Disney Village Expansion/Improvements

Started by Kristof, August 21, 2005, 02:18:16 PM

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Probably cleaning that gree.. eehr.. blue ball!


I hope that they do this :mrgreen: From Dirt to blue
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Its Just Like I DreamedIt

I'm not really happy with all the chages to the DV, I think the trees and planters are stupid there is pleanty of greenery either side of it, (New York down to Santa Fe) and the other end to the gates. I i'm looking forward to see what it will be like in the summer with they stupid planters when it is busy
!Magic Everywhere

Remco K.

Quote from: "Its Just Like I DreamedIt"I'm not really happy with all the chages to the DV, I think the trees and planters are stupid there is pleanty of greenery either side of it,
I respect everyone's opinion, but I'm just curious why you hate the planters so much. Also, what did you like better about Disney Village before they started adding planters?

Its Just Like I DreamedIt

The planters will just be in the way, and there was nothing wrong with the DV, nothiing I hated, nothing i loved (well I loved the stary sky)
!Magic Everywhere


Respect your opinion but - wow - really nothing you hated?

I can not think of one thing I like about it, its awful in every way shape and form in an ideal world I would have it all pulled down. Next to Disneyland Park it has all the charm of Chernobyl.

Bit extreme but you get my point!


I must say I loved it in the first years. It looked really cool with the stars over you and sometimes a cool laser show and all this neon lights and signs that they pulled down the last years. It looked very cool and stylish in this period but times goes by...

Now I hate it. I hate also the ballons that they make everywhere :roll:  But I must say, I love the planters :D
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Aside from adding some greenery, the planters all add loads of places to sit, which DV really lacked before.

It still needs that nighttime sparkle back though... Fingers crossed for lights in the new trees.

What do you think the fate of the balloons should be? They look a bit silly/cheap now. Well, more than they did before. :lol:


Yes let´s cross the fingers for more lights and sparkling...sparkling fingers! :lol:

For me it will be a good decission to throw the ballons away. They could replace them with something other (better) like stars:

Something that doesn´t look silly and cheap at daylight and more cheap at night :lol:

Also the addition or renewing of the lasers(show) at night would be nice.
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I've always liked the DV, i like the shops and restaurants etc (mmmm Annettes Diner :lol: ) and i thought the star lights were great but i'm not big into the ballons, they could of done alot better.  I don't really mind the planters.  If there is one thing i want to see happen to the village is bring back the star lights, and the pillars while there at it but maybe make the metal poles start at a height no one can climb on :)
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I don't think it is THAT bad....... :P   It does the job, it makes a boring walk more enjoyable with lots of nice shops to entice us to part with our money (and distracts the kids about the long walk - if I hear "are we there yet" I will scream).  Gives us somewhere to go in the evening for a nice meal, drink, dance, shop again, watch sport.  A place for adults to have a drink and the kids to play about with other kids from all around.   I am glad it is there because with the parks closing early, mostly at 7pm when I have visited, there isn't a lot to do in the evening.

I also think the planters will be great to distract from the concrete and give some greenery.  Lights on the tree would look magical, so hopefully they will do this.  Extra seating always necessary because it is packed after closing the parks and it is hard to find somewhere to sit.  I think will all the investment in the parks it is great that they are still doing little things to the village to improve.

Those stars posted look great - good idea.


I don´t think it´s totaly bad  :D   But I must say that I also remember the times were the village wasn´t just a thing to go through to get to the parks. It was a place to be. That makes me a bit sad. Cause I loved this "open-night-club"-ambience which the village celebrated in the past.
Cutting the pillows and hanging some ballons without concept wasn´t a good solution. But now it´s like that. And I think it´s possible to create a better style with some small steps. The planters is one of them. Making something new instead of the ballons will be another. The also could create some big "arches" in front of every main shop entrance and but it more to the middle of the street. Something what would say "come in" "Gifts? Fun? Food? this way!". To build new facades or give the facades a new cover (Wood or something) can also be great but I think that would cost much money.

At my last trip the village was even at night not a place where people stay very long. the went all back to the hotels or buy very fast last gifts to go then to the hotels.  :cry:  And that wasn´t the same in the past, before-ballon-era. The made the village nude and forget to give it some clothes again.

But I don´t think the village hasn´t the potential to get again a better entertaining district. I even won´t say "crush it all and rebuild it". It just need some changes which fit in a big concept.
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The Village will only benefit from all the improvements,I think the planters will be great,hoping that they add some lights to the trees !!They will break up the corridor feeling of the Village,and take the hard ,cold,industrial feel off the area !!  It would be great if they got rid of the balloons ,they look cheap and like something left over from a kids party !! And did something more imaginitive with the lighting. As you can tell I am not a fan of the Village in its current form,we will all have to see how it ends up !!


Ok i'm really embarassed now I actually quite like the village  :oops:
I welcome the improvements but i really can't see why most people Hate it so much, And I like the balloons  :oops:  there i said it, I think they look quite pretty at night all lit up  :oops:  :oops:


Quote from: "SparrowsGirl"Ok i'm really embarassed now I actually quite like the village  :oops:
I welcome the improvements but i really can't see why most people Hate it so much, And I like the balloons  :oops:  there i said it, I think they look quite pretty at night all lit up  :oops:  :oops:

Well, don't be ashamed, i don't think they are that bad! Yes, it can get better in the future, but for now they are making great progress ;)
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