Autopia......Worth the Wait? Solution Please?

Started by CentralPlazaPerson, March 23, 2009, 10:47:57 PM

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But there is a difference between 15 people and 1 person.  How i see it if one person does it it's fine, any more than 3 or 4 and it's a bit abusing the system.
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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but they dont, but like you said thats a bit naughty, 15 is rudeness. I felt awful joining someone in the queue for another ride as I was queueing then left due to a call of nature and then returned and got really bad looks from people. I didnt really care too much though as its unlikely I will see any of them again and Im so sorry if they had to wait a whole extra 30 seconds to go on the ride. People really do get angry about some things when really its not that bad.  :D


It's not fair on the other guests. They've been queuing for ages and then have see someone skipping past everybody. Just imagine if everyone did that.


thats true sometimes, but you might not know the whole reason they are going past you, they may have had a child that they needed to attend to, the may have needed the loo, the may have some medical condition which means they cant stand for long periods, you shouldn't always think the worst - but like i said having those 15 people go past isnt in the spirit of things, but karma will get them, thats how I see it. Nasty people always get whats coming to them, not straight away but they do  :D  :D

Walts heir

They should get fastpasses or make the ride shorter or the cars faster


Quote from: "smurfy74"thats true sometimes, but you might not know the whole reason they are going past you, they may have had a child that they needed to attend to, the may have needed the loo, the may have some medical condition which means they cant stand for long periods, you shouldn't always think the worst - but like i said having those 15 people go past isnt in the spirit of things, but karma will get them, thats how I see it. Nasty people always get whats coming to them, not straight away but they do  :D  :D
If someone has a medical condition like that they shouldn't standing in the queue anyway, they should be using disabled access.  If someone needs to attend to a child, then they shouldn't have left that child in the first place. And if someone needs the loo... well that's just tough.

If there is a valid reason for queue jumping (and I'm sure there are a few), a Cast Member should always be notified.


Sometimes people are too proud to use disables facilities, and say I had my kids medicine in my bag which they needed to take and I had left them with their grandparents to look after as I queued for an hour for a ride and then I realised so I had to nip back to give it to them, all I mean to say is dont judge people as you dont always know the whole story things arent always black and white. People get too angry about things in this day and age and that causes many undesirable actions from people, ( just realised i sound a bit like a hippy   :D  )


I totally agree with RnRCj is saying.

If you leave the line for any reason you should re-join it at the end. Once you leave your place in the line you can't get it back.
There is no such thing as saving a place for someone. If they want to ride, they also have to queue.

Anyone who is found queue jumping should be thrown out of the park.


well willow and walts heir I hope you never forget anything, need the loo, feel ill, or need anything or have anything happen in a queue for upto 2 hours, if you do then enjoy your place at the end of the line, im with Javey on this one. Like rnrcj said all you need to do is let a CM know, but you might not see that so dont judge. :)


I have had to leave a queue at Theme Parks in the past, and I re-joined at the end of the queue.
I had no problem with that, I would never go back to my place in the line. I lost my place in the line when I left it.

Its not anything personally against you or anyone, its just my view in general.

Walts heir

Mayb they should let you leave only if you have a reaseon
Being bored and wanting to do another rid is not a valid one


Quote from: "-breeno-"Exactly, it's not queue jumping, you're just re-joining the queue that someone you are with is in.  You wouldn't like to have to queue again if you were with someone but had to leave the queue for one reason or another.

How can you be re-joining a que that you were never in?
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"Pumba, not in front of the kids"


No offense but if i was in a queue with my friend and my child, and my daughter needed the toilet and i knew the queue wasnt going to be moving very fast i would take her toilet and then rejoin my friend in the queue.  If the queue was a fast moving one i would just rejoin the end of the line.

I'm not exactly going to wait in the queue and let my child wet themselves just because i might get accused of queue jumping.

BTW Autopia is so overated lol.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!

Pete's Dragon

Problem: Long queueing times
Solution: Open all 4 lanes.
Problem: Costs too much
Solution:New cars

Huh? Well, this is supposed to be a retro 50's look at the future? Well, the future is hybrid synergie drives, and electric cars. So why not get Ford to design a new fleet of cars that are eco-friendly and extemely cheap to run, they are the sponsors after all.

Ford get to show off the new cars to the press i.e. free publicity (and more effective than any advert). Disney get to cut the amount spent running all those lawnmower engines, and the guests get All 4 Lanes to drive on and less time waiting in queues when they could be in the gift shops.

It's a Win-Win-Win situations !!!!!!!!!


Im with Willow on this... If anyone tries to pass me and uses the excuse there friends are at the front I tell them to call there friends back to where they are now.. Its nothing more than queue jumping

Little mermaid, thats slightly different as I would have seen you pass me... Im talking about people who just appear out of nowhere , usually called on the mobile by someone saving the spot..
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