Premium FASTPASS... for sale (18 Jul - 4 Aug '09)

Started by Anthony, June 17, 2009, 08:34:40 PM

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QuoteThat's the old design. These are the new ones:

Oh, ok.
Do the old ones still work?
Because we have 1 left at home with a number pressed on it.

Thanks =)
[size=80]1997 - July (my first visit ever!!! =) DLP\'s 5th Anniversary
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Quote from: "EDDY"
QuoteThat's the old design. These are the new ones:

Oh, ok.
Do the old ones still work?
Because we have 1 left at home with a number pressed on it.

Thanks =)

Nope, don't think so.  But check at City Hall.


Sounds interesting though not sure if its worth the asking price.

That said the price makes it so that not just anyone can buy it and IMO thats a good thing. That makes the normal fastpass system still viable to anyone as long as the amount of VIP fastpassers isn't too big.

Universals problem was that all Universal Hotels offered the VIP pass regardless at what price point the hotel was, so then the parks were saturated with a lot of VIPs which virtually meant there was 2 queues or those who were not staying at hotels were left waiting ages for lots of rides.

We go to DLRP on Sunday so might look into this VIP pass business once I see how busy parks are for the week
Going back to Join Mickeys Party! ]

Previous Disney trips:
WDW: 98, 99, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008
DLP: 2005 (Surprise 16th Birthday trip!)


I honestly can't believe people are even considering buying this. Why would anyone want to spend that much money on a fastpass? I can only presume the people who've said they would think about it would be visiting on their own, not as part of a group?

This year I'm taking seven people. Disney are therefore getting a rather large amount of money out of me, but I damn well wouldn't consider paying 80 euros for a day. For 7 of us, that's 560 a day, and for the week we're staying, 2800. How anyone can be saying this is:

a) A good idea,


b) Something they'd consider doing

is absolutely beyond me. I'd always thought Disney was meant to be for everyone - not just for people who are willing to pay extra for the privilege of going on a ride.Rather than managing queues properly, and letting everyone have a fair and equal chance of getting a fastpass, Disney are going to be selling people the privilege of enjoying their rides, on top of their regular admission, on top of their transport, and on top of their hotel. You've already paid to get in once, why the heck would you want to pay again? It's hardly fair, and all it'll do is create a level of division between the elite at Disney and the rest of us, the plebs. If anyone's been to Legoland recently, and seen how much vitriol gets (silently) thrown in the general direction of Q-Bot users, they'll know exactly what I mean.

This is a really, really bad idea, and I hope it falls flat on its face. A two tier system at Disneyland is a nightmare. I really wish they'd have told me about this when I'd booked in January - had I known people would be being able to buy these things, and jump in the queue in front of me, I may have had second thoughts.

Giving it away to people who book castle club/suites is one thing - I can kind of see it being good as a bonus. But 80 euros, per person, per day? Extortion.


If they really must insist on implementing this kind of elitist system, they really ought to up the price of it. €100 is expensive, but could tempt a lot of people. €1000 per person per day, would really filter out the VIPs from the every day guests. And if Disney put the €1000 back into building new attractions, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing after all.

But I still think this is a bad idea, and will quickly turn Disneyland from the happiest place on Earth, into a place that makes a lot of people very angry. Guests pay enough as it is to enter the parks, and double (even triple) what they normally would spend on fast food. Now on top of that, they'll be left feeling like economy class cheap skates, just because they didn't spend €100 extra on VIP Fastpasses.


Lots of Theme Parks have these queue skipping systems, and they haven't caused any issues with guests.
Its an optional extra, you don't need it to have a good day and buying one doesn't mean you will have a good day.

Disney are a company, they need to find ways to maximise profits, this will do that without causing any additional problems.


I think this could be a great revenue stream and I dont see that many people buying them, and most guests wont realise what they are as they look like normal fast passes. it is very similar to the sort of thing they do at thorpe park, but those are a lot cheaper. Plus the normal fast passes are still available, so hopefully it will be a win/win situation for Disney and the paying guest.


I don't see any problems with this system, because most of the guests will not buy this VIP Fastpass. Furthermore they are only offered to people staying at the DLH and at the HYN.

