Pin Trading: Disney Store UK

Started by casschr05, January 22, 2009, 09:28:16 PM

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Quote from: "Masamune" :P I work just around the corner from it, so I tend to go there every few days before or after work, depending on what shift I'm doing. Do you live close to yours?

aw wow thats lucky! I don't like too close, its about an hours drive from me so i dont get down very often, sometimes once a week or once a fortnight depending on my family as I don't drive.

The girl in the store today the one who was actually serving someone else, kept saying to me, we have the new pins in but they aren't released until saturday but we have them! I felt like I was being teased knowing they had them in the stock room and I couldnt see them hehehe! :P
Luv Aveen xoxo


:shock: A full hour's drive? I'd hardly ever get to go to the Disney Store if that's how far away it was.

:P Are you going to get either of the new releases?

Bah, time for bed I think. Night Aveen!


probably not (get any new releases hehe! :P )

no worries tty soon!

just remember "most everyones mad here" :wink:
Luv Aveen xoxo


I don't know whether to just buy the Hercules pin tomorrow, or just wait and let it be one of the ones I buy online if I finally give in and decide that I actually NEED the Robin Hood pin. :lol:


lol! Are you a hercules fan? I like Megan - another female character who I wish they showed more off and I love the song she sings " I won't say i'm in love".....I love the opening line "if there's a prize for rotten judgement, I think I've already won that" hehe! :D  :D  :D

I want the Alice and tweedle dum/dee one and robin hood, and I like the pinochio one too and the peter pan flying slider pin! :P
Luv Aveen xoxo


:D Hercules is one of my fave Disney films. And I always loved how the Hydra looks, so as long as this pin looks as good in real life as it does in the picture, I'll get it.

:? OMG, have you seen the newest additions to the Disney Store website? The next Mickey short one looks OK, but that Grape pin is the most rubbish one ever. Apparently it's from the film Up. Seriously, if they charge anymore than £3 for it I'll be horrified. :lol: At least at £3 it'll be worth buying some in order to trade.

:) Also, the Baloo pin is back! Along with Happy.


oooo forgot to stupid of me..........

Love the 2 core pins! :D  So glad its not tinkebell, the mickey one looks ok but that grape one is really pathetic! :P  hehe I don't even think I would waste £3 on that Grape pin!! hehe!

Have you ever traded in a LE pin for one on the cast lanyards in the park or only core ones?

I bought this pin off an american seller, it came today.. I totally love it.. ... 1252706304
Luv Aveen xoxo


:P Since it's a LE pin, it'll be worth buying at £3. Wouldn't spend £5 on it though, so fingers crossed for £3! At least then I'll have a few extra LE pins to trade with the DLRP pin board.

I only ever trade LE pins for other LE pins. :o I wouldn't ever trade one of my LE pins for a core pin unless it was a very rare one.


Quote from: "Masamune" :P Since it's a LE pin, it'll be worth buying at £3. Wouldn't spend £5 on it though, so fingers crossed for £3! At least then I'll have a few extra LE pins to trade with the DLRP pin board.

I only ever trade LE pins for other LE pins. :o I wouldn't ever trade one of my LE pins for a core pin unless it was a very rare one.

ah I didn't realise it was a limited edition pin! Its still horrible and boring though hehe! :P do you normally take many pins with you for trading?

Luv Aveen xoxo


:) I try to take as many Core pins as possible. I'll probably buy a bunch off eBay before I go in January, just so I don't fall short. If I don't end up being there for a Pin Trading Night, I only need LE pins for the pin boards, which sometimes aren't even there. So I won't stock up on too many LE pins unless I can get them cheap (like £3).


Quote from: "Masamune" :) I try to take as many Core pins as possible. I'll probably buy a bunch off eBay before I go in January, just so I don't fall short. If I don't end up being there for a Pin Trading Night, I only need LE pins for the pin boards, which sometimes aren't even there. So I won't stock up on too many LE pins unless I can get them cheap (like £3).

on average how many do you think you trade with cast members when your there?

Have you ever had a bad experience trading in DLP?
Luv Aveen xoxo


:P In April I traded for 19 core pins. I know this because I took a picture of them all when I got home. 17 were off Cast Members, 2 were off other guests. :D I'm not as shy about asking to see Cast Member lanyards now, so I trade a lot. I would've had more, but I ran out of pins I actually wanted to trade and ended up trading a few away that I would've liked to have kept.

There's only one that comes to mind, and it was on the trip where we got into Pin Trading. A Cast Member had a lanyard on with a bunch of really lovely pins on it. We asked if we could trade, but he just flat out refused. :( He was very rude about it too, and didn't give us a reason why he wouldn't trade. Since we were new to pin trading, we didn't know the rule about cast members HAVING to trade pins, so we just had to do without.


Someone told me they don't have to if it's their own personal collection or something! :? Could that be true?
Luv Aveen xoxo


As far as I know, their personal collection is meant to either go on their uniform, or on a different coloured lanyard. :( This guy was wearing the same lanyard as every other cast member, but he just refused to trade.


Quote from: "Masamune"As far as I know, their personal collection is meant to either go on their uniform, or on a different coloured lanyard. :( This guy was wearing the same lanyard as every other cast member, but he just refused to trade.

Maybe he was just rude then...well actually he was if she just said no in a blunt way and didn't explain!  :(  I hope I don't come across many like him. I know this may sound stupid but if I have a lanyard of core pins around my neck and I ask to trade I feel almost as if I don't have good pins or something, like I am not giving them a good trade or whatever...have you ever felt like that?? :?
Luv Aveen xoxo