Moteurs... Action! featuring Lightning McQueen (2011)

Started by Festival Disney, November 08, 2010, 06:03:18 PM

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from what i have heard from the cast is that the finally will involve Lightning Mcqueen, you will hear the catchphrase cachow then see him do the leap!! i dunno how true this is as it was from one of the stunt drivers!!


Hmm, sounds good an all, but people, mainly kids, may be dissapointed as you only see him for a split second at the end?


Hi there guys,
I'm a newbie around here, avid Disneyland Paris fan yada yada..

Happened to go for a few days to celebrate my birthday from Sunday 9th Jan- Thursday 13th Jan 2011. I adore Moteurs..Action! (I happen to be training at Uni to go into theatre/concert/event Lighting and special effects have always been a passion of mine from a young age, seems the show was made for me!) and I left the show daily disappointed. I don't know what had happened, but all of the car jumps had been removed.

Ballet Chase: The reverse car didn't perform the usual backwards jump from one ramp to another before positioning up for the 'shooting' of the split car, it just drove across the ramps in the flat position, accompanied by the Villain cars doing the odd turn.
This proved interesting when they look at the hero car in detail using the pull away from the jump shot 'thats one special automobile'. They ended up just replacing the jump shot with the video assist and cutting to the CGI image.

Villain Blockade: (I've got a video of this occurring and the lack of audience reaction if anyone is interested!) All of the lorries for the jump sequence came out as usual, as did the various market stalls. The crew just didn't pull out the airbag or put any of the steel tension cables between the lorries to keep them the correct distance apart, also the 'ramp' was left in the up position on the first lorry. They had the first villain car come out and go up on two wheels, then come down in line with the flat topped truck, accompanied by the director moaning and shouting about it, accompanied by a bit of fist shaking, then the single car would come out again and go up on two wheels the whole distance. They then bought out the two cars and had them do it together as usual, with the usual soundtrack. Then, they had the two villain cars do it again, with the normal 'jump' soundtrack, building the tension as it were, then the hero car would do it's normal pass under the villains on two wheels, with the usual skid around at the end. I pity the cast trying to get applause and react to it, the audience simply weren't having it!

Motorcycle chase: Done as normal, apart from one day, due to a radio problem, all of the pyrotechnics/fire after the gunshot section (doorway gunfire, window blowout and machine gun hits fired) didn't go off. We had the drive by on the petrol pump with no 'reaction' at all, also the fire man come on, go over unlit and lay stock still until a fireman lit him. However, all of the other performances ran normally (including the motorcycle ramp jump, ruling out any form of ramp issues with the hydraulic/automation gear)

Finale: This is the one which annoyed me the most. No truck, no jump. After the clip finished, the hero car simply flew out from one of the villain car entrance points for the finale, skidded to a halt and the pyro all went off.. Again, i've got it on video if anyone is interested.

I did notice that the car from 'Ballet Chase' performed all of the hero car roles during the show (your could see the large gap for the pyrotechnics/marks/charing from them on the front section) and two cars were in the workshop the whole time, one of them (which looked like the normal 'jump' car) was being worked on constantly (with a big red sign in the windscreen, along the lines of NOT OK) and another car was in the workshop, but with a green OK sign in the window. Obviously, this could explain the Villain Blockade lack of jump and the finale lack of jump, but it still puzzled me why the reverse car didn't jump. Didn't notice any new stuntmen on the rota for the show at all.. I don't know if anyone has heard anything? Obviously it's too early to be re-blocking the show for the 'Cars' arrival later in the year.. The main thing that puzzled me was I spoke to a couple of cast members who all said a normal show was running.. Who knows!

I appreciate accidents/mistakes happen but for a show to run, twice a day for five days scaled back.. was a bit strange!

