Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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I like the posters. In no way are they rubbish in my view. As yet I've not seen any one produce anything better regarding Toy Story Playland. There's todays challenge, let's see what people can come up with. And if we don't like it we can tell them what utter rubbish it is. I'm sure they wont mind.
Ed & David


Quote from: "ed-uk"I like the posters. In no way are they rubbish in my view. As yet I've not seen any one produce anything better regarding Toy Story Playland. There's todays challenge, let's see what people can come up with. And if we don't like it we can tell than what utter rubbish it is. I'm sure they wont mind.
These posters are in fact, very poorly made. Anyone with basic knowledge of photo editing programs would know that. And it doesn't take a genius to notice that the characters are just the standard stock images plonked over the top. Compare these posters to the posters for Disneyland Park attractions and notice the huge quality difference. Heck, even HKDL has better posters than this and they added Toy Story Land at the last minute.


The posters for Toy Story land at HKDL are different, I'll give you that. But the posters for Toy Story Playland at DLP do tie in very well with the next Toy Story film, which I thought was the idea. What 's wrong with useing the characters from the film ? They look like the characters from the film in the poster. The message in the posters is loud and clear, why does it have to be clever?
Ed & David


I'll say it again:
Quote from: "RnRCj"These posters are in fact, very poorly made.
It's not the contents of the poster that is bad, it's the design.

Why, for example, have Buzz and Woody been badly edited into the parachute poster? Without them, that poster would have been acceptable in my view.

It's the same with all three posters - Toy Story characters just copied from the standard stock images and pasted over the top of the picture. It's very noticable that there's no thought gone into it.

I can't believe how some of you can support this rubbish. Do you really want DLP to head in this direction?


The message in the posters is loud and clear. The characters are instantly recognizable, we don't have to try and work out what it's all about. They tie in nicely with Toy Stor 3 which is released next year I believe. Most people who like the films and the characters will enjoy these posters, they wont stop to think about the editing. I don't know how they made the posters, it doesn't have to be clever, I just have to like it. We'll just have to agree to differ on this one.
Ed & David


QuoteThese posters are in fact, very poorly made. Anyone with basic knowledge of photo editing programs would know that. And it doesn't take a genius to notice that the characters are just the standard stock images plonked over the top. Compare these posters to the posters for Disneyland Park attractions and notice the huge quality difference. Heck, even HKDL has better posters than this and they added Toy Story Land at the last minute.

I think you have answered yourself there, I infact quite like the artwork and have no knowledge of photoshop etc, heck most people dont know how to use a mobile phone properly, so to me as someone who obviously has no basic knowledge they are ok. I quite like the one with the t-rex in it but am not so keen on the parachute one, i think it looks boring.


I will say it one more time, since it doesn't seem to have gone in:
Quote from: "RnRCj"These posters are in fact, very poorly made.
Why on earth are you supporting poorly made posters?! Just because they're colourful and include Buzz and Woody in every one doesn't mean they are instantly great.

Just look at Woody in the parachute poster - it's the exact same image as in the first poster, only reversed! Blatantly a very bad copy/paste job.

If you want DLP to keep decreasing in quality, then continue supporting this rubbish. It's up to you. But I want DLP to get better and return to having the quality that it once had. I'm not disliking these posters for the sake of it. It's for the sake of DLP's future.


I'm going to agree with RnRCj on this one (for once :P ).  The posters are indeed poorly made, most of the characters seem very out of place in the posters (my example is Bullseye in the first poster) but what is worse is the fact they just used stock images of Buzz and Woody.  For example take the visual poster of Buzz Laser Blast;

Now that may be a stock image of buzz (or more likey just a copy from Astro Blast) but at least it's been created well.  This proves that it can be done well and professionally, and still sends out the same message and be colourful/recognizable etc.  I don't know if either they were in a rush for the D23 Expo (where these released there?) or just lazy.

Also does anyone think the last two posters would look 10 times better without Buzz and Woody?  There isn't really any need for them IMO.  We all know where the Toy Soilders and RC comes from plus we didn't see Nemo popping up in every poster of Crush Coaster.
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Quote from: "disneyloverjessie"I really don't see what everyone's moaning about, it hasn't even been built yet!

