Your Disney Pin Collection

Started by Masamune, June 26, 2005, 10:21:23 AM

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oooh just got a bargain on ebay (for a change) got these two pins.

And I hope lindsay likes her pin I got her aswell :)


My latest pins:

This one a colleague at work bought in Orlando a couple of weeks ago

This I got at a Disney Store  in London last weekend

And these two I got through the online shop at The Laughing Place


@ Aveen - :) It is indeed. Paid £23 for it in total, and it's LE of 1500.

@ Danny - :P I actually like the Ostrich pin best, but yes, I'm glad Chernabog is there too.

@ never - :o The Toy Story one is awesome!


Quote from: "Masamune"@ Aveen - :) It is indeed. Paid £23 for it in total, and it's LE of 1500.

@ Danny - :P I actually like the Ostrich pin best, but yes, I'm glad Chernabog is there too.

@ never - :o The Toy Story one is awesome!

wow brilliant value, I keep looking for them and then think they are too dear hehe!! :P  great find hun! =D>  :D/  =D>
Luv Aveen xoxo


Hey there guys! Haven't been on for a while but I should be on more often in the near future.

Here is an update on my pin collection - feel free to offer trades especially on the tradable page!

DLRP Attraction Pins:

DLRP Event/Season Pins:

Fab 5 Pins:

Chip and Dale Pins!

Pixar and other Disney movies:


Hope you like! (Sorry about picture quality *Yawns*)

Plus here is the classic short title card pin set from the UK store:


Aw great collection you have ther barnsey!! =D>  =D>  =D>  =D>
Luv Aveen xoxo


:o Your two giant Castle pins are amazing Barnsey.


you collection is great barsney :)

Im in need to take another picture of my pin collection as I have got quite a few new ones but I might wait till I get back off holiday as Ive got some more being sent to my other halfs address so should get them while Im there lol

Also I have upgraded my stitch pins to a much bigger board so my smaller board will be used for my UP pins for the time being but thankfully there are not that many UP pins just yet so I have nothing to worry about for space :P (well yet anyway haha)


Well I was bored so thought I would take a few photos of my collection, may have missed out a few but heres the photos....

First pin board:

second board:

3rd board- newest pins:

charity pin:

jack skellington set:

pin trading night/walt pins/disney store magical moment pins:

disney store/ disneyland paris lanyard starter sets:

Large DLP pin bag/ small wdw pin bag:

my first pins - on my full length mirror...






I am not sure how long I have been collecting really to be honest but not very long, not even a full year really.
Luv Aveen xoxo


:shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

erm all I can say is STITCH PINS =AWESOME!!

I want loads of the stitch pins you have and you even have the Lilo trading night pin which I would want but Im guessing she is not up for trade lol

Ok Im kinda jealous of you right now aveen  :P

But here are the latest 3 I have bought..and should be with me before I ocme back off my holidays :)

Not the holy grail kevin pin but still the 2nd of the only 2 pins with a full size kevin on it and it is a LE of 100 (other half bought it me I think cause I was going to the dentist and was having 3 teeth out :( awwww) even though it is from a set of 3 but I can worry about getting the other 2 later on but Im soo happy I got a kevin pin hehe

And I should be getting a trader bag off ebay thia morning so fingers crossed I can win the 75 lot if not then Im going for the 50 off another seller and try and bid on another 25 lot  :mrgreen:


sorry to double post but I forgot I had taken new pictures of my pin board (seeing as I upgraded to a bigger size haha)

Here is where my stitch pins live now hehe....

and the other pin I havent shown yet as it is quite small lol


:D Your collection is so amazing Aveen! I love how varied it is. :P It looks like you collect everything!

@ Danny - :shock: Do want that Kevin pin. Congrats on getting it! :( Even if the reason you got it is awful. *Hates the dentist* I'm having a tooth out in February, a few days after I get back from DLRP. :cry: I'm gonna be extra depressed on the flight home knowing that I have a dentist appointment soon after.

:P Your corkboard looks awesome.


I know I cant wait to get the kevin pin in hand and see what it looks like lol I was sooo happy when I was told I was having the pin even though I couldnt smile  :P

But now I am torn between a few decisions as there is a seller who will post the LE 300 kevin pin to the UK and it is only £40 and would be the only 1 pin I would pay that amount of money for as it is my holiday money....


I buy the lot of 75 trader pins off a trusted green seller currently only £33 lol


I buy the lot of 50 trader pins for £35 (with £10 postage) from a seller who I dont know if I can trust or not...

What do you think think I should go for the 75 or 50 traders as the 50 does sound good but I dont know if they will be all scrappers but from the images the seller uses the pins there are not scrappers lol so Im confused XD


I haven't really looked at that list very much, but they take their suspected scrapper sellers very seriously there. :) So if a seller is green, they can surely be trusted. Both are really cheap though, so like you say, it's a bit confusing.

:lol: All I can say is that either of the trader pins are gonna be a better choice than the £40 Kevin pin, even though it's awesome. :D The Kevin pin that you've just got is awesome too, so you shouldn't need the other as much.


Hahaha I know the kevin pin Im getting now (thanks to michael) will keep me from buying the other kevin pin at this moment in time even though it is the one I really need to have on my board but there is a few there still so I can wait for the time being hehehe.

Well I have to stay up for another 3 hours to bid on the 75 lot of pins which I dont really want to do lol so the 50 pins is easier but not seen the name appear on that list so Im just a tad confused and you know me lol I would easily go for the 50 pins even if there is a chance to get scrappers :P (people would sooo hate me for saying that lol)