Previous Trips]

Sequoia Lodge: April 2000
Cheyenne: April 2002
Cheyenne: July 2003
Sequoia Lodge: January 2004
Radisson Blu- Disneyland Paris: July 2010
Cheyenne: August 2010
Cheyenne: January 2011

Upcoming Trips]

Sequoia Lodge: July 2011

Festival Disney

The same thing happened when I was there in December, but I thought it was down to the fact that it was snowing! Interesting that they're still not doing a full show even with good conditions  :?
Past trips:
Nov 1997 - SF - 3 days
May 2003 - WDW
Aug 2009 - Off site - 4 days
Jul 2010 -  Disneyland Park - 1 day
Dec 2010, Jul 2011  - Ibis Val d'Europe - 6 days, 4 days
Apr 2012 - HNY - 4 days
Dec 2013  - NPBC - 4 days
Jul 2013 - SL - 5 day


You were there the same week as me, and I was also disappointed with the shortened show- no split car and no going over the truck ramps- pointless bringing them all out for no reason. I was surprised when they all got dragged back in again after not being used. ANd the finale was a damp squib as well without any sort of jump. People just left puzzled and disappointed that we had just spent 45 mins sitting in the cold for a pretty dull show, for which it was as all the good bits were taken out!


Quote from: "Dolph7800"You were there the same week as me, and I was also disappointed with the shortened show- no split car and no going over the truck ramps- pointless bringing them all out for no reason. I was surprised when they all got dragged back in again after not being used. ANd the finale was a damp squib as well without any sort of jump. People just left puzzled and disappointed that we had just spent 45 mins sitting in the cold for a pretty dull show, for which it was as all the good bits were taken out!

I agree with you on that totally. Hotel guests were still seeing the full show clips shown on TV (funnily enough, with almost all of the cut bits being shown!) and yeah, people did seem to be leaving puzzled.  After all, I've still seen the full show performed over the summer in a torrential downpour.. so I generally can't figure out why they would still be running a 'snow' show in what was really, just the odd bit of surface water. And yeah, I did wonder why they bothered bringing the trucks in at all to be quite honest!

Yeah, I just found the finale the most pointless thing ever. I love the build-up (yes, feel free to call me sad!) and seeing all of the water fire systems ignite up, sort of builds everything up. Then, just seeing the hero car shoot out from one of the two track exits at the side of the buildings and skid into place before the ramp, accompanied by a random huge blast of pyro/fire was, sort of an epic fail in my mind! Obviously, they wouldn't apologize for showing a 'cut down' show as it's not the way it should be done, but I just found it strange that the cast members called it a 'full/normal' show. I just hope it's back to normal by July!

Previous Trips]

Sequoia Lodge: April 2000
Cheyenne: April 2002
Cheyenne: July 2003
Sequoia Lodge: January 2004
Radisson Blu- Disneyland Paris: July 2010
Cheyenne: August 2010
Cheyenne: January 2011

Upcoming Trips]

Sequoia Lodge: July 2011


The only thing I could think of to explain it is that the jump car/backwards cars were both out of action after crashing? I saw a crash on a show on my last visit, and they replaced the villain car that crashed with a motorbike. It's a long shot, but it'd be the only reason I could think of?

Unless it's got something to do with preparing one of the cars for Lightning McQueen?
"...keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things" - Walt.


Quote from: "Scissorsboi"The only thing I could think of to explain it is that the jump car/backwards cars were both out of action after crashing? I saw a crash on a show on my last visit, and they replaced the villain car that crashed with a motorbike. It's a long shot, but it'd be the only reason I could think of?

Unless it's got something to do with preparing one of the cars for Lightning McQueen?

The reverse car was still in use, but the ramps were un-used. I've got a feeling the finale/villain blockade jumps were taken out due to the jump car being in the workshop the whole week, as one of the jump cars (the one with the small space at the front filled in, where the pyrotechnic charges sit) was sat in the corner of the workshop or up on the maintenance lift every time I went past the workshop space.

Surely they couldn't be re-blocking the show in January for an April 're-launch' of sorts, but it's a possibility. I'm reserved to the fact that I will never find out to be quite honest!

If you don't mind me asking, which scene did they replace the villain car with a motorbike, seeing the show done differently is something that always interests me (yes, I'm a theatre/lighting/special effects/stunt show geek)..

