Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Thank you so much Mason!
Yeah, I told my co-worker the problem today, and she explained me exactly the same :)

So I tried - and it feels so much more dumb: Means, that is right! *lol*

At the moment I'm practicing the whole animation section (still don't satisfied with my interpretation of  my two villains: evil queen/witch and Frollo. Maybe I will skip Frollo and take another one ^^")

Gnaaah, I don't know... I wanna do it right, but I don't know what is right. And I don't know if I really be courageous enough to do it (I know, that's silly but I'm special in this case *lol*)

But I will see. I can only practice, then I guess they will also explain it to us, and probably I'm able to watch the others first, depends on my number, right?

One week from now on, and then I'm on my way to Paris *jump*

Masoooooon.... they should call you now!!!! And you too, Laura! :)
(And they should take me, so I can work with you together *jump*)

I know, I'm crazy, but I like it *giggle*


Chiyo....DONT PANIC!! To be honest the animation music i had was so fast i didnt have time to really think about it. Just make sure your Princess curtsey and wave is good :)


Hey guys, sorted everything with Disney today..was there talking to the manager and i had to choose my character then so good job i thought about it ! :P thanks for the suggestions, Mason btw ive never seen ENG but i have it on dvd so i shall watch it soon ;)
i chose the character Kevin :D Hehehehehehehehehehe it means something to me and my best friends but its two disney characters in one so i thought it was ace... Eg.   Kevin Jonas, (i love the jonas brothers a lil too much) :P and Kevin the Snipe (colourful bird) from Up :D   I do an AMAZING impression of him so im excited for it to be socially acceptable ;) LOL <3 Yaaayyy!!!  
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]

Mason Cooper

AWWWW! That is such a cool character! I love kevin (the bird NOT the jonas borther!) he is so cool! Although if it was me I would have picked Doug! Or Goofy! (Don't know if anyone has picked up on it but I LOVE GOOFY!!!!) lol

and Chiyo! Just be mad! All The Best People Are! (hehe who knows the quote?) Alaina is completely right it goes so fast you don't actually have time to think about it! That way it looks complete natural! lol

Mason :D
I\'ve been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?
<3 Kingdom Hearts!


Oh good call with Kevin!!! He is amazing :) blararlaralarala


Yeah, I'm  going to try it to the which you postet here (Mardi Gras  Parade) but at the moment I just have the counts (five for each character, right?)

So, well, I promise not to think, just to do, and I will do a wonderful princess curtsey (even that I don't believe, that I can be a princess).But I have to practice and coordinate the special princess wave ;) I know it, but I can't do it yet ^^"
Also there is an alternative second villain waiting... cause I'm not sure, if my Frollo is good enough *lol*
Any suggestions? :)

And I still have to find a way to get in to the park on Tuesday. The person which I wanted to sign me is on holiday with her family and she already used her entries for her sisters - what I can understand of course.
And you guys are still too new to the job to have this Pass en Scène, right? (To Alaina, Lewis... and I just forgot the third one, I'm so sorry :( ^^")

But a One-Day-One-Park-Ticket shouldn't be that expensive, so I will give it a try :)

Natalie, I wish you a wonderful time at  the Disneystore! I'm still thinking to join you, if I don't get the job at DLP now (which is very possible ^^)

Mason Cooper

Chiyo it's 8 beats for each character and with the villians it doesn't matter what you do as long as you look evil! Mwahahahahaa! just go for it! hehe

Mason :D
I\'ve been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?
<3 Kingdom Hearts!


8 Beats?
But somebody posted the time, how long the animation sections runs... it was from 0:14 to 0:34 (Mardi Gras Parade Song). With this time  I couldn't do it with 8 beats, the time is too short. That was the reason, why I tried it with five beats, and that workd within the time.

But I guess, it actually doesn't matter, just doing the animation, big and clear, and the most important thing: having fun. Am I right? :)

So, now I'm figuring out, how I will handle  it with the entry.

I have two free tickets for Disneyparks all over the the world (excluding Tokyo Disneyland), and four days, I want to spent at DLP. Three of them at Halloween (29th to 31st October), and one on Tuesday the 28th September.
And a homepage, which offer tickets a few euros cheaper then Disneyland.

What should I do:
-spend 53 Euros for 1 Day, 2 Parks next Tuesday (the day before Auditions), then spend the two free tickets and one 1 Day 2 Parks on the Halloween weekend
- spend one free ticket on Tuesday (day before - you know ;) ), and spend one 2 Days 2 Parks Ticket on Halloween Weekend
Price DLP: 2 Days 2 Parks 118 Euros
the other homepage: 2 Days 2 Parks 79,50

After calculating I can see, that's better to use  the second possibility: I'm going to save 26,50 Euros.

Sorry, if I bore you, but I have to make  a good decision, and if you want to suggest, or help, I would't say no :)


Haha Mase someone walkd in the room wehn i was sorting everything called Ryan and he had Goofy on his nametag!! and i think someone else in the shop is boo, and someone is Minnie !!
Chiyo how come you have free tickets?! thats right good xx
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


It's because I worked in Disneyworld for one year, I've been a Castmember, and they get two free tickets every half year. Actually I had to get another two for this summer, but there was a mistake, and I was to lazy to go after it (on my last day, when I wanted to check the problem with managers, they had team day, and we had other managers who didn't know anything :( )

But, as I can see now, it would have been better to go for the other ones too. They are missing now  :cry:




that IS very random ! :P
You may wear socks -_-
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]

Mason Cooper

Lol! t'was random! lol but yeh you can chose to keep your socks on or take them off!

Just thought I'd add...


Mason :D
I\'ve been having these weird thoughts lately... like is any of this for real or not?
<3 Kingdom Hearts!


haha, yeah Happy anniversary! :D


Snowly Whitely

WOW! i havent been on here for sooo long! just spent like 45 mins catching up with whats been going on lol. Got an e-mail back from Daniel but took about a week. and still no news boo :( my phone rang the other day with an unknown number and i got so excited but turned out to be a sales call :( weve been waiting so long just wanna get a call soon. well done to every1 thats got through auditions recently and an extra well done to every1 thats out there at the min. so pleased for you...but so jealous as well lol!
[size=150]Hey There, Hi There, Ho There! It\'s a Disney Kinda Day![/size]