Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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RnRCj, your Toy Soldiers poster looks just how it should be! It almost looks like a proper attraction poster, quite stylised.

Quote from: "netjack"Am I the only one who does not undestand, how they came to the conclusion that putting an attraaction based on Soldiers (even if they are meant to be Toy Soldiers) into a FAMLILY PARK could be a good idea?
Maybe true. I think that's why they've been careful with the name. As far as I know it was looking like being "Army Men Parachute Drop" or something similar for a while. "Toy Soldiers Parachute Drop" makes it very clear. This is meant to be a collection of boy's toys, army and war games feature in that. Very innocently. It's hardly a WWII simulator.

Quote from: "Alan"Have you seen this new aerial view of the Toy Story Playland construction site? Gives you a better idea of its size. I've circled the rumoured Ratatouille site in yellow:
Nice work. The park looks great from that angle! It's good to see the trees they've kept at the back of TSPL too. It's quite rare for Disney to do that.

Quote from: "netjack"//
Most of the images seem to cross over with Paris, but I'm not sure about this one. Either it's an early concept or a special design for Hong Kong. The area doesn't look right with the art we've seen so far. I like the idea of the house though.


And one final image...

(Click to enlarge) That's the best quality available, the full image is all pixellated. Hopefully they'll fix it.

Also removed "Rumour" from the topic title (not that it has been announced :roll:) and re-wrote the first post with a new overview. Question: Do we know who's manufacturing the Slinky Dog ride system? I know "Musik Express" is a Mack ride, but might it actually be DLP friends Zamperla, since they're doing RC Racer? Same goes for Parachute Drop - it's an Intamin ride, but the version coming to Paris is looking a lot different to their version at DCA, for example. It covers a larger space and has 3 seats per parachute.


Quote from: "luke85"Why do you think it's a mistake?

Ok here is my explaination:

In my opinion a war inspired theme (or ride) is nothing I wanna see in a Disney Park. We are talking about Disney here. The place where families can forget reality for some days. I know it sounds tacky, but even Toy Soldiers are still Soldiers and I guess quite some guests might not have seen the movies so that they just see those Toy Soldiers as what they are. Boy toys where kids can play war games with.

Again: This is nothing I want to see in a Disney Park.

They had so much Themes to chose from. So why this? Now have in mind that we are talking about an area of the park (btw the only area in the WDS) that is especially designed for kids. Even within the toy story world there are enough possible themes for a ride like this. The Army Men are of course the first thing that comes to mind for a parashute ride, but it is neither a "magical" theme nor a theme some mommies and daddies might like to see.

I generally don't complain about the desicion to add some small rides tp this area of the park and a even Toy Story a main theme is fine with me: Toy Story is still popular, but I don't think that the Army Men are a good choise for a ride in a kids area in a Disney Park.


Quote from: "netjack"
Quote from: "luke85"Why do you think it's a mistake?

Ok here is my explaination:

In my opinion a war inspired theme (or ride) is nothing I wanna see in a Disney Park. We are talking about Disney here. The place where families can forget reality for some days. I know it sounds tacky, but even Toy Soldiers are still Soldiers and I guess quite some guests might not have seen the movies so that they just see those Toy Soldiers as what they are. Boy toys where kids can play war games with.

Again: This is nothing I want to see in a Disney Park.

They had so much Themes to chose from. So why this? Now have in mind that we are talking about an area of the park (btw the only area in the WDS) that is especially designed for kids. Even within the toy story world there are enough possible themes for a ride like this. The Army Men are of course the first thing that comes to mind for a parashute ride, but it is neither a "magical" theme nor a theme some mommies and daddies might like to see.

I generally don't complain about the desicion to add some small rides tp this area of the park and a even Toy Story a main theme is fine with me: Toy Story is still popular, but I don't think that the Army Men are a good choise for a ride in a kids area in a Disney Park.

It's not a war inspired themed ride, It's a parachute drop ride clearly themed to the toys from the film. I understand that war should not be glorified, and I totally agree, but I genuinely don't think this attraction is doing that in any way, shape or form.

If parents object to the theming then it's entirely up to them to not allow their children to take part in the attraction, just as it would be if they objected to the theming on Phantom Manor. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I think if people chose not to let their children take part then that will be their prerogative.


