The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror

Started by Anthony, March 12, 2005, 04:50:53 PM

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Here are some great new photos by Zurg on Disney Central Plaza forum:

Source: ... #id1525093

I'm finding it almost impossible to say what has changed each time we see photos now, there's so much to look at.  Can anyone help fill us in?


And now it's finally time for some color and a little bit of theming. I wonder if it will stay this way, or that the color eventually will be more darker like at the Tower of Terror at Disney's California Adventure. Time will tell. For now I can say that I quite like it. Although the current color may be a little bit to light, the contrast with the purple (and maybe black like at the Disney-MGM Tower?) at the shafts on the frontside of the building, will be so awesome.  :)

Thanks to DLRP_bopazot at MiceChat.

Tron 2.0

It looks like they were testing a couple of colours to see which one will look the best. From ::

The lighter colour would probably match La Terrasse better, unless they are going to repaint that as well.

And just a side note, but the lightning scars at Disney - MGM - Studios' Tower were originally purple. They've just faded over the years.

3 ... 6 ... 9 ... Seconds Of Light ...


Quote from: "Tron 2.0"And just a side note, but the lightning scars at Disney - MGM - Studios' Tower were originally purple. They've just faded over the years.

Ah okay. Well, it's quite bad that have let it fade away that much. But I would still like to see them using some dark colors too near the blown shafts of our Tower.  8)

By the way, I was thinking. Which pic did they take first? I guess the one you posted. On your pic you can see that some parts of the building are still white and grey, while on the other pics I posted you can see it is colored now. I am getting curious which colors they choose if it's a test like you said.


Maybe the darker orange is the primer, so when they paint it over with the light grey, you'll have a slight tone of orange coming through?


Quote from: "raptor1982"Maybe the darker orange is the primer, so when they paint it over with the light grey, you'll have a slight tone of orange coming through?
It's probably just some kind of special primer or plaster that lets them paint onto the concrete, don't you think?

It's going to take a lot of coats of paint - they're painting onto bare concrete and they're going to want it to last as long as possible.  I really doubt the final colour will be that off-white, it'll probably be exactly the same as already done at DCA, again!  :wink:


Here's a construction photo from last weekend.  A supersize version is avaialable here: ... FuVfnESFFw


Painting update:

Photo by Flozen on DLRP Magazine forum.

I still doubt it's a test of what the white colour would look like.  This is Disney - they could test a colour using concepts and computers, not by actually painting random colours onto the tower...

It's great they're moving ahead so fast already though, don't you think? :D

The Butlin Boy

I think that they are trying to complete the outside of the building for the end of this year/ the begining of next year so that when people go for the 15th aniversary and the Toon Studio, they'll know that they'll have something to come back for!

Sir Donald

^Well the exterior is always the first to be completed on the Towers - the interiors take a little longer.

And yes, it does provide a decent advert for people to visit again when its open.


July 31st, and they'd made loads more progress with the paint/primer/whatever-it-is already:


I wonder what they're going to do with the conrete walls behind CafĂ© des Cascadeurs there?  I think they're hiding the massive power grid for the attraction, but they look a bit rubbish and there's no sign yet they'll be themed...


when i went to california i checked to see if that was behind their TOT and it is and to my memory unthemed, but i think it was surrounded by quite a lot of trees!!!
If we don\'t have the key, we can\'t open whatever it is we don\'t have that it unlocks. So what purpose would be served in finding whatever need be unlocked, which we don\'t have, without first having found the key what unlocks it?


Quote from: "Jon"when i went to california i checked to see if that was behind their TOT and it is and to my memory unthemed, but i think it was surrounded by quite a lot of trees!!!
In California their tower is at the back of the park though, and ours is in the middle... hopefully they've got something more than a spot of yellow paint the hide the wall.  Trees (maybe palm trees even, to brighten up Backlot) or overgrown shrubbery would be good.

I can remember seeing photos of the power grid behind DCA's tower and it really is HUGE.  I'm not sure if it's just for ToT or for other attractions, but I guess the powerful elevator systems of the tower must guzzle quite a bit of electricity.  I can't find a photo at the moment unfortunately... Check through sites like LaughingPlace is you're interested. :wink:


I really hope they do use the darker orange on the tower. I think the lighter colour would make it look like not much effort has been put in.

Quote from: "Baloo"In California their tower is at the back of the park though, and ours is in the middle... hopefully they've got something more than a spot of yellow paint the hide the wall.  Trees (maybe palm trees even, to brighten up Backlot) or overgrown shrubbery would be good.

I agree. I think they should put some fairly tall palm trees or something to hide it.

