Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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@vigbasil the phonecall should be pretty standard, when I did mine i swear I hadnt done french for like 2 years :L itll just be a case of "when are you available".. how long do you want the contract for and checking theyve got your details right in the system then telling you the contract. wont last long!! x
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Quote from: "_Natalie_x"@vigbasil the phonecall should be pretty standard, when I did mine i swear I hadnt done french for like 2 years :L itll just be a case of "when are you available".. how long do you want the contract for and checking theyve got your details right in the system then telling you the contract. wont last long!! x

Okay, that definitely sounds doable! I appreciate that, thanks!


Quote from: "VigBasil"Hey there,

I did an interview in Dublin last year in the hopes of getting a summer contract to work in maintenance. I got through to the talent pool but they never offered me a contract for the summer - only for this Christmas, which I couldn't take because of college. They emailed me today offering me a job in a restaurant for the summer starting in a month of my choosing, I have to ring on Wednesday. Really pumped, but mostly terrified because I haven't spoken French since last May. Does anyone know how these phonecalls go down? Also wondering if anyone else from Ireland got this email today? If this actually works out and I get a contract I'd love to meet a few people before going over this summer. :)

I got the same email today! And I'm also from Ireland :) Have my finals in May so hoping to head in June but so scared that I won't get through on the phone or won't have good enough French :/ Best of luck with it though :)


Quote from: "IrishLady"I got the same email today! And I'm also from Ireland :) Have my finals in May so hoping to head in June but so scared that I won't get through on the phone or won't have good enough French :/ Best of luck with it though :)

Good luck to you too, I remember last year on the forums some people had trouble getting through. I'd say they sorted it for this year, & we're the first round of summer offers anyway so maybe it won't be as packed. I have exams at the end of May, so I could go at the end of them, or maybe wait until the end of June, because I'm going on holidays to Paris anyway with my sister for 5 days when she finishes her Leaving Cert. Can't decide whether I should go in May and be cheeky and ask for 5 days off or just go at the end of June. Decisionsssssss


Yeah I know what you mean! I'll just tell them I'm free from the start of June and see what they say, gonna start preparing a few sentences in French for this phone call haha are you going to ring them at 9 o clock yeah? It would be great to know someone from Ireland heading over if we got it :) eeeep! x


Quote from: "IrishLady"Yeah I know what you mean! I'll just tell them I'm free from the start of June and see what they say, gonna start preparing a few sentences in French for this phone call haha are you going to ring them at 9 o clock yeah? It would be great to know someone from Ireland heading over if we got it :) eeeep! x

My email said 10am, I'm gonna ring then definitely,  even though I'll probably be nursing a hangover.  :( It'll be worth it. Will be preparing some French as well, definitely! Yeah it'd be waaay less intimidating, I'm sure there'll be loads of Irish people once the new recruits get contracts around April as well.


vig if i were you id do the holiday with ur sis then go to paris after so you dont have to worry about days off.. i think i asked for my first one about 3 months in and even then it s**t me up abit asking in french and took me weeks to ask ahahahah :p just think itd probs be better not to put that stress on yourself you know what i mean?
well done both of you for the email though... the journeys beginning!!!!!!! ;)very exciting
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Quote from: "_Natalie_x"vig if i were you id do the holiday with ur sis then go to paris after so you dont have to worry about days off.. i think i asked for my first one about 3 months in and even then it s**t me up abit asking in french and took me weeks to ask ahahahah :p just think itd probs be better not to put that stress on yourself you know what i mean?
well done both of you for the email though... the journeys beginning!!!!!!! ;)very exciting

Mm yeah that's probably the best thing to do, I get so nervous about things like that, wouldn't be able to handle it in another language. Danke b.  :)


I think that's 10 French time so 9 Irish time! :) Natalie will you be over there this summer yourself? It's all so exciting eeep!


theres like the whole form filling in process aswell its a right farce.. are you both gonna be working in restaurantation???
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


no I had an offer a few weeks ago but I turned it down because it started in march and ive gotta be home for something in april so I thought theres no point for the exact reasons above!!! Haha but hopefully il be back soon!
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Hi! I am an Italian girl who is in erasmus in Ireland, so I'll take part at the recruitement session in Dublin! or at least I hope so... I still have to send my application. Do you think it's too late? and do you know how many chances can I have to get the job if I am availbale only for 2 months in summer? Thank you! :)


So I leave on Friday to start my contract and I'm really excited but getting so nervous as well! Anyone else starting this weekend too? Any last minute preparation tips for before I go from any veteran cast members? :) x


We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


i hope you sung that like scar. <3 Noooo nothing to say really just make sure you've got all the documents ur gonna need (contract, housing etc) easily accessible and not in your suitcase because its gonna make everything a whole lot less stressful when you get to fantasia and your accomodation. :)

@Ambra Ciao!! You should apply as soon as possible! And you still have a good chance for just 2 months in the summer, lots of people do contracts like those, you just need to be quick :)
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]