Me & my sisters fab trip. 28th-3rd March 2011 (Day 1 added)

Started by Discoponies, March 04, 2011, 11:18:43 PM

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I had previously been to Disneyland Paris in October 2009. It was my first ever time in any Disneyland resort and was truly magical. Me and my partner have booked two weeks in Orlando (one week donig non disney, then the final week in Animal Kingdom Lodge) for May. I had a feeling that after doing a Disney resort the scale of Orlandos that Paris may not feel as magical if I returned afterwards, so I booked a 4 days back before Christmas taking advantage of the 30% off tickets, hotel and eurostar for the first week of March. Because my partner has frequented Disneyland Paris before I instead paid for and took my sister (who is around my age of 23), we never went as kids and I felt it was a great treat after the hard year she had had at home.

I announced it to her on her Birthday and made a little package for her, I know we are adults, but Disney just makes life fun!

Anyway skip ahead to,
27th February 2011
We live in Bristol so headed over to London on the train on the day before our trip to the magic. The journey was what you'd expect (though our train had these new video screens in our seats so we watched Doctor Who, I hope they implement these on all First Great Western long distance journeys!), and we arrive in a nice little hotel. My dad works as a chef in the Best Western chain and was lucky enough to get me a staff discount hotel rate so I was very pleased with that bargain. For anyone who had stayed in London, you will know how annoying it can be when even the "poor" hotels can seem overpriced. We spent the rest of that Sunday watching crap TV, and listening to the Magic Of Disney album I had purchased on itunes, to get us in the sprit. I struggled to get to sleep, I was so excited! I didn't nod off till past midnight which wasnt the best idea.

28th February 2011
The alarm goes off 7:30. I'm still half asleep as we carry our luggage to the tube, Oyster card at the ready (we werent walking distance to the station, but only 10 mins on the tube). I have never been to St Pancras station before, but I must stay i'm impressed. Lots of seating, and those large google map screens are delightful. We were surrounded by children, I felt like the only adult going without kids! Not that it matters. We saw one girl get told where she was going, she cried! I wasn't sure whether it was a good cry or not, but she quickly hugged her Dad and said very loudly, "I love you Daddy" repeatedly, so I reckon she was pleased :)
The train arrived on time and we boarded. I hate how people board trains like this and all rush together, our seats our reserved, WHY push in, you dont get an advantage! The joruney was a bit long but I guess thats what you get when your go abroad and dont choose an airline. I own a Samsung Tablet so we both watch Toy Story which was fun. Oh and if you do choose standard tickets for the eurostar trip, bring your own food. The menu is so overprice and the most disgusting food. I bought a Cheeseburger which not only ate my wallet but smelt looked and tasted disgusting. We eventually arrived and were ready to begin our adventure. which I think I'll continue in my next post.

Pictures and video to come!


enjoying so far! look forward to reading the rest and seeing your pics X


Cannot wait to read the rest of your TR!!
A Little Bit Of Magic, Goes A Long Way


I love it!! I'm buying my sister a DLP trip for her birthday this year and have been trying to think of how to tell her, your pack is fab and love the idea of an invitation.
Think im gonna like this trippie :) looking forward to the rest!
Disney Visits
Oct 94 Cheyenne - Oct 00 WDW - April 03 WDW - Sept 06 DLP Day Trip - Sept 09 HNY - Nov 10 HNY - June 11 Sequoia Lodge- June 12 Sequoia Lodge - Sept 12 Cheyenne- Nov 12 Radisson - June 13 Dream Castle - Nov 14 HNY -
Feb 15 Dream Castle - Sept 15 Tokyo Disney Resort, Sheraton - Oct 15 DLP Day trip - Feb 16 Cheyenne - March 17 Newport Bay - Jan 18 Sequoia Lodge, Aug 18 daytrip

Upcoming: DLH Nov 18 - Hong Kong Disneyland, Explorers Lodge, March 19


28th February 2011: Day 1 in the parks
After a long journey in the eurostar we finally arrived. I have never used the eurostar so wasn't prepared for the magical touch that was about to happen. As we started to get off the train, the music from the Disney All Star Express (you know the tune//, I don't know the name). It instantly got you in the mood. The fact it played when that train arrived was just amazing. What more of a welcome could you ask for!