For me it is too expensive, even if I would stay at the DLH.


Quote from: "dagobert"Furthermore they are only offered to people staying at the DLH and at the HYN.

Um, I don't think so. Anthony said in his original post that the tickets are only "on sale at the receptions of Disneyland Hotel and Disney's Hotel New York".

He also said the tickets "won't be limited to guests of Disney Hotels, anyone can drop in and buy one)".


Looks like I didn't read carefully.

Maybe the best thing would be that Disney would get rid of the fastpass system. Then all lines would move faster, because there would be no fastpass queue.


A bit too expensive and for me it wouldn't really be worth it as the only rides I would be using it for is probably Peter Pan and buzz as I don't do roller coasters or TOT. However if I did love all the fast pass rides and it was July or August I would possibly have considered it as the high season is so busy and queues are astonishing.

I think it would be more sucessful at a cheaper price but then again they can't have it so affordable that everyone would have one as that would defeat the perpose.

I think it's a pretty good idea but probably 60 or 70 would have been plenty for it!

Luv Aveen xoxo


it is indeed pretty expensive, but it has to be! otherwise too many people would get one and then the whole system would collapse. for my taste, it could be even more expensive, as long as they use this "extra-money" to keep all the rides and attractions in perfect shape  :wink: .

but then there is this one thing already pointed out by others: the "division of guests" according to their wallet...  :?  
that't not very disney and I am not very happy with it...

March 1995 - Walt Disney World Florida


Quote from: WillowLots of Theme Parks have these queue skipping systems, and they haven't caused any issues with guests.

Have they really not? Again, I can only speak from experience, but bringing up the only example I know of, as it's the only theme park I go to to have tried an idea as stupid as this one, at Legoland it certainly seems to have got under people's skin.

It doesn't work because it creates an elitist system. You spend an hour in a queue, only to see a "privileged" family, who've paid an extra... £10, I think it is at Legoland, wander on the ride in front of you. When they stop the people who've been queuing to let their more privleged guests on, you should see the reaction. People really, really hate it - and rightfully so. Everyone should be equal in the park - not just those who have the money for it.

Quote from: WillowIts an optional extra, you don't need it to have a good day and buying one doesn't mean you will have a good day.

But if you buy one, you'll get on more rides, quicker. Does that not mean you'll have a better day - or at the very least, you'd have a better chance, of having a better day, just because you were willing to splash the 400 euros or whatever it'd be for a family?

Quote from: Willowthis will do that without causing any additional problems.

Well, I'm afraid it's already caused one with me...  ;)

Quote from: smurfy74most guests wont realise what they are as they look like normal fast passes.

But I'm sure they're going to advertise these "VIP" fast passes somewhere, so I'd think a lot of guests will notice.

Quote from: dagobertI don't see any problems with this system, because most of the guests will not buy this VIP Fastpass

I guess the problem is that they're offering a two-tier system like this in the first place.


Quote from: "king_spoon_ian"
Quote from: "Willow"this will do that without causing any additional problems.

Well, I'm afraid it's already caused one with me, and several people I know.
Can I ask what problems it caused you?

Quote from: "king_spoon_ian"
Quote from: "dagobert"I don't see any problems with this system, because most of the guests will not buy this VIP Fastpass

I guess the problem is that they're offering a two-tier system like this in the first place.
This is not something entirely new, they've been offering a VIP Fastpass for quite some time to Castle/Empire State Club and Suites guests in the Disneyland Hotel and Hotel New York.
\'A fine bunch of water lilies you turned out to be. I\'d like to see anybody make me wash, if I didn\'t wanna.\' ...... \'Next thing you know, she\'ll be tyin\' your beards up in pink ribbons and smellin\' ya up with that stuff called, uh..."perfoom".\'


Legoland use the Q-bot system, which is so much better than a normal Fasttrack. They have easily got one of the best systems available. Disney should definitely use it as a replacement to Fastpass, and totally different to this new VIP Fastpass.

I have no issues with people skipping queues, they have paid extra for that, fair play to them. Its not affecting me.

I couldn't care less if a few hundred more people have a VIP Fastpass, they aren't going to dramatically increase queue times.