Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Ha is there any other way?
Ok thanks - positive I'm going to forget something but hopefully it won't be anything too important! :)


Hey guys,

I just got a job as a waitress in Billy Bob's starting on the 25th march and finishing in september. I was wondering if anybody knew if as cast members you get discounted entry to the parks or anything for friends and family as I'd love someone to come visit me in the time I'm out there?
And is anyone else heading out at the end of march/ has anyone else ever worked in billy bob's? I've been to disneyland paris tonnes of times but never to billy bob's!! :)


After 2 months I think you get a couple of free entry passes, but I'm not a CM so don't quote me on that.  

Billy Bob's is a good place. Thanks to it's live music and dance classes it's usually a lively environment.  And well done on getting a job :)


Billy bobs is aaawwwweeesssooommee. Its like THE cast member hang out ha :D never eaten there but i always wanted to ! :( Itll be fun.  :)
I think yea its after 3 months and once per month you get 3 free guests which all have to be used at the same time. Like you cant just use one and save the other 2 for later that month, its like one for all hahaa. I think you can use them earlier than the 3rd month though, its just you have to have 3 months ancienity then you get 3 guests for each month you;ve got left. Sorry this probably isnt very clear its just I am not too sure either if the rules have changed since i was there, or what I even got. :p
Congrats on getting the job!! Otherwise if all that ^^^ doesnt make sence then you get 10% off park ticket prices, and if you dont have your free passes, you could ask(beg) another cast member to let your friend in seen as some CDIs have about 15 a year which they just dont need. :) ull suss it out! x
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Officially got my contract! Phonecall was a disaster, I had a whole dialogue prepared in front of me but as soon as I (finally) got through he started babbling away, I nearly died. Working in Pizzeria Bella Notte from the 29th of June until the 30th of September. So pumped!


Ohh no !!  did he start in english after a while..?? Good that you've got your contract tho!!! how exciting. :D x
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Quote from: "_Natalie_x"Ohh no !!  did he start in english after a while..?? Good that you've got your contract tho!!! how exciting. :D x

Yeah he was kind of switching back and forth, he was laughing about how bad his English was and I was laughing about how bad my French was, which is completely not the same thing because these people are hiring me so really I should speak their language.  :oops: I am so so rusty, going to have to revise a bit before June. Yeah I'm really excited now that it's definite, hasn't really sunk in yet.  :D


I got a contract too :D Except she didn't tell me where I'd be working? Just that I'd be a waitress.. Presume its for one of the hotels :) I'm so excited :)




Uh oh! So I don't have a copy of my Birth Certificate in French and I leave at 6am tomorrow morning. Is there somewhere I can get in translated once I get to Paris? Does everyone always have their birth certificate translated or does anyone know if British birth certificates are in European Format anyway? :S x


OMG U GO TOMORROW THATS SO EXCCIIIITTINNNGG!! I never got mine translated and i was there for 5 months.. and they never once asked for it. So i dont really know why you need it.. id just leave it at home for now and if the situation arrises then you can ask your family to sort it and email it you or something but unless any one knows different, ive never needed it.
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Hows it going people who are out there now?! x
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Does anyone know how long it should take for my contract to come in the post?


Quote from: "VigBasil"Does anyone know how long it should take for my contract to come in the post?
I got offered a contract last wednesday and I'm still waiting on mine so don't worry!


Quote from: "VigBasil"Does anyone know how long it should take for my contract to come in the post?
Hi, I had my phonecall in the middle of January and I'm still waiting on my contract! I emailed them, but as per usual, they didn't reply. Just have to wait and see.
Where will you be working and when do you start? :)