Accessibility — disability passes, questions, tips

Started by Kristof, August 21, 2005, 07:40:16 PM

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Hello, we're booked to go back to Disney next Feb.  The last 2 visits we have had our Pass due my my daughters mobility.  I expect I'll have a new letter by then as she'll be seen before we go again.

My question this time is that in the past it's just been me, husband and daughter.  Next visit in our room will also be my sister-in-law and niece (who's 2).  Are we likely to have them added onto the pass?  We'll be a group of 5, but to be honest I'm happy for 1 adult to not go on a ride but would want both the kids to go on if that makes sense.  Never travelled in a bigger party so don't know how it works.
Santa 11/00
Newport Bay 10/03
Sequoia 3/09
Disneyland 2/11
Disneyland 5/12
New York 2/13
New York 2/14
Disneyland 2/16
Sequoia Lodge GF 8/17
New York ESC 2/18
Newport Bay CC 4/19
Disneyland 2/20


With a physical disability we were allowed two adults and two children on each ride, but only 2 people to go to the disabled area for parades. Hope that helps :)

polar vixen

I think it depends a little on who is serving you when you go for your pass - my son's pass had 5 family members on it, but only 1 for parades.  They did say though, that if we wanted or needed to we could still do child swop - and use the pass twice, -sometimes they only have 1 disabled car which seats 4, on snow white for example, so three of us rode with him, waited for the car to get back, and then the other 2 rode with my son again (who then got to do the ride twice, not that he minded).  Hope that makes sense.


Thanks for help.  Daughter transfers to the normal ride cars so that should be ok.  Hadn't thought that we would probably be able to baby swap if needed, that would work for us. Especially on something like Big Thunder Mountain where the 2 year old wouldn't be able to ride, 2 adults and daughter use pass, then wait for baby swap for other adult (plus one of us again I expect).

Hopefully it doesn't all change too much by the time February comes round.
Santa 11/00
Newport Bay 10/03
Sequoia 3/09
Disneyland 2/11
Disneyland 5/12
New York 2/13
New York 2/14
Disneyland 2/16
Sequoia Lodge GF 8/17
New York ESC 2/18
Newport Bay CC 4/19
Disneyland 2/20


It also appears to be different from what color card you get.

If you get a green card, I believe you can take 2-3 children + 1 adult.

If you get an orange card (which I get), you can only take 1 person with you.

Some CM's are very strict with this, and will not allow more people then noted on the card.


Hello everyone would just like to say about the coloured cards that Nathalie mentioned I think the orange card is temporary disability? And green is lifelong disability/condition. I researched this one year when we went because every other year it has been green and they didn't mind other family members helping me and my son on and riding.
But one time they gave the orange card... Why I do not know it made that particular trip  VERY hard work!! As only I was aloud to go on with my son who's 4 with cerebal palsy autism and other problems. We have a blue badge but the cast member was having none of it. Hes not a small boy and lifting him on/off rides alone wasn't easy by any means.

In saying this it has never happend again we always are given the green card thank god!


Quote from: "gemmasteele84"Ugh how rude :( always discusts me how little respect some people have for those who need extra help. In our case it's my husband, he has a number of phyisical disabilities which people can see as he uses mobility aids, but he also has brain damage which has causes alzhimers like symptoms which obviously people CAN'T see and don't expect in a 34 year old bloke. Often people think he's a drunk or just an idiot which drives me mad.

I feel for you as we have experienced alot of rudeness from people. My fiance has mobility issues and it's easy for all to see, but he still gets jostled and stared at etc... Unfortunately some people do not know how lucky they are and seem to lose the plot where manners are concerned. I had to bite my tongue loads during a recent trip  :roll:
Disneyworld 1990
Disneyland Paris 1996, 2002, 2004, 2013, 2014...


Quote from: "gemmasteele84"I think its hard when you have high morals and see others getting away with things you wouldn't think of doing. Its the same with pushing, I teach both my children to wait their turn and don't push but I admit last time we went after countless other children and adults pushed in front of us to meet Chip and Dale I lost my patience and pushed him forward.

I totally agree. We wasted so much time waiting patiently for our 'turn', but I think by the end of the second day I was encouraging my son to 'do what everyone else was doing', basically butting in.
Disneyworld 1990
Disneyland Paris 1996, 2002, 2004, 2013, 2014...


hey all,

I was wondering:

what kind of disabilty card (if at all) and which advantages/restrictions would someone get who is diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome?  Since that is not a physical handicap and not a psychic disability either, but being referred to officially as a handicap of the soul. really curios what that would mean inside DLP
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If you can still get a doctors letter explaining that person has problems in queues and crowds they can still help!

polar vixen

I believe aspergers falls under the category of ASD, which is classed as a mental disability.  A doctor's/hospital diagnosis letter presented at city hall, will get the person with aspergers, and immediate family members access to the disabled entrance to rides, so that they don't have to struggle with crowds.  this means a shorter, and less crowded wait time.  We've also found it useful when queueing to meet characters.  We'll still wait a few minutes, but will hang to the back of the crowd, and hold the pass up, the character will acknowledge us, and then we'll hang back for them to come to us, or we'll get the attention of the cast member accompanying them, who will get their attention for us after we've waited a couple of minutes.  This pass is a real gift for us - it means we can actually enjoy Disney without our sons having complete stress meltdowns or hurting themselves.


Quote from: "polar vixen"I believe aspergers falls under the category of ASD, which is classed as a mental disability.  A doctor's/hospital diagnosis letter presented at city hall, will get the person with aspergers, and immediate family members access to the disabled entrance to rides, so that they don't have to struggle with crowds.  this means a shorter, and less crowded wait time.  We've also found it useful when queueing to meet characters.  We'll still wait a few minutes, but will hang to the back of the crowd, and hold the pass up, the character will acknowledge us, and then we'll hang back for them to come to us, or we'll get the attention of the cast member accompanying them, who will get their attention for us after we've waited a couple of minutes.  This pass is a real gift for us - it means we can actually enjoy Disney without our sons having complete stress meltdowns or hurting themselves.

that is very interesting to read, since I have actually been diagnosed with aspergers recently, I just haven't recieved the formal diagnose yet. But I will most likely get it soon and then get my diasabled card as well, I think up to 50 % is possible, we will see how much I actually get. Now we just need a card for my mum's bad back ^.^
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I made a complaint about this after my last visit (december)
My son has a disability we scanned and took a neurologist report but even though it clearly stated he had seizures because the neuro was saying he wanted tests what tests and why they questioned the letter. Saying that because I had scanned it it could be a fake. I obviously took offense in the end I told them to ring the neurologist I'm sure he'd be happy to discuss it all. I got the green card but I didn't see it from there point of view I had always taken a scan and its never been argued.

But speaking with someone from customer services people are abusing the system which is awful people apparently are taking in scanned fake documents in order to get a pass so they said they are not only accepting original copies dated within 3 months. I am going manned with dla letters and Dr letters :-)


apologies if this has been asked before.
Today there was an article on the website of Belgian newspaper De Morgen about how from October 9th onwards disability cards allowing guest fast access to attractions will be scratched in the US parks due to people abusing them.

Leaving aside the fact that it's horrible that a lot of people that need these cards to be able to fully enjoy the parks are now being punished because some are taking abuse, I'm wondering what this means for DLP.

Is the Paris Resort going to follow suit?
Has anyone heard anything about what DLP is going to do by any chance?

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They'll probably follow suit shortly after seeing how it works. Paris doesn't seem to have the same problem though.
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