Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Nat you always promise morning sangria but it never happens!


NEVER HAVE BEFORE !!! but we will. sorry this is chat for facebook/text but hey guys were just giving you an insite into disney living. ;) lol! we dont drink on work days i promise. O:)
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


You got the contract in the post but you didn't get the email yet? That's strange. I've got the email but just waiting on the contract! Yes we get the cast member accommodation, it's €10 per night.  Do you know what you're doing?? Loads of people seem to know, but all I know is I'm in a shop.... that's all. Dying to find out!![/quote]

Do you know where you are posted yet? I know i'm in a shop in Walt Disney Studios but don't know anything other than that. What date are you due to arrive?[/quote]
Hi sorry for the late reply, I hadn't been on this site in ages. I arrive on Friday. I don't know what shop I'm in, but I'll find out soon enough. I'm so excited, there are no words!!! :D[/quote]

Exciting! :) How long are you working for? I'm arriving a week on Friday


I know this is random, but does anyone know anything about how early the buses run from the accommodation to the parc entrance, or if this is walkable? To catch my coach back home I have to be at CDG for 7/8am, and so i'm hoping to catch the TGV at 7:45am.
Thanks :)


I arrive on Friday 21st and leave on Jan 7th. I really really hope I get a shop on Main Street.... I would love the Emporium... but I'll take anywhere :D


@Katieandthebeast ... the bus is number 34 and it runs starting about 6;30/7.. or earlier. All depends on the time of year but its something like that. :P :)
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


just applied for the next casting in Berlin at the end of January. Let's see if I can go again
<-Plz click


Thank you for the reply _Natalie_x! I'm not so worried about it anymore :)

Hopefully I will see you at some point WendyDarling, i'm also there until the 7th Jan, but think i'm in a shop in Walt Disney Studios, it will be exciting wherever we are :D

I'm just concerned that my French won't be good enough.


_Natalie_x ...Are you working at Disneyland...I remember you were one of the people from the beginning of this forum when i first used to read it and you were determined to be out there...Im so pleased for you if you are xxx


haha hey smallblonde yessss i am !! i work in a boutique on mainstreet :D originally wanted to be in the parade but im so happy where i am now i wouldnt change it. Its all worked out !! You got in too didnt you? Are you heading back out there soon?? :D x
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Hi, my I'm Klara and I've spent the last 2 days reading all 143 pages!

I'm in my first year of sixth form and have recently decided that I'm going to take a gap year before I go to uni and I have always thought that if I did do a gap year, I would work at Disneyland Paris. When I started looking into it last week I realised how difficult it is to get a job at DLP. So I have come here for advice because you all seem like helpful lovely people :) My language skills are quite good, I have been billingual (English/Danish) from birth and I got A*s in french and german at GCSE and am currently doing German at AS level. I don't really have much background in acting/dance but I did do ballet and acting classes when I was in primary school and I can also ice skate well (It would be amazing to be in the Disney Winter Wonderland!). Obviously I would prefer to be a character/parade performer but I will take what I can get because I love Disney! So what I am here for is that because I have at least a year before I can even think about auditioning, is there anything I can do to prepare myself and try to increase my chances of getting a job at DLP? I'm up for doing pretty much anything, taking dance classes or whatever, but obviously I can't do everything as I do have school and my other extra curricular things to do as well.

Thank you so much for reading if you took the time to read my ridiculously long paragraph!

Klara  :)


Heeeey Klara! I mean its one thing to read advice etc.. but if you really want to know what you can do better for the auditions, you have to just go to one and experience it first, and then decide from what you see or what you feel. I think theres no other true way to know 100% what you personally need to do because obviously its different for everyone!
With your language skills (awesome btw.. jealous you're bilingual!) you would easily be able to get into a job in merchandise/attractions/ even hotels.. so if you go on www.disneylandparis-casting.com you can see the job offers there and whats available. :)
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Hi everyone! I posted this on another topic but hoping someone here might be able to shed some light. I have an interview day for non cast member jobs (so shops/restuarants/etc)  and had to choose a time slot online, but it is 3 hours long - is this like a general time frame for when they interview everyone, or will i actually be doing stuff for 3 hours?! thanks  :)


Im pretty sure thats the time slot for everyone! You go in and they have a presentation, and a mini quiz. All for fun really but you learn abit more about Disneyland and the jobs. Then they say theyre going to be interviewing you in twos, so everyone find a partner and queue up, and thats the part that takes the longest, so if you;re not at the front of the queue then it could take forever because the mini interviews take about 10-15 minutes.
:D this is all obviously if the process hasnt changed!!! I interviewed over a year ago but thats what happened at mine. :D
Whens your interview..??
Natalie x
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


Ah that's awesome thanks Natalie!! I kinda hoped it would be something like that :) My interview is next month.. I'm a bit concerned as it's in France (I'm working over here atm) so I'm assuming it will all be in French, but hopefully it will go okay!!
Are you planning to interview again? xx