Autopia......Worth the Wait? Solution Please?

Started by CentralPlazaPerson, March 23, 2009, 10:47:57 PM

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As one of Discoveryland's or the Park's most busiest attractions it needs Fastpass (in my opinion)
I have only been on the ride once because of long queues stretching out to the Discoveryland paths. I was at DLRP last weekend and the park was bunged with people and I just walked straight passed it because I knew I was not going to get anywhere with it. In my opinion I think the ride needs some sort of system like Fastpass or opened to guests in Magical Hours.
By the way the ride is good.....queue terrible!

ALSO CRUSH'S COASTER!!! :shock:  :shock:


Fastpass is not the answer to shortening queues, it makes them longer.
Autopia is an expensive ride to run so they are only at 100% during busy periods.

Disney knew what they were doing when they bought Crush, surely someone would have told them that its a terrible ride for throughput.


Ok scrap fastpass but any solutions


What you need is to go with someone who wants to ride Autopia but does not want to ride Space Mountain..  :wink:  They stand at the entrance of Autopia from say 9.25am, while you on the other hand ride Space Mountain standing in a slight clue.  You then walk out of Space Mountain straight to the front of the Autopia Queue where your other half or friend will be waiting, with usually 15 minutes or less to spare before the actual opening at 10.00am..  :mrgreen:

I know this solution works because I did it..  :lol:  :lol:  :mrgreen:

But if you are on your own....Well scrap it  :!:  :lol:

Magic M

I didn't bother to ride it the last time I went mainly because the year before I waited for nearly an hour to ride the damned thing and I found it very slow and sluggish.

Plus it started raining just after turning the first corner!

Walts heir

just go during the extra magic hours and around 9 35 go wait in front of the door i did this and was the first one in even though the ride is a disaster you vcan do this for any other attraction
you can also wait infront of the door of the walt disney studios before they open but be careful they open at 9:30 as soon as the door opens be prepared to have at least one of the people in your partie run to the wanted ride althought you wil have to wait in front of the ride's door 20 minutes but it shoiuld help becausxe there are always some characters inside when it oppens usually donald and daisy so lots of people will stop to see them
i hate the queue for autopia but at wdw it way worse i once remember waiting 270 minutes for autopia

Pete's Dragon

What they need is a faster way of getting the tourists in and out of the cars. There always seems to be a bottleneck when you come round the last bend.

I have thought about this alot and I do have a solution. It would speed the unloading by a factor of 10, and if themed properlly could add to the whole futuristic styling of the ride. Are you ready ?

For any visitor that takes longer than 5seconds to vacate the car...[spoiler:3gtcntlz]Cattle Prod  :shock:[/spoiler:3gtcntlz]


Is this actually a good ride? or is it just good for the little guys? I never bother with it when am there but you got me interested now haha  :D


I personally think it is good, it is just that darn queue! I also think more themeing should be added but I will not go off topic with that. ;)


Quote from: "CentralPlazaPerson"As one of Discoveryland's or the Park's most busiest attractions it needs Fastpass (in my opinion)
I have only been on the ride once because of long queues stretching out to the Discoveryland paths. I was at DLRP last weekend and the park was bunged with people and I just walked straight passed it because I knew I was not going to get anywhere with it. In my opinion I think the ride needs some sort of system like Fastpass or opened to guests in Magical Hours.
By the way the ride is good.....queue terrible!

ALSO CRUSH'S COASTER!!! :shock:  :shock:

I have been the same, haven't done this ride since I first did it in 2006!  :o  :shock:

The queue is shocking for it! I hope to do it when I go in September but I don't know if the queue is worth it really.

Luv Aveen xoxo


i went on autopia about 2-3pm last week with no more than 20 min, queues only seem to get longer in the evening
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Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


Quote from: "Javey74"What you need is to go with someone who wants to ride Autopia but does not want to ride Space Mountain..  :wink:  They stand at the entrance of Autopia from say 9.25am, while you on the other hand ride Space Mountain standing in a slight clue.  You then walk out of Space Mountain straight to the front of the Autopia Queue where your other half or friend will be waiting, with usually 15 minutes or less to spare before the actual opening at 10.00am..  :mrgreen:

No offense intended but dont try this stunt in front of me,  If I can be bothered to wait in the que so can you, cant believe you are encouraging people to que jump which is basically what you are doing.
DLRP 2000,01,02,03,04x2,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,13, 14, 2015 (Booked)

"Pumba, not in front of the kids"


its not queue jumping as someone is already there, if someone went to the loo and came back and joined the other person thats not their fault, you may not have noticed them there before  :)  its also similar to babyswap - where you see one person but two people can ride. On the plus side if someone is queueing and then uses one of the 'chicken' exits thats always a bonus  :)


Exactly, it's not queue jumping, you're just re-joining the queue that someone you are with is in.  You wouldn't like to have to queue again if you were with someone but had to leave the queue for one reason or another.
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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Actually, it does count as queue jumping. I was near the front of the Cars queue once when a group of about 15 people joined the person at the front of the queue! I had to wait for an extra ride cycle. :evil:

If the whole queue did this then the displayed queue time would be completely wrong.