Horrible horrible smoking!

Started by Sully, December 02, 2011, 01:14:55 AM

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Quote from: "SVioletS"Last week we only got some french men (they were always french men, don't know why...) smoking in queues.  Everywhere else i really don't care and it doesn't bother me. But in queues i find it really annoying and a huge lack of respect.

You must be far more tolerant than me :)  I'm afraid I would have not shown the same tolerance believe you me :lol:  :o
Smoking in line is a big no no for me, and they would have been left in no doubt about that, French or not :lol:



Is there a proper ban now on smoking (outside of designated areas) ?

I ask because when we was there 3 years ago we were stood queuing for the parade and a french lady decided to firstly butt in and stand in front of our little one in his pushchair and then proceeded to light up.  Despite numerous complaints from us and the family next to us she refused to put it out.


http://www.dlrpmagic.com/planning/pract ... s/smoking/

As I suspected smoking is not allowed apart from in designated areas however as said before it is really down to a lack of enthusiasm to enforce the rule on Disney's part.  many people are unaware of the rule (or just ignorant in general) and Disney dont really do enough to make people aware of it.

I think that they need to start enforcing it a lot more.


the sighns  are mostly in french to be fair  the areas we found  were  on main street  a small area on fantasy land  and  outside the carrige  in auberge  and in fronteirland  thats  where  me mrs went and cast members said thats whar to smoke


god next time  it looks like we  will have to get a smoking  room as  she kept  going outside we didnt ask  thought it banned in france aswell


We've just go back from a 5 day trip and the amount of people smoking seemed to have increased considerably. Walking around the parks or waiting for a parade to start we just couldn't escape the constant cloud of smoke. Waiting for the Christmas Tree Lighting my Mother had to move and waiting for Dreams it was getting hard to breathe. Most days were foggy so maybe the smoke wasn't blowing away which is why it seemed worse than usual?

Twice I saw people smoking whilst talking to Cast Members and nothing was said.

I don't like smoking, but other people smoking doesn't normally bother me but on this trip it was really getting to me. Walking out of a lovely smelling hotel lobby straight into a cloud of smoke is not a great way to start the day.

OK rant over.

Off Site June 1992
Santa Fe, July 2009
Cheyenne, June 2010
Newport Bay Club Admirals Floor, July 2011
Sequoia Lodge, Christmas November 2011
Sequoia Lodge, June 2012
Hotel New York, Christmas November 2012
Hotel New York, Halloween 2013
Disneyland Hotel, Christmas 2014 and Christmas 2015
Newport Bay Club Compass Club, Christmas 2016 and Christmas 2018


No, you are completely right MrsPirate. As a castmember I try to make sure people know about the rule, especially around characters. However, it's not always possible and especially french people are very sensitive about it as they think it's their right to smoke anywhere they want (probably because of the abrupt way the smoking laws were introduced in France). I do always try to give them the locations where they CAN smoke but mostly they don't even want to know and I'm very sure most of them lit one up again after I leave.

It's a horrible habbit to smoke in a park like Disney and in my opinion it's mostly up to the company to prevent this from happening by informing guests BEFORE they enter the park. For example by communicating it in the busses to the parks, putting up signage at the ticket boots, etc.

I hope it will some day happen!


Jens, you're so right. I can't even think about the words to formulate how 'astonished' I am when I'm waiting in a line and I see a person lighting up a cigarette in the middle of a big crowd full of young children. I'm always just standing there with a face like 'where are your manners?' and all they do is lift their eyebrows and turn around.  It would be way better if Disney informed everyone BEFORE they entered the parks. And even better would be if the castmembers direct the smokers to a smoking area.


Just got back from DLP today and I have to say I was disgusted with the amount of smoking in the park. I would say at least a fifth of all adults were smoking. I had to ask a CM to stop a woman smoking in the queue for Winnie the pooh. A woman was smoking only 2 metres away from Belle as she did her meet and greet. I really found it hard to find anywhere to wait with my little boy while my husband took my daugter on rides. CMs were doing nothing. People were standing right next to them smoking and they were saying nothing.
It is not the CMs fault. It is the managements fault. There are no big signs or anouncements. There should be big signs as you enter the park. These people are ignorant and until the management decide to actually do something then it will only get worse.


Quote from: "lorrig"Just got back from DLP today and I have to say I was disgusted with the amount of smoking in the park. I would say at least a fifth of all adults were smoking.

I was just about to say that last week I hardly saw anyone smoking! I guess I was just lucky then!


As it would appear most Europeans have a very relaxed attitude to smoking and the majority of visitors to DLP come from mainland Europe I think the management are scared to enforce it incase visitor numbers drop and revenue drops as a result.

Even before the smoking ban in England it was unacceptable to smoke in most restaurants, shops, theme parks etc.  Most places had a 'No Smoking' sign.  I think this is a way off in Europe.


Just back and it seemed worse to us too. Smoking in queues, even in the doorway to Santas Grotto for Christ's sake.  We even could tell people were smoking in their room (disneyland hotel). But it was the complete disregard for others, especially children and the lack if any attempt by the park to address it that shocked us. Cultural issues can be changed quite effectively, just watch a 30 year old man picking up dog poo, or how people see seat belts for example. Some will always feel its an infringement, but it won't be accepted by the majority and that alone can change a lot. Come on DLO show some leadership on this one!

im totally goofy

I'm a smoker and I agree that they really need to police this although I smoke it doesn't mean that I break the rules if I want to light up the. I go to where it is permitted I try very hard not to impose my smoking on anyone else as it is my choice not there's as Disney hAve made some smoking areas people should at least use them


I'm completely stunned that this is still allowed. Not sure if it's a French thing or not maybe it's ALL nationalities realising that DLP are soft on enforcing it. I've had so many arguments in lines for rides over the years I've lost count (smoking and queue jumping and PLEASE! don't get me started on queue jumping) ...

little tinker fairy

We were here 2 years ago and someone was smoking near me while I sat on a bench with my 4 month old! :evil:

Apart from that I didnt come across too many other smokers but it is vile and the sooner they sort it out the better!