Previous Trips]

Sequoia Lodge: April 2000
Cheyenne: April 2002
Cheyenne: July 2003
Sequoia Lodge: January 2004
Radisson Blu- Disneyland Paris: July 2010
Cheyenne: August 2010
Cheyenne: January 2011

Upcoming Trips]

Sequoia Lodge: July 2011


I can't completely remember, I want to say it was during the blockade, the first car completed it's handbrake turn and lined up, but the second overshot and crashed into the first. They cut the soundtrack/video feed off and the director came out and did a short sketch about 'let's get that one off and go to plan B', then they brought on one of the bikes. It seemed like an odd choice to me when there are 3 of the villain cars to use, but I guess they have their reasons..
"...keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things" - Walt.


I'm a newbie and joined just to reply to you FishyBoy15! Im impressed with how much you know about the stunt show. Its easily my favourite thing in the studios and we HAVE to see it everytime we visit!! I've seen it countless times (that it quite sad). I want to ask you how you know so much about it? You seem to know so much about each individual always trying to find out things/secrets about it but never can....I don't really know where to look? Anyway, whenever I've seen a shortened version (usually during winter season) I've figured it was for that reason. Also I thought (wrongly) that the show was a bit shorter at weekends. That isn't the case, I don't think. I even emailed Disney (on bahalf of my little boy) last year asking them loads of questions about it but they emailed back saying it would 'spoil the magic'.


Quote from: "Rachel84"I'm a newbie and joined just to reply to you FishyBoy15! Im impressed with how much you know about the stunt show. Its easily my favourite thing in the studios and we HAVE to see it everytime we visit!! I've seen it countless times (that it quite sad). I want to ask you how you know so much about it? You seem to know so much about each individual always trying to find out things/secrets about it but never can....I don't really know where to look? Anyway, whenever I've seen a shortened version (usually during winter season) I've figured it was for that reason. Also I thought (wrongly) that the show was a bit shorter at weekends. That isn't the case, I don't think. I even emailed Disney (on bahalf of my little boy) last year asking them loads of questions about it but they emailed back saying it would 'spoil the magic'.

Hi there! I know a decent amount about it through seeing it loads, speaking to people and seeing simular effects done elsewhere. I'm the same, I normally end up seeing it daily when I'm at Disneyland Resort Paris and also, when you see it something crazy like seven times in five days, you do tend to start picking up on things. Theme parks are also a field I want to go into, show wise, so it's also stuff i've picked up from college/uni/work i've done.

If you want to know something about the show, feel free to drop me a PM and I will see what I can answer. Obviously, without working on a show of this size, it's impossible to know how every little thing works, but drop me a PM and I will see what I can answer!

Previous Trips]

Sequoia Lodge: April 2000
Cheyenne: April 2002
Cheyenne: July 2003
Sequoia Lodge: January 2004
Radisson Blu- Disneyland Paris: July 2010
Cheyenne: August 2010
Cheyenne: January 2011

Upcoming Trips]

Sequoia Lodge: July 2011


Last time we saw this show (October 2009, I think) I already noticed a few things missing compared to the earlier years, but nothing as drastic as these changes!!

Hope they are temporary cuts (maybe they're short of stunt drivers??)... This is a great show, they cannot keep cutting out all the good bits!


Just a quick post.. To anyone who is interested, I've put a rather quickly cobbled together video up on youtube, which shows comparisons of the summer 2010 and January 2011 shows I managed to catch on film (they are all on my iPhone 4, so forgive the shakiness)..

Previous Trips]

Sequoia Lodge: April 2000
Cheyenne: April 2002
Cheyenne: July 2003
Sequoia Lodge: January 2004
Radisson Blu- Disneyland Paris: July 2010
Cheyenne: August 2010
Cheyenne: January 2011

Upcoming Trips]

Sequoia Lodge: July 2011


Quote from: "FishyBoy15"Just a quick post.. To anyone who is interested, I've put a rather quickly cobbled together video up on youtube, which shows comparisons of the summer 2010 and January 2011 shows I managed to catch on film (they are all on my iPhone 4, so forgive the shakiness)..

Thanks for that video, was good to see what it was supposed to be compared to what we actually got the other week!

It still baffles me that they even bothered to bring the lorry ramps and the grocers stall out when they weren't used in anyway whatsoever!


anyone know if the show is back with all the jumps etc now? We are heading out on the 20th Feb and I'm not sure we will bother with the stunt show at all if most of the stunts are missing!