What do the bells at Gibson Girl mean? (Creepy experience)

Started by Tinkerbelle, August 12, 2009, 09:20:17 PM

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hi everyone!
Yesterday we were at Gibson Girl around 2:15 PM (I think). We were inside the building telling the cast member which ice cream flavour we wanted when some sort of church bells started ringing inside the shop. The two Cast Members started to stare at each other blank, and then had a scary look on their faces and suddenly went to close all doors (including the doors that connect to the bakery). The backstage door was sort of open and the CMs inside looked very very worried. My husband and I looked at each other wondering what was going on. then someone from the kitchen appeared, he seemed to be some sort of manager and with the most serious face possible he asked the CMs to stop selling and make guests leave. Our CM had our change and the ice creams ready but the man behind me had to leave with empty hands. I asked the CM if there was something really wrong going on and he gave me a very serious look and nodded. He looked so serious that I asked if we should leave the parks but he said "just this building".
We had to leave so quickly that I left without the spoons. The bakery didn't seem to be doing anything about whatever was going on in Gibson Girl.
When we were out we saw the manager (?) telling the CMs at the carts outside Gibson Girl to close as well, and they quickly closed.
then, five minutes later, as we were still with our ice creams untouched asking each other what was going on inside they reopened just as if nothing happened.

what could have been going on there? an accident in the kitchen? (would they really ring the alarm for that?... very creepy one btw), a bomb menace?, a fire? the CMs seemed to be as shocked at the bells as we were, and didn't seem very well how to respond at the situation. The bells sounded something like "something very bad is going on but don't let anyone panic". They sounded as creepy as the bells that rang when the Pope died in the Vatican hehe :lol:

I have to add that on Saturday afternoon (I'm quite sure it was on Saturday) we saw some soldiers outside the Studios with some sort of FAL weapons taking a very good look at everyone exiting the park. We also saw some policemen with sniffing dogs and I think on Friday night they were checking some bags and items through the detectors at Disneyland Park. But those we have seen before in the parks and we didn't raise an eyebrow but the soldiers thing made me feel creeped out later at Gibson's girl's episode

What do you think happened?  :mrgreen:


Wow, sounds pretty creepy. Made me feel quite anxious just reading about it! That would have made me feel really on edge had I been there.

Pete's Dragon

That is indeed very strange. If it was a bomb I would hope they would evacuate a larger area than just one building ! But by the sound of the CM's reaction, it would seem strange if it was only a fire.
I'm stumped. Maybe Walt 's cyrogenically frozen body is being kept below that building. There was a leak in the cooling tank, and they feared Walt was going to return to life, see all the MMP decorations, and flip into a murderous rage...."What have you done to my park?!?!?"


The Helmsman

A fire drill by the manager maybe?
~It Be Too Late To Alter Course~


That's odd, I am sure it was nothing major if only that shop closed. I have seen soilders outside the parks before too so I don't think it's a very rare occurance but it is very strange and would have worried me if I was there. :?

Pete's dragon : that explaination was so good, it made me laugh! :P
Luv Aveen xoxo

Walts heir

i have absolutely no idea maybe you should have asked the CM
Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"I'm stumped. Maybe Walt 's cyrogenically frozen body is being kept below that building. There was a leak in the cooling tank, and they feared Walt was going to return to life, see all the MMP decorations, and flip into a murderous rage...."What have you done to my park?!?!?"


haha but actually contrary to popular belief walt was never actually frozen
during his lifetime he often showed interest in that technology but the first person to ever be cyrogenically frozen was frozen after the man had died

also i have often seen armed men in the disney village i used to think it was extremely stupid since it ruined the magic but they are all over france so i think its the law