Attraction based on war - how about one based on attacking a town, pillaging, getting drunk, selling/ chasing after the females of the town, torturing the mayor in a well and setting the town on fire! - real 'family' based ride aka - Pirates of the Carribean
Ed & David


Lol, and of course the fort in Frontierland is a military structure. To me, Disney does adult themes best and I hate the kiddy stype stuff of Disney (even when I was a kid).

In fact, some of the very best attractions in the US have war connottions - The American Adventure, Spaceship Earth, The Hall of Presidents, Great Moments with Mr Lincoln. It is the lack of educatainment (except for the likes of Moteurs Action) that really let DLP down.
since 2001 (many before that)


And there is the Sword in the Stone , i.e what are swords used for ???
Or the evil Queen in Snow White ,who wanted to cut her heart out....
Or firing laser guns in Buzz Lightyear....
Quite a lot of gruesome violent images around a Disney park once you get started !! lol
I'm sure there are  plenty more around as well


I kind of agree with you all on the following thing: There are plenty of Disney- Rides that show violence.

But there is one mayor difference to the Parashutes ride in TSPL in my opinion: Where these attractions or lands tell a story first and the scene or theme functions as part of that story, the soldiers in TSPL they will simply look like a collection of plastic soldiers (with guns, walkie talkies, etc), especially for persons that haven't seen the moviesm in lifesize, right in front of you. To me this is a difference.

If I would be the one to choose for a theme, I would have themed the entire area as an extension of the Toon Studios,, what means we can add varios cartoon and pixar themed rides.
This would give us the opportunity to theme the Paratower after Duck Tales for example (Scrooge McDuck and the Kids on top of the cabins and the ride is located close to a small articial mountain with a waterfall) or as a kind of "fun machine" that Gyro Gearloose designed.

I really have the felling I'm the only one who would have chosen for a different theme or ride type.

Quote from: "netjack"I kind of agree with you all on the following thing: There are plenty of Disney- Rides that show violence.

But there is one mayor difference to the Parashutes ride in TSPL in my opinion: Where these attractions or lands tell a story first and the scene or theme functions as part of that story, the soldiers in TSPL they will simply look like a collection of plastic soldiers (with guns, walkie talkies, etc), especially for persons that haven't seen the moviesm in lifesize, right in front of you. To me this is a difference.

If I would be the one to choose for a theme, I would have themed the entire area as an extension of the Toon Studios,, what means we can add varios cartoon and pixar themed rides.
This would give us the opportunity to theme the Paratower after Duck Tales for example (Scrooge McDuck and the Kids on top of the cabins and the ride is located close to a small articial mountain with a waterfall) or as a kind of "fun machine" that Gyro Gearloose designed.

I really have the felling I'm the only one who would have chosen for a different theme or ride type.

I understand what you mean, but I do not agree with you - I don't see this as an attraction that glorifies war or soldiers in any way.

You say that people who haven't seen the movie can't relate to the theme. I seriously believe that the majority of this area's intended audience (the young kids) are way more familiar with Toy Story than they are with Snow White, Sword in the Stone and other "violent" attractions in DLP...

Please visit my DLP website:

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]


There is nothing violent about the ride, its based on one of the most popular family movie's in recent times.

There are some people on here who would also like the theme to be different, but not for the "violence".  :wink:

The days of a ride involving Duck Tales are long gone....


netjack , I do follow your thinking on this themeing ,I hate to see war glorified in any way ,military bands in parades and shows (not Disney) bother me more !!
But this is a fairly innocent interpretation , the Rustler Roundup Shootin Gallery over in Frontierland is way more offensive ,as you are encouraged to use realistic guns for fun . :(

The Butlin Boy

It has begun... :wink:

Posted on Disney Central Plaza by Grandmath


Hmmm, that construction wall art. Forgive me if this sounds harsh, but it seriously looks like it was put together by French people trying to do a Disney style. It certainly doesn't look like it came out of Pixar or Walt Disney Imagineering. It makes me think "cheap" and "fake".


Aww and I was just coming in here to say it looks quite good!

Do you remember the walls for things like Crush/Cars (stuck-on cardboard pieces) or Tower of Terror (dull poster)? This is a definite improvement, though yes still far, FAR away from the quite beautiful walls all over DCA.

The one truly cheap thing about it is that it only seems to cover about a quarter of the wall!