Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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Quote from: "RnRCj"^I think I read somewhere that it's 60 metres tall.

That's about the height of TOT!




Thanks for the photos smurfy/David. Aside from the very off-model faces of Slinky and Buzz (must have been done by the people who did the Constellations figure), it's not that bad. The best themed fences we've had this decade. Which is depressing...

Another thing to moan about -- haven't they covered up the lights for this path with the fences? In DCA they put replacement ones on the top of the walls. I know there are still some on the Art of Disney side of the path, but it must be pretty dark down there now...


I was messing around with the RC Racer poster last week, trying to turn the track orange:

And now look what's just been released officially today:

So at least we're on the same page on one thing!


Imagineering hadn't made a final decision yet about the colour of the ride's track. Green or orange... So I guess that's confirmed now.


Ahh ok, thanks! Orange is probably best, even if it'll be more noticeable against the trees.

Quote from: "RnRCj"^I think I read somewhere that it's 60 metres tall. TSPL's halfpipe will be just over half that size.
Confirmed as 25 metres (about 82ft) tall in the latest official text:
QuoteRC Racer
Andy's speediest toy car is sure to get you and your family's adrenaline pumping. RC Racer is the most thrilling new ride in Toy Story Playland. Race along a 25 metre-high half-pipe coaster, as RC zooms you around at full's a real gas.
What is "it's a real gas" even meant to mean? That phrase was used for Cars too.

Anyway, Tower of Terror is 183ft, so RC Racer will be about as high as the bit that sticks out the front. Not too bad. Won't be seen from Frontierland (except the BTM lift hill) and probably won't be seen from any Hollywood Blvd expansion. It'll also be a good weenie to get people moving through the very cramped area between Crush and Cars.


25 metres (about 82ft)? Phew. And that will be the very tips of the track, so the body of the attraction won't be that high up in the air. Maybe it won't look so imposing after all.

I'm hoping that Toy Story Playland will end up looking a lot like A Bug's Land at DCA, with the props and styling of Toy Story Mania. If it's done to that level of quality, it could actually look quite smart and attractive:


Great to see that the track is most likely going to be orange.  Even if it will make it stand out more it'll look a lot better and more hot wheelsy :P

Also good to hear it won't be looming over everything in the park like people were expecting it to.  Doesn't really matter if can be seen from the BTM lift hill does it?  We can already see ToT and Crush's huge blue building so it'll not exactly be invading the theming.
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So glad they decided to go with the orange track rather than that gaudy green!

The height sounds ok too, hopefully it will fit subtly into it's surroundings! (I hope  :P )


Only just read that its 25 metres high.

Thats not all that bad, especially as Zamerla's Disk-O's supports can be decorated nicely.
I'd rather it was a Disk-O than a Intamin Half Pipe.

Zamperla must love the business DLRP gives them!



The heights are taken from official texts, so don't argue with me!

And just for fun: (click it)

Right, I need to go and do something productive now...


Well I do hope they use 30 ft trees to cover RC Racer at least, it would look out out place. :|  

Actrully, using large trees could be a good idea I think, does anyone else agree?

Here Come The Belgians!


Quote from: "QTXAdsy"Actrully, using large trees could be a good idea I think, does anyone else agree?
Yes, the Imagineers do! They've kept a parcel of the old ones that used to be there at the back, which will probably just about cover the right half of the halfpipe. You can see them on some of the latest photos and it's sort of shown on the concept art too, if you can find that somewhere.


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Quote from: "Anthony"

Do you have a bigger picture ?