Pete's Dragon: LOL  :D
My husband was joking around at the moment saying that the bells meant Mickey was dead and that they had the order to get the MMP's decorations at once
It was creepy yes, but I wasn't creeped out until I saw the CMs reactions. At first I didn't even notice the bells, I thought it was some sort of soundtrack. Then I thought it was some sort of alarm of "close right now, we ran out of 10 euros cash notes!" or something like that  :lol:
It's just that I just love disneyland so much that I don't want anything bad happening to the parks, that's why I got so worried. It didn't worry me to have to get out, miss an ice cream, miss a day in the park or whatever, I was worried about the park's safety itself. I didn't ask any of the CMs about it later because they seemed so busy reopening and stuff. Besides when I first asked the CM he seemed to not to be allowed to talk about the subject.
DH was joking for the rest of the day saying that we would see the castle explode from the plane back home (we came back home shortly after the Gibson Girl incident). I got upset everytime he said something like that  :lol:
As I was saying, I didn't ask for further information (though I had in mind asking the people at information panel near GG), besides I was coming back home in no time and I didn't want to keep worrying about something that didn't seem to have worse consequences in a normal park operating day.

Pete's Dragon

Quote from: "Walts heir"i have absolutely no idea maybe you should have asked the CM
Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"I'm stumped. Maybe Walt 's cyrogenically frozen body is being kept below that building. There was a leak in the cooling tank, and they feared Walt was going to return to life, see all the MMP decorations, and flip into a murderous rage...."What have you done to my park?!?!?"


haha but actually contrary to popular belief walt was never actually frozen
during his lifetime he often showed interest in that technology but the first person to ever be cyrogenically frozen was frozen after the man had died

We know. Walt wasn't frozen or even buried. They wrapped his body in old banana skins, strapped him to a missile and fired him into the sun  :wink:


Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"
Quote from: "Walts heir"i have absolutely no idea maybe you should have asked the CM
Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"I'm stumped. Maybe Walt 's cyrogenically frozen body is being kept below that building. There was a leak in the cooling tank, and they feared Walt was going to return to life, see all the MMP decorations, and flip into a murderous rage...."What have you done to my park?!?!?"


haha but actually contrary to popular belief walt was never actually frozen
during his lifetime he often showed interest in that technology but the first person to ever be cyrogenically frozen was frozen after the man had died

We know. Walt wasn't frozen or even buried. They wrapped his body in old banana skins, strapped him to a missile and fired him into the sun  :wink:
That's how I want to go!


Well, I just asked my CM friend but he said he hasn't heard of anything serious happening in the park, and that he would have known if something was wrong. He thinks they might have found an abandoned bag or something like that, but that the matter was resolved. That was all I could get out of him but it does sound like a really strange situation.

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Pete's Dragon

That sounds really plausable. An abandoned bag would cause the panic in the CM's expression, and the fact the shop was only closed for 5-10mins would suggest a false alarm of some description.
In a way its good to know that somebody in the park has their eyes peeled for this sort of thing


I'm glad nothing bad was reported that day. But we thought at the moment, that if there was an abandoned bag it had to be an everyday thing at the parks, and the CMs wouldn't have THAT worried face. But well, maybe they did get freaked out

I'm glad disney pays attention to any sort of hazard


The soldiers are on the resort plaza all the time.  (not so often lately though).

The bells were just the fire alarm, clearly false alarm considering it reopened a few minutes later.  

Abandoned bags are secured by a perimeter of security cast members who then call a security officer with a detection dog.  Have seen this happen a few times, last time was past weekend on Front Lot.


just a fire alarm... quite creepy one lol  :lol:
thanks for your reply Kristof!
Now we know for sure what it was  :lol:


That reminds me of when we were there in 2003, the last day we were there the Gulf war kicked off, and security was visibly stepped up, bins searched, toilet blocks closed and sniffer dogs let in. Soldiers there in reasonable numbers, it was quite scary.

Then when we got to CDG for our flight home, right in front of us a guy was dragged to the floor by soldiers at gunpoint  :?  :?
I was glad to get back to sleepy Devon that day  :oops: