Maintanance on strike

Started by Matts, September 13, 2006, 04:07:49 PM

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they've finally realised the sensible way to protest so as not to affect the paying cutomers!!  At least they aren't being so inconsiderate, kind of makes me feel more sympathetic to them.


Quote from: "Angel"Matts,

The answers to your questions are as follows:

1.  No in fact the parade was cancelled but no explnantion given.

I only hope that during my stay the Halloween Parade wont be cacelled

Quote from: "Angel"2.  No all the attractions were open.

yupi :-)

Quote from: "Angel"3.  I was a Hotel Guest so I suppose I did pay for a day which i didn't
     need, but I enjoyed a day in the park so I didn't really miss out.

I`m going to be Hotel Guest too so I hope I will have a wonderful day as you had so I will also miss that I paid for the ticket... if I get free entrance ofcourse ;-)


Thinking about it.... when you're on holiday at DLRP, you can go anywhere you like, if you fancy a hot dog at Caseys, you can go there and have one, you can go into the Disney Village and have a steak or some bratwurst at Ludwigs, when you get tired, you can go back to your hotel, if you really really dont want Goofy's autograph for the *'th time, you don't have to have it...BUT!!...imagine if you worked there (and I love disney as much as the rest of you). We must have all seen the characters being pushed and pulled by ill mannered kids and personally, I doubt if I could smile the whole way through an 8hr shift. Disney is great because because we have no responsibilities, we get to do the dream thing, (quote from a disney cast member in August 2006...Me: "can I ask you how much you get paid or even if it's a good wage?" - cast member: "let's just say I'm here to learn the language and for the experience"). I think most of the people that come into this forum would like to at least for a little while try working at DLRP but I think the shine would soon wear off.

It's a magical world for us that holiday there, lets keep it that way :D - pay the cast members what they're worth ;)

Lightning McQueen

The castmembers might not always have a great time,but they know this before they sign the contract.Every job has its ups and downs.personally I have to work under great pressure at times ,the trick is to deal with this pressure.
Being a castmember can be hard at times,I have seen this at several occasions,some kids can be quite rude.Once one knows how to handle these kids the job will be easier ,I believe that it's something that can be achieved by a good relationship between the Disney management and the castmembers,the former can support the latter.
Lightning McQueen



Before today I thought that now everything will be allright but after reading and especialy the sentence:

"Si la direction n'abonde pas dans notre sens de manière significative, nous continuerons à nous mobiliser de plus en plus, à des moments clés du parc, comme Halloween", conclut M. Rovedo (délégué syndical de la CFDT)

Making it simple it means that if nothing changes they will strike more and more in very important, for the Park, moments for example: Halloween

It doesn`t sound good  :cry:


Oh dear, why can they not sack these people they are not doing their jobs and are striking more than a certain South West English train company, I mean really do DLRP need these people, they can be replaced and if they go and interrupt my Halloween they won't be greeted by happiness from the likes of me. :evil:


Away with the baddies, they've had their fun now, ruined it for enough guests.  Why can't they stay and be satisfied or leave.  I'm sure if they were that bothered they could leave and find a better paid job.  Everyone knows that working there may not be the best paid work, but it's more for the experience I'm sure, or at least thats the reason I want to work there next year.


I was in a good mood until I read that. Now I'm mad  :evil: They'd better not ruin Haloween.....

The Butlin Boy

They could use them for their Halloween decorations by putting a fence around them with a sign saying "Please don't feed the monsters!" :lol:


._. If they ruin my first Halloween visit, I swear to God they'll feel my wrath... >_>; or my mum's, which is much more scary because she gets annoyed really easily...


I'm visiting the resort next week so with all this strike stuff being discussed I am getting concerned. So I expressed my concerns in an email to Disneyland Paris and this is what they had to say.

QuoteDear Mr Cecil,

Thank you for your e-mail regarding Disneyland Resort Paris.

There is no confirmation of a strike at this moment but management is constantly monitoring the situation and is taking all necessary measures in order to insure that this movement has a minimum impact on the visit with us.

We look forward to welcoming you at Disneyland Resort Paris.

Best regards,


So I'm confused. Are staff striking or not? :-s

Miss Tinkerbell

hmm, not sure but couldn't it be that they try to hide it? lt's Disney, they won't want any problems out in the open if they can help it.  And maybe they just don't want guests to be alarmed because if they are they can cancel their trip.

(did that make any sense???)


The message is quite vague, but I think what they're trying to say is that even if there is a strike (which sounds less likely at the moment), it shouldn't affect your trip much (if at all).

But I agree, this maintenance strike is hard to follow. Personally, I haven't got a clue what's going on... 8)


Hello everyone I'm back from my magical summer in dlrp! Was amazing as usual! I worked through the strikes and it was awful! No1 in the parade/character department (apart from some costuming people and cosmetology/make-up people) went on strike! The strikers never stopped us from doing the parades, they just wanted to walk in front of it, management decided to not put it out for obvious reasons. 4 days there were no parades, when we finally did the parade without floats it was amazing! Every guest apart from a few were really into it, cheering and enjoying the fact they got to see a parade. As for the strikers we took great pleasure in cheering when we arrived back from the parade as they had no clue that we'd done the parade (a few moles within parade were providing them with information before). And they recieved nothing from the strike, and I'm glad as the way they went about striking, intimidating characters especially Mickey was awful. One of my friends got hurt when they all stormed our department to try and get us all to go on strike with them! After that it all returned back to normal, though rumor has it they're planning on doing it again in halloween to try and ruin it, we'll just have to see!! Phew long post! Glad to be back on here!


Quote from: "Fluffy"
QuoteDear Mr Cecil,

Thank you for your e-mail regarding Disneyland Resort Paris.

There is no confirmation of a strike at this moment but management is constantly monitoring the situation and is taking all necessary measures in order to insure that this movement has a minimum impact on the visit with us.

We look forward to welcoming you at Disneyland Resort Paris.

Best regards,


So I’m confused. Are staff striking or not? :-s

I think they are not officialy on strike right now but... but they might go on strike during Halloween... I hope it wont happen during my stay :-(