We went straight to the Disney Express desk which is truly a great service. Just dropping off your bags and collecting them later from the hotel was such a breeze. The staff at the Disney Express desk were also fantasticly cheerful and helpful as we had never used the service before. We headed over to the parks straight away, since it was past midday, there was no queue for the entrance or bag checks so we got straight in. As previously mentioned, my sister has never ever been to any Disney park before so she was so excited, and then we saw this...

I was expecting this, but my sister wasn't, this combined with the horribly cold weather and grey skies and it wasn't the truly magical entrance I had hoped her to see.
Not only was the place freezing but it was busy. I went over halloween and it was almost dead, but despite for crap weather the French were out in full force for our stay. I think there was a Winter holiday for them so I should have planned better. We went straight over to Pirates of the Carribean, it was a 40 minute queue but it was constantly moving so we managed ok. We decided not to do any thrill rides on our first day, but I had completely forgotten about the small drops on the ride. They may be small, but if you dont know they are there, they DO surprise you!

We then went onto the Phantom Manor which has some great views in the queue line.

We had a wander around the lands, heading over to the Discoverland for a bit of fun on Buzz Lightyears Lazer Blast. The queue was only 15 minutes so we couldnt skip it as I knew it would never be that short again!

As seen in my facebook video, // that they don't seem to be bother about that state of Buzz, his face projection is still misplaced, with the bottom of his chin just black and thereforehis eyes and eyebrows not fitting correctly giving him a very odd look when seen in person. Also his right wrist has a chunk missing. It was like that when I went last time, why hasnt this been sorted! Despite my annoyance, the ride is still amazing fun!!

We then went to Main Steert USA for a hot dog before finding a spot for the parade! That was also a dissappointing time, but not due to the parade. Some stupid French woman had her childs pram at the front, but her child wasnt in it. Another French woman asked (I assume) to move it to behind us so people could use the space the pram was taking up. But oh my she was not having it. The woman then moved the pram herself but the mother grabbed it back, they were then violently shouting out at each holding on one end of the pram pulling harshly back and forth almost taking out people around them. SO DISGUSTINGLY rude, they then stopped but the woman behind very loudly talked at this mother at the front. They calmed down, but the mother spent the rest of parade talking loudly to her child (oh look woody etc) which is fine, but she just came across as a pushy mother who didnt care about anyone elses time at the park.

Having seen the original version of this parade it isnt as good but my sister didnt know any better and loved it. Oddly when you are there the repititive nature of the currently music loop is completely forgotten, I didnt notice it at all while there and I loved every moment!

Since we had been travelling all day we were tired, so headed back to the Cheyenne. It's just as magical as last time, having walked around the Santa Fe I just cant see why you wouldnt save up the extra for this Cheyenne the theming is so much stronger. After a short nap we headed to the Rain Forest cafe!

We had to wait about 15 minutes to get seated but it was worth it! We ate from meny Cha Cha which is great value (for Disney stanards) of a main and dessert for 21 Euro (or was it 23). I had the steak and my sister had the breaded turkey, the food was ok, but wow the atmosphere is just amazing. We actually jumped when the thunder storm started!  :P

We had a look around the numerous shops in the Disney Village after our nice meal, is it just me or has the merchandise gotten more varied this time around?
We headed back to our hotel and nodded of very quickly, the next day was to spent doing all the thrill rides plus having dinner at our booked table at Cafe Mickey, I dont know how we were able to sleep at all!
Day 2 will be posted soon :D


Hi we were there 3-6th March - it was so busy.  How does this compare to the summer? 75 mins queue for Peter Pan, 60 for Dumbo 85 for Big THunder Mountain.  It actually seemed quieter on the Saturday and Sunday than it did Thursday and Friday!


Looking forward to reading your remaining days....

Previous Visits]
January 2006 - WDW - Grosvenor Resort, Honeymoon, 14 nights.
March 2010- Disneyland Paris, Hotel Santa Fe, 3 nights
March 2011 - Disneyland Paris, Hotel Santa Fe, 4 nights
December 2013 - Disneyland Paris, Hotel Cheyenne, 5 nights