Your Disney Pin Collection

Started by Masamune, June 26, 2005, 10:21:23 AM

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Wow loving the Up pins was tempted myself with them the other day but with my fellas bday 2moz and rent to pay end of wk no go at the moment! :D
On subject of Up pins i have the vue cinema pin available for trade if any1 wants for thier collection!?


I know they are so nice, I dunno if I should open them or not :P what you think??


@ Aveen - :D OMG I love it! How much did it cost?

@ Stitch - :P The Up pins are awesome, as are the Stitch pins. I suppose if you have no intention of trading them, you could keep them sealed? If I had them I'd be putting them on my corkboard, as I wouldn't have anywhere to display the lanyard or the Up set on the backing card.


I think they will go on corkboard as room is small and would like to see them when I look at my board. We shall have to meet up so I can show you them before I go away as I wont be at the next meet after this one.


Lindsay - i managed to get it at the last minute of the auction late at night for about £5 total I think..can't fully remember but i remember being pleased with the price! :D Hehe i luv alice - never met her in DLP though :(

Stitch - luvin the up and stitch lanyard!! :D  :D  :D
Luv Aveen xoxo


hehehe I know they are just awesome :)

Anyone in need of the UP pin out last saturday?? I got two spare?? Lindsay am I to bring you one tomorrow?


@ Danny - :o Yes please! If they don't end up having them at our store tomorrow, then I'll happily buy one of yours off you. :P Don't want to wait till Saturday.

@ Aveen - :D That's awesome. Seriously, I love it. *Goes to look it up on PinPics*


ok will do :) reason why I bought 3 more today just in case the manchester store didnt have them tomorrow :P


YAY! my stitch pin came today, bigger than what I expected lol Now Im just a tad confused as to wether it is a sedesma pin or not as on the back its stamp says disneyland paris and I know there is one from disneyland paris but should it have the pin trading logo on it as it was from 2004...

The back of the pin isnt smooth like the disney store ones its kinda all lines horizontal and vertical criss-crossing all over the back.. but the gold lines on it are the same as the disney store stitch pins so Im just confused now ......

Lindsay I think I will bring it on saturday so you can have a look and tell me whats what :P as I dont wanna leave feedback just yet haha


Danny the DLRP pins quite often vary from ones sold over here and in other parks,check pinpics,sure it will b fine! :)


:) Sounds fine to me Danny! Not all DLRP pins have the pin trading logo. Some (or maybe even most) just have the Disneyland Resort Paris logo. :o So it may be this pin? ... 7450367.v3


hehehe thats the pin I have lol just wasnt sure if it was the sedesma pin or not :P


well here is my new stitch pin collection now totalling 18 :) and 1 bag hehehe

hope you like my stitch pins XD more to add to that next friday wooo wooo


:D Looking good! :P The Up pins looks so cute at the bottom there.


to think there is a grumpy pin and a wall-e pin just out of shot on the image so grumpy is right to be grumpy cause I missed him off :P

I didnt know wheather the bag would work as a background but I think it does :)