The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror

Started by Anthony, March 12, 2005, 04:50:53 PM

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Slightly off topic, but, I wonderded, does anyone know how much mor ethe Tokyo Tower of Terror cost in comparison to DLRP?

I have just been looking at photo's of it now the outside is finished. It looks simply stunning! All brick work and stone. Its as if it has been there for years!

Not that I dislike the one being built in Paris, I just wondered if this one was a lot higher in price as the workmanship is outstanding!


Tokyo's ToT is costing around €152million.  As far as I know (well, this is my guess anyway) Tower of Terror in WDS is costing about €100 million.  Don't believe those reports you read on some forums/sites saying it's €180m, that's just not physically/mathematically possible!

There's an official topic for the TDS Tower here, btw.  :wink:


Thanks for that! Great thread

Seems not everyone likes the look of the Tokyo version!


Quote from: "penfold12"Seems not everyone likes the look of the Tokyo version!
Yeah, I think it's just a bit overpowering since everyone is so used to the clean-cut lines and rather minimalist art deco design of the Californian-themed ones.  It's good to see the Imagineers have produced customised ToTs that all fit into their respective parks well though.  Except perhaps DCA...  :?

The Butlin Boy

Here are some new pictures courtesy of!


wow cool
is there gona be three elevator shafts like in DCA?
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What's going on in them pics? Are they decorating the tower?


Quote from: "Dlrpfan"is there gona be three elevator shafts like in DCA?
Yes, the tower will be exactly (and I mean exactly) the same as the DCA one.

Quote from: "RnRCj"What's going on in them pics? Are they decorating the tower?
It seems they're putting some kind of extra verticle pieces onto the back of the tower now, so that when it's all painted there's more definition and style than just the bare concrete shell.  I suppose these could be considered the first pieces of themeing...


This should make things more clear:

The Butlin Boy

Wow, they painted that quickly! :lol:


I don't think it's actual paint already.  Probably some kind of plaster.


If you look very closely at this photo, you can see that they've just installed a circular metal base of the dome at the top of the tower:



Do they cover up the building totaly from site before they begin to paint the outside? I presumme they do, then reveal the finished tower? I can understand why, but its frustrationg he he


It's amazing when you think that about 8 months ago this was just a flat piece of land - and now the tower is dominating the park there.

Tron 2.0

Quote from: "penfold12"Do they cover up the building totaly from site before they begin to paint the outside? I presumme they do, then reveal the finished tower? I can understand why, but its frustrationg he he
You're right, the entire Tower will be covered in scaffolding for a lot of the work. But if they follow a similar pattern as the way DCA's was built, a lot of the detail work, weathering and the like, will be done after the scaffolding is removed.

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