Pin Trading: Share Your Trades!

Started by Masamune, October 04, 2009, 10:50:59 AM

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Quote from: "Masamune" :) I've found a few LE pins on the cast lanyards. It was mostly at the beginning though, when they first had only pins from other parks. These days they only tend to have UK core pins on the lanyards.

I will say this though there has to be a trader in the manchester store as I got that 50th anniversary pin of it and far as I know only me and you look and trade on the lanyard besides elaine so other than us three there is a secret trader hahaha

I will be soo happy when I find an LE on a lanyard here in the UK, I think the disney store should have a rule that if the lanyard gets full of all their core pins they can remove them and replace then with non-uk pins provided by disney :P but I can only dream.

Belle's World

Hi everyone,

My pins finally arrived. First we have my keepers:
I really like these pins. Clarice is a LE300and her and Princess Tiami are both very sparkly.

Then we have my traders:

Finally we have my suspected scrappers. I'm sure all of us have a few scrappers that we don't want to put on the lanyards but some of you like me believe that we will never be able to afford all the pins we like so as long as we know we are getting a scrapper we don't mind. So i was thinking if anyone has a scrapper they would like to swap for a different scrapper then i would be up for it.

I know a lot of people are getting traders for christmas so if anyone is interested in any of my trader pins please pm me with either a photo of your traders or a pinpics id if you are up to date. I will not be on until Sunday but will get back to you then.

Hope you all have a Great Christmas.


P.S I am still looking for a couple of the UK CM pins, Donald gift box and 2 of the Mickeys so if anyone has them and wants something from my traders i would be very happy but i am normally quite easy to please and will be willing to keep pins for people until they have a pin i wish to trade with.


I can see quite alot of the same pins I got in those pictures but you did get quite a few I didnt get in my bag. But still a very nice selection and happy for you they arrived just before christmas day :)

The stitch growling I think has to be a scrapper as I have the official one off the lanyard set and it shouldnt have the mickey heads all over the back. As I had the exact same pin off the seller.

I have the donald CM pin just I am not interested in the pins you got as Im trying to trade for keepers at the moment as Im trying not to buy new pins, sorry :(


OMG I absolutely LOVE the Clarice pin. :) If that was one of your traders I'd definatly swap for the Donald CM pin.


I actually just noticed princess Tiana from Princess and the frog, I aint got a pin from that film yet and I would of traded her for the donaled pin if it was in the traders :P as I enjoyed the film hehehe


I have this pin to trade just incase anyone here is interested...

Hula Stitch
Luv Aveen xoxo


Hi Aveen
I am new on these boards and this is my first post.  I would be interested in trading for your LE 800 christmas baubble 2009  although I am not sure if I have any of your wants.  my pinpics id can be found under sophieratcliffe and references at">  I have traded with Sam and in the process of trading with Danny.
Let me know if you are interested. Thanks


Quote from: "Donna"Hi Aveen
I am new on these boards and this is my first post.  I would be interested in trading for your LE 800 christmas baubble 2009  although I am not sure if I have any of your wants.  my pinpics id can be found under sophieratcliffe and references at">  I have traded with Sam and in the process of trading with Danny.
Let me know if you are interested. Thanks
Hi there - welcome to the boards and may I say what an amazing collection you have!! very impressed.  You have loads in your tradeables that I would love but I needto build up a few more myself I think!!

hope you hada good christmas best wishes, Emma x

planned trips - Summer 2011 - DLP
                   October 2013 - WDW


Quote from: "Donna"Hi Aveen
I am new on these boards and this is my first post.  I would be interested in trading for your LE 800 christmas baubble 2009  although I am not sure if I have any of your wants.  my pinpics id can be found under sophieratcliffe and references at">  I have traded with Sam and in the process of trading with Danny.
Let me know if you are interested. Thanks

Hi donna,

thank you so much for the offer but unfortunately I can't find a pin in your traders that I would like at the moment even though you have many great pins.  :oops:  Sorry hun x
Luv Aveen xoxo


No Problem and thanks x


hey donna, nice to have you on the forum :)


Hiya Donna  :D will have to look at your traders again as i have the bauble pin for trade i now have two days off so shud get do it!


Hi Sam and Danny  and Thank you for your kind welcome.  Everyone seems really friendly here!!!!!
Thank you Sam that would be great- no worries if you dont see anything you like.

Belle's World

Hi All,
Just updating my trades with a few i had already got and a few i traded my nephew for. Any interest give me a pm. Please ignore my wants on pinpics its not up to date and i will consider anything.

Trader pins:


Belle's World

I have the donald CM pin just I am not interested in the pins you got as Im trying to trade for keepers at the moment as Im trying not to buy new pins, sorry :([/quote]

No worries Danny although i have just put another Stitch pin in my trade picture. Let me know if you are interested if not that's fine. I'm not desperate for the CM pins it's just if someone happens to have them who wants to trade with me.

Quote from: "Masamune"OMG I absolutely LOVE the Clarice pin. :) If that was one of your traders I'd definatly swap for the Donald CM pin.

I know the pin is gorgeous picture doesn't do it justice, i'm very lucky as there are only a few Clarice pins around. But sadly not for swaps sorry!

Quote from: "Stitch2814"I actually just noticed princess Tiana from Princess and the frog, I aint got a pin from that film yet and I would of traded her for the donaled pin if it was in the traders :P as I enjoyed the film hehehe

Danny just noticed this post same goes for the above really lovely pin how did you get to see the film already? Jealous me!

Quote from: "Donna"Hi Aveen
I am new on these boards and this is my first post. I would be interested in trading for your LE 800 christmas baubble 2009 although I am not sure if I have any of your wants. my pinpics id can be found under sophieratcliffe and references at"> I have traded with Sam and in the process of trading with Danny.
Let me know if you are interested. Thanks
Hi Donna,
welcome to the boards you have some lovely pins for trade iof you are interested in any of mine posted above let me know as i know i can see some pins i would like in your selection!