most amazing time, looking into going back for the 20th anniversary celebrations now. Our daughter was treated like royality, we cant thank the cast members enough. x


It's absolutely disgusting and I hope that they were actually fired for this. The increases I read of are unreasonable. When you work somewhere like DLP, you don't work there for the money. That's the last thing that should motivate you to work there. I used to work at a theme park, and pay was the last thing on my mind. Working sundays, I'm sorry but it's part of the job, it's one of the busiest days of the week as it's a weekend. They should have an unbderstanding of that when they sign the contract. They have ruined things for many many people. But it's the children I feel most for. And to hear that they cheered at the announcement that the parade was cancelled is sickening. I hope they've all been dealt with.
Where me keys? Where me phone?


Quote from: "Auroura86"It's absolutely disgusting and I hope that they were actually fired for this.

 The increases I read of are unreasonable. When you work somewhere like DLP, you don't work there for the money. That's the last thing that should motivate you to work there. I used to work at a theme park, and pay was the last thing on my mind. Working sundays, I'm sorry but it's part of the job, it's one of the busiest days of the week as it's a weekend. They should have an unbderstanding of that when they sign the contract. They have ruined things for many many people. But it's the children I feel most for. And to hear that they cheered at the announcement that the parade was cancelled is sickening. I hope they've all been dealt with.

you can't be fired for taking strike action if you are a member of the union.


People are entitled to strike and as Elaine says, you can't be fired for doing so.

While I'm sure it was very disappointing for people hoping to see the parade, there isn't much point in strike action that doesn't inconvenience someone in some way. Perhaps the CMs could think of a visitor friendly strike, like not selling tickets and letting everyone in without them, or not charging for food, but the scope is limited and both would be much harder to arrange.

I hope that most CMs enjoy their jobs, but I'm not sure I'd call it vocational like doctors, nurses or teachers and I think it's a bit unreasonable to expect them to be doing it for love alone.


Quote from: "DutchBrit"People are entitled to strike and as Elaine says, you can't be fired for doing so.

While I'm sure it was very disappointing for people hoping to see the parade, there isn't much point in strike action that doesn't inconvenience someone in some way. Perhaps the CMs could think of a visitor friendly strike, like not selling tickets and letting everyone in without them, or not charging for food, but the scope is limited and both would be much harder to arrange.

I hope that most CMs enjoy their jobs, but I'm not sure I'd call it vocational like doctors, nurses or teachers and I think it's a bit unreasonable to expect them to be doing it for love alone.

I couldn't have said it any better and totally agree. It's their right to strike, but I feel also sorry for the guests. Just because it is Disneyland doesn't mean that everything is fine there. However I think they should not have gone into the park. The resort hub would have been more appropriate.


I don't know how it works in France, but in Portugal when you're on strike, you can't to go inside the facilities.


Hopefully the matter will soon be sorted out and a compromise can be reached between management and unions, which is what usually happens in the end. Everything seems to have gone OK today, so it looks like it's just a minority of CMs taking action. I agree that strikers shouldn't be sacked and it is in France where strike action does seem to be apart of the culture. That said I also agree that the resort hub would have been more appropriate than the park. I do know if I had been there I would have very disappointed to find parades and shows cancelled and rides closed for a time. It is Disneyland and for some people it is once in a lifetime experience. And although I'm not a father myself, I can imagine the situation would have been very disappointing for children.
Ed & David


It's the children that I was thinking of when I said that, just don't see why just because they're part of the union, and are legally striking; that they should be able to get away with ruining things to that extent. Had they been at the hub, I probably wouldn't have been so extreme as to say fired. Just, not allowed to get away with taking it to the extent that they did, and to cheer when the parade was cancelled. So not fired, but definitely given some sort of warning. You know?
Where me keys? Where me phone?


I was there yesterday and the reason I was given for the various cancelations was that the power lines which (especially around TS) could be found on the ground along the route made it impossible to run the parade :?  Also all the transportation and mini morning parades were cancelled because of this reason. This came from a CM that I was talking to, he could have been spinning me a line though :oops:

The strikers were there obviously but from what I saw it was all good natured, if noisey ;)  I have some pics and a video of the events and will post them when I can.



I was at Disneyland on the day of the strike on Friday all protesters were outside the park in the morning nobody thought anything of it as you never expect anything like that to happen.this was my childrens Christmas present and those who choose to strike I hope you all are very happy my children sat waiting for a parade to be met by protests,security,and angry parents that were waiting for a chance to wipe the smile off the protesters.they were cheering when the parade was not going ahead the poor children that had there dreams shattered by total selfish people.go on strike but what right did they have to ruin childrens holidays childrens dreams and memories did they think about the money we spent to go when they were striking about there pay.
Hope Disneyland digs deep in there pockets as I am gonna fight till I get back what I spent on a disaster holiday as should everybody that was there for these pathetic strikes


Quote from: "Maine82"go on strike but what right did they have to ruin childrens holidays childrens dreams and memories did they think about the money we spent to go when they were striking about there pay.
Hope Disneyland digs deep in there pockets as I am gonna fight till I get back what I spent on a disaster holiday as should everybody that was there for these pathetic strikes

    Umm, you were only there for one day? If so, then I can imagine that not having a parade would be disappointing, but would that really turn a whole trip into a disaster? I thought I read that several characters did come out and walk the parade route, so that must have been some consolation?

    I suppose you can try to get something in the way of compensation, but I wouldn't be holding my breath, to be honest.


    No body pays the money they do to go there and not see the parade there were a few characters that came out of the city hall but so many people crowded them it was impossible to see them any matter how many days I was there for I didn't expect to have my children upset when it was meant to be a fairy tale holiday.just say you went to a garage payed for a car you really wanted for someone to tell you when you pick it up that you can't have that one and you have to settle for a old banger but you wouldn't be refunded for the expensive car you payed for.Disneyland has a lot to answer for and after speaking to other parents there,they will not here the end of it for a while off a lot people


    Quote from: "Maine82"No body pays the money they do to go there and not see the parade there were a few characters that came out of the city hall but so many people crowded them it was impossible to see them any matter how many days I was there for I didn't expect to have my children upset when it was meant to be a fairy tale holiday.

    So in fact you did see the parade, just not on that particular day. I think that does make a difference, really. Also there are no guarantees that ANY entertainment or attraction will be run/be open on any one particular day. I doubt that you can really hope to prove liability.

    Most closures/no shows are due to unavoidable circumstances, which of course this was not, so I can imagine it is more annoying. But perhaps just not as annoying as you seem to be finding it! One has to have a sense of proportion about these things.


    Unfortunetly or fortunetly people are allowed to strike in all professions, it was just bad luck that you ran into one. You could have been caught up in a transport strike. But I do sympathise, strikes aren't very magical.
    Ed & David


    I was there for more then one day but didn't see the parade as we were not at that park the time of the parade our last day we wanted the children to see the parade to leave on a high and have a great last memory.
    I am not saying I don't agree with people striking but what grown adult would shout and cheer that a parade had been cancelled because of them and see thousands of children unhappy, scared because of there actions people like that shouldn't be working around children any way.wasn't the childrens fault they don't get enough pay but they were the only ones that suffered that day