Horrible horrible smoking!

Started by Sully, December 02, 2011, 01:14:55 AM

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Hey guys, listen to THIS: Last Year, we were on Main Street USA, Central Plaza, waiting for the parade. When, out of nowhere a smoker came towards us, shoved their cigarette in the bin (that was right next to us) and walked off. After a matter of seconds, the bin started smoking, literally! Smoke was puffing out of the bin! My Mum (not Mom) informed a CM who went off and, like in a swarm of flies, a load of Security Personnel came in and cordoned the area off. A Woman in a Denim Jacket showed my Mum a Security Badge. Then we moved to another spot. The End! You'll probably know why they cordoned it off. Coulda got worse, you know what I mean, cigarette + bin = TROUBLE


Quote from: DisneyManiac on April 28, 2013, 03:58:07 PM
Hey guys, listen to THIS: Last Year, we were on Main Street USA, Central Plaza, waiting for the parade. When, out of nowhere a smoker came towards us, shoved their cigarette which they got from ecigfiend in the bin (that was right next to us) and walked off. After a matter of seconds, the bin started smoking, literally! Smoke was puffing out of the bin! My Mum (not Mom) informed a CM who went off and, like in a swarm of flies, a load of Security Personnel came in and cordoned the area off. A Woman in a Denim Jacket showed my Mum a Security Badge. Then we moved to another spot. The End! You'll probably know why they cordoned it off. Coulda got worse, you know what I mean, cigarette + bin = TROUBLE
Well smoking is surely horrible and good for nothing.. It must be banned in public places..


Hi all,

Just got home from a 3-day trip today. Had a wonderful time, but I did notice smokers on this trip more than previous occasions.

What I do know is that:
1) the no smoking signage in the parks is poor and the only ones you tend to see are when entering indoor attractions, where the reason for not smoking is being in/on a ride. It is written, in tiny print, at the bottom of the park map.
2) like queue-jumping, there is absolutely no enforcement whatsoever.
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Quote from: Sully on December 02, 2011, 01:14:55 AM
One thing I noticed last week at DLRP that I don't remember from before, is the HUUUUGE numbers of people smoking.  I know the proportion of smokers is very high in France in general compared to the UK, but it really was very noticeable just how many people were lighting up everywhere I went.

I thought Disney was supposed to be a "smoke in smoking areas" sort of place, but it clearly isn't enforced.  A few yobs were actually smoking aboard Big Thunder Mountain when I was riding at one point, couldn't believe it.

I've not been to any other Disney park, but I'd be EXTREMELY surprised if the American parks permitted smoking.

I have to say that it was one of the very very few things which spoilt Disney Paris slightly for me.

What's everyone's thoughts?
I agree with you! I was a smoker to but no way that I smoke in a area where kids are or much as people are. Always at a area with no kids or no people. But now I am a e-smoker :D so no smells!!


If there is no enforcement, perhaps we should start the enforcement as a team.


I think it depends on the CM and also as awful as it sounds your nationality.

In November my partner had stopped smoking for 2 months and was finishing his course on the inhalators( the ones that look like little white applicators!). We were stood waiting for the parade when a group of French stood next to us and sparked up right by us and our son. A CM came over and we thought great they'll tell them off but instead the CM came over to us and said if my partner didn't stop smoking he would be evicted from the park! We pointed out that he was using an inhalator (there are no fumes even that come out of these) and that he wasn't smoking but that the group of people next to us were. The CM walked off in a huff, spoke some words of French to the group next to us, they all had a chuckle and and then he left! The other group just stood there and carried on smoking. I couldn't believe it!

I personally think there should just be an outright ban in the parks altogether.


Quote from: gemma2806 on July 15, 2014, 08:06:40 PM
I think it depends on the CM and also as awful as it sounds your nationality.
I personally think there should just be an outright ban in the parks altogether.

Actually it is, Disney Parks have a no smoking policy except in the designated smoking areas. Unfortunately it is up to Park Management via the CMs to enforce this policy. If the Park Management and CMs had the same brand loyalty and same Disney spirit as the American parks, then maybe they would enforce the Disney No Smoking Policy. Also I think it is the different opinion between America and Europe regarding smoking in general. In America, smoking is very much frowned on and seen as very anti social. European people think that as they are outdoors in DLP they can smoke anywhere they choose. In the American parks this does not happen.

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Has someone created a petition on a crack down on smoking in Disneyland Paris?


I have a smoker friend, but she can spend a whole day without a cigarette and takes care not to smoke where it is forbidden. When she came on holidays to DLP, she asked a CM where she could smoke. The answer? Everywhere except for queues and indoor areas. If freaking CMs aren't told the rules, how on Earth are visitors supposed to know them?!
The French smoke quite a lot, but in France, I've never seen people smoke where it is forbidden. So it's just another case of DLP being very French about things and not giving a damn. They don't care that food is worse quality than Subway, they don't care that toilets are nasty, and they certainly don't care if a group of people are smoking right next to very small children. And if the management doesn't care, or even tells them they can smoke where they aren't supposed to, smokers won't care either.


Oh God ... I really don't think it has something to do with "them just being French".
Every nationality has flaws (or maybe I've putted that wrong, every country has good and bad people, maybe like that?), no matter where you are from.

And you just can't compare Europeans to Americans, no point in doing that (just like there is no point in comparing every other park to Disney or whichever park you choose to compare it with), we are not like them, they are not like us, it's a totally different mentality between every nation.

I've been to London a good amount of times, it bothers me more that every 30 minutes I need to wash my hands, because it is so dirty out there, just from walking outside they get all black from smokes and fumes, then someone who smokes, when, if I can't handle the smoke, I won't make a fuss and I'll just move.


Quote from: nathalie on November 08, 2014, 09:54:57 AM
I really don't think it has something to do with "them just being French".
[...] it's a totally different mentality between every nation.

You just contradicted yourself. And Paris is exactly the same. Not in people smoking more or less, because that shouldn't be a problem in DLP. If they can't smoke in queues, doesn't matter how many smokers there are, they won't. The problem is, the management doesn't care about the simplest rules that make a big difference being reinforced, or even making sure their staff know them so they can at least reinforce them. So the bathrooms are a mess, just like in the Louvre. Just like the metro is super old and the stations smell like pee and they don't do anything about it. The RER trains are full of trash because people have dinner etc. in there and then leave cans and bags in the floor, or they just puke all over the floor, and there's nobody to clean it so people will have to ride a train full of puke for the whole day. Because they don't care. That's the problem, not the nationality of the smokers (although the French do smoke quite a lot, yes).

DLP is French. For the good and for the bad.


I thought of an Eddie Izzard quote when typing that, so it came out like that I suppose.


I total agree, i do think it has gotten worse over the years. I dont think the smoking areas are known and thats why they smoke where ever they want. I do agree that it should be banned, just think if someone didn't put it out properly and it set something on fire!! I think this needs to be addressed sooner before something bad happens, i also agree that the castmembers should be enforcing it also, it should be part of there job role.
To continue that it could get set something on fire, if people are doing it in lines to rides or even on rides then they should be escorted away from the ride and removed as it is not pleasant for other people to breathe second hand smoke!!!


Non smoker here. I don't really care if people smoke in the park. Just don't do it in the queue or crowded areas. It's common decency.
On the other hand. Ever been to Orlando? Smokers are being treated like criminals. When waiting outside the Hotel for the bus to the parks I saw a CM directing a smoker (who stood as far away as possible from the other people) to the parking lot on the other side of the street. That was an overreaction imo. No way I want these kinds of rules enforced in Europe.
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