Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "luke85"Oh how annoying, I'm looking to book for the 6th-10th June!

It is highly likely that they'll have soft openings then, so you'll probably be able to go there before it opens :wink:


I hope so :)


I think people should stop being negative towards this, at least until it has opened and they have been there.

I was very annoyed when I heard that Crush's Coaster was going to be a standard model MS Spinner, but look how that turned out! Its now one of my favourite rides at DLP. I just think people should give DLP a chance, stop moaning about it before its even been built.

Are there plans for any restraunts in the area? I was really hoping that they would take this oppotunity to build a REAL Pizza Planet, and then close the pathetic one in Discoveryland.


Some of us work in roles where we have to set 5 - 10 strategies. If the vision is flawed, then the end product is likely to be flawed. Although I will happily admit if I am wrong. Cars came out better than I thought, Crush is still a huge problem for the park and should have never been built.
since 2001 (many before that)


I was genuinely looking forward to Crush, but now I wish it was never even considered. Not only is it a low capacity attraction with horrible queues and bad reliability, I also think the ride itself is very disappointing.

TSPL hasn't got me excited at all. Even the rest of my family, who I would consider to be "average" Disneyland guests, replied with an unenthusiastic "oh, is that it?" when I told them what was going on behind the construction walls last September.

My brother is 11 years old - about the age group this land is aimed for. When I showed him the concept arts the first thing he said was: "it looks like something Chessington or Thorpe Park would do". I'm not kidding.

Disney really need to get their act together.


Yep, in this case, nothing is better than something. At least with nothing, you are likely to be able to see SOMETHING worth seeing later.
since 2001 (many before that)


Tastes are different and I like Crush a lot. You are absolutely right that there are better executed attractions and the reliability is also not the beat. Nevertheless I think it is a nice family attraction.

Concerning TSPL I wait until it is finished until I judge, but until now I'm also not very impressed by it. I do understand that WDS needs some attractions for the little ones, but they could have done something better. Especially I'm not very happy with the parachute attraction.

I think it would have been better if Disney had chosen only one attraction for children to be built and save the rest for a nice Ratatouille dark ride.


At my work 2 families are going this year , they loved the brochure and TSPL so I guess you cant please of the people all of the time but these families seemed impressed especially 4 year old tom - he is really looking forward to TSPL.


Quote from: "Martyn"I was very annoyed when I heard that Crush's Coaster was going to be a standard model MS Spinner, but look how that turned out! Its now one of my favourite rides at DLP. I just think people should give DLP a chance, stop moaning about it before its even been built.

If Crush's Coaster (I still dislike the name) is any indication for Toy Story Playland, we really should get worried. Its still a standard MS Spinner in a box, without any major effects along the way. Yes, the small darkride portion of the ride is okay, although its way too static in my opinion, but the coaster part itself is simply underwhelming. I haven't seen any decorations or other ways to convince me as a guest that I am in the EAC. And don't even mention the lack of transition at the end of the ride when people are suddendly back in the loading area.

Besides the the issue's regarding the theming, the ride isn't suitable for small children (quite odd when you pick a film like Nemo to theme it after) and the ride capacity is way too small. Imagineering should have known these issue's even during the design process. Crush's Coaster is way too overrated in my opinion, and I still don't get why people are so fond of it, maybe someone can explain?

I would choose Armageddon, one of the most underrated attractions in the Studios, over Crush's Coaster any day.


Quote from: "smurfy74"At my work 2 families are going this year , they loved the brochure and TSPL so I guess you cant please of the people all of the time but these families seemed impressed especially 4 year old tom - he is really looking forward to TSPL.

But, are these people who know what Disney are all about, or who have only been to regional parks? Makes a big difference. Compared to Alton Towers, these are ok. Compared to Disney or Universal standards, it is aweful.

And are these the type to go somewhere else when their kids outgrow the parks. That never used to be a big problem, but that problem is getting bigger.
since 2001 (many before that)


They dont know about the history of any of the parks etc, but they usually go on summer sun holidays and now they are going to Disney - they have said if they like it then they will go again, they arent likely to go when they are older as they are going for the kids. They have chosen this as an alternative to taking them to Alton Towers etc for a short break, so im guessing these are guests that are really needed to increase attendance, they havent really considered it as a short break destination before, but the brochure really grabbed their attention ( the cover is amazing compared to other brochures purely because its shiney ) and the fact that one of their kids is Toy Story mad sealed the deal so to speak - so its Disney thats getting over a £1000 as opposed to somewhere else.


I think Crush's Coaster is a great attraction, one of my favourites at the whole resort. It just has capacity issues. Also, I think there are a lot of people in the queue that don't know/realise what it is. There are lots of parents queueing up with little kids, not realising the ride is a massive roller coaster.


Quote from: "Alan"I think Crush's Coaster is a great attraction, one of my favourites at the whole resort. It just has capacity issues. Also, I think there are a lot of people in the queue that don't know/realise what it is. There are lots of parents queueing up with little kids, not realising the ride is a massive roller coaster.

We are also fans of Crush's Coaster. At first we were sceptical, too, but after the first ride it was a lot of fun. Sure there are better attractions, but it was a good addition to the Studios, like Cars Race Rally. I know it is a ride for children, but we couldn't resist and rode Cars. This ride is also a lot of fun, because the cars spin really fast.

I would say that the Toon Studio addition was a lot better than the upcoming TSPL addition.

Poppy The Monkey

The huge green support for the "Toy Soliders Parachute Drop" went up this morning! I'm not relly commenting on this project until it is finished - but the only word I can say so far is "eyesore"  :roll:  :|

Remco K.

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