Clinton Card shop Cheshire stuff! Now with Pics! XD

Started by Masamune, May 23, 2007, 06:37:34 PM

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:shock: NO Disney Store?! :( That sucks!


Yeah that definatly sucks. We had Disney Stores here in Germany, but not many people did shopping there. So the Walt Disney Company recgonized that there was no market for them here in Germany and they decided to close every shop and leave Germany. How great ! But I guess it's true. Germans are not so much into Disney like Americans and Britains.  I guess without Ebay I would not have the chance to buy a lot of Disney stuff.  :lol:
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


:cry: I think I'd cry if Disney left the UK.


And I wish I could live in the UK just because of the Disney Stores.  :lol:
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


masamune i was wondering if youd seen this in h samual for £16, it looked really nice in the window


That is gorgeous!!!

and as for the disney stores.  They took out the one nearest to me, and I have to go at least an hour on the bus to get to one :-( it sucks!


@ fly - :shock: THAT SO ROCKS.

*Is gonna go to town tomorrow to see if they have it* :D

@ donutter - :( Eek, that sucks.


Quote from: "Masamune"@ fly - :shock: THAT SO ROCKS.

*Is gonna go to town tomorrow to see if they have it* :D

@ donutter - :( Eek, that sucks.

it looked really good in the window they also had other characters like mickey ect,
let us know if you get it!!


:( They didn't have it in either of the stores in Manchester, so I'm just gonna see how much it'll cost to order it off the website. I hope the P&P isn't too much.

:lol: I have to have it though.


my nephew is so jealous he wants to know where you get them all from and do you have the easter one? :cheshire_bounce:
just like alice you\'re in wonderland


youre cheshire cat looks rather odd as it has purple head and a pink body
i want every single goofy in the whole wide world ha ha ha


Cheshire cat does have a purple head and a stripey purple and pink body.  :?

It's not very nice to imply someone's purchase which has cost them alot of money is a bootleg.

It doesn't really matter what you think, the main thing is that Masamune is pleased with it - but it could be a more tactful first post.



 i am sorry if i offened you  it is just that it looks odd because the head colour normally matches the the darker stripes of the body. :ears:
i want every single goofy in the whole wide world ha ha ha


Fair enough - I'm not offended, it isn't mine, but if it was something I'd paid out a lot of money for, I'd probably not be happy if people were critical of it.

But I see what you mean about the darker head colouring. Some merchandisers take a bit of artistic licence with their products though. I have some Armani statues, and they aren't 100% on model with the characters they represent, but they are obviously recognisable and are very beautiful. I actually like the artistic licence they take, a kind of midway point between the Disney animation and real life.


I agree with you goofy 2000 it does look a bit weird, but kinda intriguing, @ mesamune- did you get hold of it. I wonder what the others in the series look like I must have a look on their site.