Maintanance on strike

Started by Matts, September 13, 2006, 04:07:49 PM

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The good news: today (Saturday) there was a parade.

Boycott will continue (in full force) from Monday on.


At least that's something, I guess.  But still if I was a paying guest at this time I would be shocked and horrified.  I know I probably wouldn't, but i guess a lot of customers are asking for refunds? and maybe even getting them??? This way DLRP is dipping out on even more money. It isn't fair to the company or the guests, they should just shove off or go and do their protest in one of the surrounding fields where they won't affect anyone.


Quote from: "DisneyBud"i guess a lot of customers are asking for refunds? and maybe even getting them???

If nothing is sorted out I don`t know if there is any reason for me to go to DLRP... maybe the one that I booked and paid my flight tickets :/

Nevertheless what is the chance to get all the money back? I mean in booking conditions it says you have to cancel your booking 30 days before coming to DLRP to get a full refund... is strike in anyway changing the situation?


Quote from: "Matts"
Quote from: "Masamune"*Nods* It is pretty selfish...they really should go work somewhere else if they want better pay...

I don`t want to argue if they are paid well or not... maybe they should be paid more because for me it seems that they usualy work pretty hard to keep everything safe... but the way they show their attitude to the wages is irresponsible - no one gains (maybe they will gain at the end) and everyone loose: people - closed rides, no parade etc.; park itself - again rides, bad publicity etc.; maintance - they are going to be seen as those who forced management to close the rides and so on so on...

BTW does anyone know what people staying in Disney Hotels (those who booked packages) feel about this situation cause I would be furious... I`m going in October and I hope that situation will calm down and the rides would be open again

15th-17th October - HNY
Oh yeah, I'm sure they work hard when they're actually working...but clearly, these aren't the sort of people who wanted to work at Disney because they love Disney...for example, I only applied for a job at The Disney Store last year because I love Disney, not because of what I'd be getting paid...

If these people truely loved Disney, they would carry on doing their jobs and try to find some other way of getting their pay rise...


That's exactly the reason why most of them are French. The Dutch/Belgium cast members that I know are all still working.

If you work for Disney, you should do it because you want to, and not because you can't find an other job.
However, I do think that every cast members should get a wage that can support them. The lowest wages (maintenance, attraction operators, waiters,...) should go up a bit.


1) I think the same - you should love disney and disney magic to work for disney

2) If those are only French who strike, they do it in so uncivilized way (yeah yeah I know - UNIONS)

3) Waiters usualy get tips... I mean in Blue Lagoon for sure and in Disneyland Hotel and HNY at least... so it`s not so bad for them I guess

4) As to others I really don`t know... I don`t know the wages... I don`t know if any talks were done about it... so I can only say what I think as a guest of the resort



>The Union CFDT has announced on its website, that it plans further events and actions to push its requests ahead, but if the past days are any indicators guests will either not all or or only at a minimal level be inconvenienced by this<



>The Union CFDT has announced on its website, that it plans further events and actions to push its requests ahead, but if the past days are any indicators guests will either not all or or only at a minimal level be inconvenienced by this<

I'm so sorry...but I don't understand what this means because I don't know the meanings of a few words...Could anybody descibe it in "easy english"


Quote from: "swity"

>The Union CFDT has announced on its website, that it plans further events and actions to push its requests ahead, but if the past days are any indicators guests will either not all or or only at a minimal level be inconvenienced by this<

I'm so sorry...but I don't understand what this means because I don't know the meanings of a few words...Could anybody descibe it in "easy english"

Even though I know all the words in Union CFDT statement I needed few moments to understand it ;-) so:

1) Unions plan more actions so they get wages raise
2) Summing up the past strike days, you as a guest, will not at all feel the strike (inconvenience - closed rides, no parade etc.) or at a minimal level

If more explaination is needed feel free to ask :-)


Quote from: "Matts"Even though I know all the words in Union CFDT statement I needed few moments to understand it ;-) so:

1) Unions plan more actions so they get wages raise
2) Summing up the past strike days, you as a guest, will not at all feel the strike (inconvenience - closed rides, no parade etc.) or at a minimal level

If more explaination is needed feel free to ask :-)

Thank you Matts, know I understand what this means.

I hope they will find a way where both sides can be happy....I mean somehow I really understand both sides.....Life in Paris is so expensive and I think that their jobs aren't always so easy....But of course I unterstand that Disney has not so much money....becuase of all the new attractions they are building and so on...


^ This isn't limited to just DLP or WDS.  This is a Disney problem worldwide.  I used to work as an Attractions cast member at Disneyland here in California, and only got paid about $7.60 USD an hour to do so.  Conversely, people working at fast food joints or at the local Starbucks were getting paid $10-11 an hour USD to work their jobs.  

Disneyland California has had a staffing and turnover problem for a long time because they don't want to pay their hourly workers what they're worth.  Disneyworld isn't any better either.  I think the only resort that probably pays their workers properly is Tokyo, and that's simply because the parks are run by the Oriental Land Company and not Disney Co.  

I do agree that you work at a Disney park because you want to experience what it's like, but you should also be paid a decent to above-average wage to do so, considering what is expected of you as a cast member.  I loved my job and didn't mind getting paid what I did because I experienced working at a place I've always dreamed of working at.  The only way I'd ever go back now, though, is as a manager or a corporate employee.  At least I can say I worked for Disneyland, though.  :)


I have just returned from another fantastic holiday at DLRP.  On one of the days, Tuesday 12 Sept 06, there was a strike.  Strangely when we arrived at the gate we were told that we didn't need a ticket and we were just let in.  I am not fluent in French and so could not read the banners, does anyone know why we were just let in, Disney must have lost a lot of entrance revenue?  As far as the Park was concerned some of the restaurants and shops did not open until approximately 1130am other than that we didn't notice any difference.


I`ve got few questions:

1) Was there a parade?
2) Were any attractions closed?
3) Were you a hotel guest (with a package booked) and you didn`t have to show the entrance ticket? Did you ask for refund? Or did you just come for a day? - I`m asking because I wouldn`t like to have a entrance ticket (booked with my package) which becomes useless because I enter for free so I paid for "nothing"?



The answers to your questions are as follows:

1.  No in fact the parade was cancelled but no explnantion given.

2.  No all the attractions were open.

3.  I was a Hotel Guest so I suppose I did pay for a day which i didn't
     need, but I enjoyed a day in the park so I didn't really miss out.

Poppy The Monkey


Just been to the park for 3 days (partly on business), over Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday;

A regular guest, or in fact anyone visiting the park could experience a perfectly normal Disney Day.

Everything opened on time, and without problems. Except CP30 on Star Tours - but I think that may not even be connected to the strike.

The parades went ahead every day at their usual time.

And there was no sign at all of any strikers, no banners or anything.

If the strikes are indeed ongoing, my support for these workers has much increased - now that they have taking their focus away from the actual parks. Last week the only thing they were doing was ruining the parks for the visitors and that certainly wasn't acceptable - and I am very suprised they were left to get away with it.