So please just wait and see, then you can judge it :)

Complete and utter rubbish. concept art is there for a reason, to unify the concept, to be a key point of communication, to ensure consistency in the build process.

this is one of the worst things to ever grace a Disney park, along with Fliks fun fair and Chester and Hester. I have  seen the concept art of both and been to both.

Believe me, if you like this junk, you will probably like the land. If you do not like the concept art, you are unlikely to like the area.
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "-breeno-"Also does anyone think the last two posters would look 10 times better without Buzz and Woody?  There isn't really any need for them IMO.  We all know where the Toy Soilders and RC comes from plus we didn't see Nemo popping up in every poster of Crush Coaster.
Definitely! I would like the parachute poster if it wasn't for Buzz and Woody being there. I still hate the ride itself though. :twisted:


I still like the poster despite how it is made, whether it be stock or not or whatever, my least favourite is the parachute one, what we dont know is if these will be used or where they mocked up just for the expo. If the quality is as bad as said then that would make sense. Everyones taste is different and perception is personal. I hate some of the posters that are used in the queue area of rnrc, i havent studied their artistic qualities and im sure they are made to the highest standard, its just they arent my cup of tea  :D ( ps the ride still rocks! )


I agree. If a person likes a poster, any poster thats fair enough. However it's made. It's got nothing to do with the land. It's all to do with copy paste and editing. Some people don't like it, so we shouldn't like it either, because they know more about it than we do. Or so they would have us believe.
Ed & David


Quote from: "ed-uk"As yet I've not seen any one produce anything better regarding Toy Story Playland. There's todays challenge, let's see what people can come up with. And if we don't like it we can tell them what utter rubbish it is. I'm sure they wont mind.
What a silly comment. You seem to be saying we're not qualified to have an opinion, because we didn't produce any Toy Story Playland advertising ourselves? Huh?!

When/if these appear in brochures and so on, the magicforum will be only a small minority of the public deciding "oh, 2010 at Disneyland Paris looks a bit rubbish..." and setting off to Alton Towers instead.

Quote from: "-breeno-"Also does anyone think the last two posters would look 10 times better without Buzz and Woody?  There isn't really any need for them IMO.  We all know where the Toy Soilders and RC comes from plus we didn't see Nemo popping up in every poster of Crush Coaster.
Yes! Yes! Actually looking at them again, the background artwork of the Toy Soldiers poster is pretty good, but then they've cut and pasted a stock image of Woody and Buzz in on top... how stupid. It looks like Burbank - or somewhere in the land of "real" Disney - produced the images and then sent them to Paris, who promptly decided, "nope, needs Woody and Buzz in there", and instead of sending them back just spliced them in... and then released them for public use!

The RC Racer visual suffers again because of the stock image characters, but also some truly awful colour choices. Forget knowledge of Photoshop - there's the just plain human knowledge that that lime green track and red "Racer" don't look good together! Why not make the track orange like on the actual ride?

Finally, the main "poster" itself suffers from the same thing. Besides generally being about as attractive as your local school playground, the "Toy Story" logo there has been Bevel & Embossed to hell and back and the colours of "Playland" are really garish. Could they not have just reused the rather nice poster artwork from HKDL?

When I spat on these before, I was also bearing in mind the other visuals for the "NGF" events, which luckily haven't been posted yet... (stock character images ahoy..!) And really, my dislike for these images does not match my thoughts on the Imagineer's land itself, which I'm still ashamedly looking forward to.


What I would really like to know now is who did design and make the posters? How were they made? I know what people think they look like. I don't think they will be in the shops to buy anyway. But if they were I think some people would buy them. How do you go about designing a poster for a theme park, maybe somebody could tell me ? How much does it cost? If people call something rubbish, aren't people allowed to ask what they would do?
Ed & David


Ok, here's 10 minutes worth of Photoshopping:

I don't know why "PLAYLAND" wasn't written with blocks like that anyway, since that's how it'll look at the land entrance. Photoshopping the blocks from the New Generation Festival logo over the original blue, green, orange, red and pink (?) letters makes it look much nicer in my opinion. More pleasing colours, less tacky.

Same for the RC Racer track - the original green clashes with the green RC himself, not to mention the green Toy Soldiers above. That's probably why the real thing will be orange, like I've switched it to be. Much warmer!

Two small changes and I'm beginning to rather like it.