Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Mason Cooper

Well no I haven't emailed Daniel for the simple reason that me and my friend Carrie (my friend who auditioned wednesday and is now on the waiting list) were talking and she said that he asked everyone who got through at her audition not to email him every month asking if a contract had become avaliable or if their was any news as it annoys him and that he doesn't like it so I'm not going to now. If it's meant to be he'll call me. If he doesn't call me then yeh I'll be upset but they'll see me again at the next audition and that time I'll make sure they take me and hopefully my dancing would have improved so i'll be aiming for Parade & Costume Character!  They haven't seen the last of me! hehe  ;)  

Mason  :D
I\'ve been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?
<3 Kingdom Hearts!


Quote from: "soramason7"Well no I haven't emailed Daniel for the simple reason that me and my friend Carrie (my friend who auditioned wednesday and is now on the waiting list) were talking and she said that he asked everyone who got through at her audition not to email him every month asking if a contract had become avaliable or if their was any news as it annoys him and that he doesn't like it so I'm not going to now. If it's meant to be he'll call me. If he doesn't call me then yeh I'll be upset but they'll see me again at the next audition and that time I'll make sure they take me and hopefully my dancing would have improved so i'll be aiming for Parade & Costume Character!  They haven't seen the last of me! hehe  ;)  

Mason  :D

I feel stupid for emailing him the other day now. I didn't mention or ask about contract news though, I just asked him to use my mobile number as main contact. I hope it hasn't ruined my chances of getting a contract seeing as you've just said that it annoys him :/ and he hasn't replied back yet.


Mason Cooper

Don't worry about it laura! He doesn't mind emails with changes in contact details so the email you showed me the other day should be fine! :) I only found out today so I couldn't tell you the other day. and don't worry about him not replying yet. If he's been auditioning in the UK you might find he has been busy entering all the newest waiting list peeps onto the system.

Mason :D
I\'ve been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?
<3 Kingdom Hearts!


Alright, thanks Mason that makes me feel better :) I guess it must be annoying to keep receiving emails from hopefuls but it's only because we all want this job so much :D




Mason Cooper

Quote from: "itslewis"I have Mickeys Not So Scary Halloween Party and Disney Villains in two weeks YAY! Still loving it here, hurry up Mason and Laura and come join the fun!!!!!!!!

Haha!! We can only move as fast as Daniel moves so unless you can move our names up the waiting list we are stuck here lol!  ;) Although I do hope it's in time for Christmas! I'd love to be workivg out there for the holiday season! bet it's magical! lol

mason  :D
I\'ve been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?
<3 Kingdom Hearts!


Quote from: "itslewis"I have Mickeys Not So Scary Halloween Party and Disney Villains in two weeks YAY! Still loving it here, hurry up Mason and Laura and come join the fun!!!!!!!!

hey, we are trying! Stop writing down all the fun you're having, I am so jealous, lol! Hopefully we'll join you and the others soon and hopefully before Xmas time :D glad you're enjoying it out there and hopefully see you soon!



I went to the audition in London last wednesday. It was a really amazing experience, unfortunately I didnt make it :(
I think i almost did, I made it through the first round, (where you have to do the cowboy and pirate and stuff)
then the dancing bit came, now im not a proffesional dancer so it wasnt perfect, but they made two piles of forms, those that made the cut (the YES) and those that didnt (the No's) and then my form (i cud see it was mine i had 444 a very noticable number) was next to those two by itself. so then after finally everyone was done (some people were send to make uo already) they ended up puting my form with the pile of No's :(

So im thinking wanted to wait and see everyone before they decided to take me or not, if that makes sense. so im pretty bumped cuz i feel like i was pretty close to making it, like really felt like Daniel saw something in me (but i cud totally missinerpreted the way he looked at me of course haha)

I dont know if should just wait 6 months and try again, or should like email Daniel Harding just to like thank him great audition and then let him know that Im still available. i dont know if thats gonna help at all, should i give it a shot or is it just gonna make me look stupid
"Cause I found some kind of fairy...tale"



Mason Cooper

Hey Suzie!

Sorry to hear about the audition! That must have been gutting! But don't let it get to ya!

I agree with lewis! just re-audition! Especially before Christmas! Otherwise you might be waiting for a while!

Mason :D
I\'ve been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?
<3 Kingdom Hearts!


Suzie, I'm pretty sure my application form was the same. I could see the assisstant scribbling on it for quite a while after we'd ended the dance then it was put in a pile with one other form then she gave the pile to him and he handed them back. Hmmm. But to make me feel more disney, I taught some little kids today and made them do the animation stuff to get inspiration for next time. Lol.

Lewis, very jealous of all your updates!!! Hope you're having an amazing time.


Had a day off so went and saw Lewis in his first OUAD parade today and he was GREAT  :thumbs:  got some pics of him so he can see what he looked like!

Just to let u know what ive got coming up in the next few wks. First shift starts in Disneyland Hotel...talk about throwing me in the deep end  :?  and then ive got All Stars Express and Woodys Round Up plus learning parade routines so should be fun fun FUN  :D  Bit nervous as to which characters i'll be friends with as u only find out on the day but hopefully i'll be ok...keep ur fingers crossed for me  [-o<


Awesome!! Are you allowed to post the photos or is it against the Disney Character privacy protection blah blah blah?


I guess if she took the photos onstage during the parade, there should be no problem. It's just a regular photo from a (almost) regular guest ;)

But backstage... could be difficult... somethings are allowed (I guess the breakrooms from the regular castmember, NOT from the characters of course) and everything, which doesn't destroy the magic, for example behind the gates, before parade starts and you take a photo from a character, who is putting his.... clothes on ;) you know ^^

It's so nice to hear from you Alaina, and I'm so jealous...I wish I could be with you and the other ones there. But anyways, I'm going to visit you on Halloween :)

Oh, Natalie, what I wanted to say to you - actually since a few days :-*

Every time when I read your posts, it makes  me smiling...They are heartwarming, friendly and open... just like you has to be as Castmember.
So I think it's a good thing for you to work at the Disneystore, because they are looking excatly for people like you: open, friendly, giving the guest the feeling, that he's welcome und you're happy to help him.
So even that I wish for that you also work as a character performer someday, I think that working in the Disneystore as merchandise hostess (I guess thats your job description, isn't it?) is also right for you.
Again, wish you a great time there!  

Greetings from Germany
Chiyo ^^


Aw what a lovely message Chiyo thank you ever so much :) i am so excited to become a CM and start my career with Disney!

Ooh your audition is getting very close!! When are you going to Paris and are you prepared??

Natalie x
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]