Wishes - Nighttime Spectacular

Started by Kristof, April 17, 2005, 06:45:27 PM

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Glad I was far away from those... :roll:



I was stood to the right of the Wishes logo on that night, with a view through the Central Plaza trees... didn't hear a thing!  BTW, why don't those trees on that side of Central Plaza have leaves?  It really confused me...


Along with the random laughter, there were some rather strange "Istanbul" chants and also some cheers when they persauded a CM to move the "Wishes... Fantasyland is closing early" sign out of the way so it did not obstruct our view  :P
Grab a balloon, come on let\'s go!


Quote from: "Baloo":lol:

I was stood to the right of the Wishes logo on that night, with a view through the Central Plaza trees... didn't hear a thing!  BTW, why don't those trees on that side of Central Plaza have leaves?  It really confused me...

I hope you did see something of Wishes that night, not only been staring to those trees and worrying about why they don't have leaves?  :lol:  :P  :wink:


Quote from: "Jorien"I hope you did see something of Wishes that night, not only been staring to those trees and worrying about why they don't have leaves?  :lol:  :P  :wink:
Haha!  You can actually get a really excellent view of the show from there, but only if you manage to be a bit sneaky and gradually work your way into the crowd until you've got a perfect view of the castle between the trees!

It did seem really odd though - Are they fake trees?  Have Disney done something to them which has meant they don't know what season it is?  They did still have a few leaves left on them though, so perhaps they think its autumn already?!  Let's hope they don't turn orange before the end of Summer Magic then!  :lol: btw, YES I am/was thinking about them too much...


Quote from: "Baloo"YES I am/was thinking about them too much...

LOL!!!!! I'm glad you said that yourself!  :wink:  :lol:  :P

Although now i'm really curious too! I think i'll even go and have a look for it myself now! :?

........Thanks (!) Baloo!!!!!!  :wink:


Just incase you all think I'm crazy... I'VE GOT PROOF!  :lol:

I didn't actually take the photo just to show the winter trees, but I'm glad I took it anyway...

Also, are those other trees around Central Plaza new?  They're very interesting to look at, I don't think I've ever seen ones like them before - they kinda have loads of leaves all over every branch... (you can see them in the photo above) :? They add a lot of greenery though, it's just that I've never seen them before!

Help! I think I'm starting to take an interest in gardening!  :shock:


Quote from: "Baloo"Just incase you all think I'm crazy... I'VE GOT PROOF!  :lol:

Help! I think I'm starting to take an interest in gardening!  :shock:

LOL!!!! LOL!!!! LOL!!!!!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
OMG!!!! Now you already start showing pictures of those trees!!! Did you do anything else there at DLRP except looking at trees????????  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :wink:  :P

But i believe you!!!! .........can't get around that piece of proof can i?  :wink:
It's indeed a very weird tree!  :wink:


Jiminy is staring at the tree too...  :shock:


Quote from: "Jorien"But i believe you!!!! .........can't get around that piece of proof can i?
Not unless you find out that I digitally altered the tree and painstakingly removed each and every leaf...

I think the couple of trees there with no leaves stood out even more though because the gardens across the rest of the resort looked so incredibly beautiful.  I'm not exaggerating either, they just looked WOAH!  :shock: in some places.  I suppose with my last visit being in December, the difference was way more noticeable...

Any other newfound gardeners out there, you should make sure to check out Alice's Curious Labyrinth, "it's a small world" and Main Street in particular.  :wink:

Edit: As a Mod, I feel I should put the  :offtopic: symbol in here myself.  If I've got any more amazing stories about the gardens in DLRP, then I'll start a new thread, I promise!


Quote from: "Baloo"Not unless you find out that I digitally altered the tree and painstakingly removed each and every leaf...

LOL!!!!  :lol:

Quote from: "Baloo"Any other newfound gardeners out there, you should make sure to check out Alice's Curious Labyrinth, "it's a small world" and Main Street in particular.  :wink:

Edit: As a Mod, I feel I should put the  :offtopic: symbol in here myself.  If I've got any more amazing stories about the gardens in DLRP, then I'll start a new thread, I promise!

You said that really well....."other" newfound gardeners, i think you really are starting a gardening obsession.  :wink:

Oh and omg! Jiminy is starting too...........

Why can't we go offtopic again??????? I like doing that in here!  :wink:  :P


This is simple...

The tree is dead because Jiminy has added his "magic touch" to it. He seems to curse things. The idea of squirting him with a water pistol as he passed down Main Street on a car actually would have been therapeutic I believe  :twisted:

As for the new trees/bushes they are very interesting. I hope they stay to add that much-loved grennery in DLRP. To the Wishes sign for a moment, is that creased line seperating the blue and the white (the the left of Jiminy) actually meant to resemble the Blue Fairy? Am I trying to read too much into such a detailed image here?  :P

Grab a balloon, come on let\'s go!


We went to DLP on 25th - 30th July this year. My children and I thoroughly enjoyed 'Wishes' which we saw twice. Well worth seeing.  :D


Yes i liked wishes a lot too, still no idea why people don't like it!
I "wish" i could see it again very soon!  :wink:


It's indeed wonderful!   :D