Dreams do come true

Started by Rafael, January 16, 2013, 10:57:18 PM

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Someone has been playing with photoshop :lol:  ;)

I'll go for this one............

 =D>  =D>  :)



Quote from: "Epcot_Boy"Someone has been playing with photoshop :lol:  ;)

I'll go for this one............

 =D>  =D>  :)

Having some fun playing with colors. :)




Hi, Rafael,
I know, I'm repeating myself, but what wonderful pictures! You really have an eye for the little details that
make Disneyland such a special place.

I just read what littlebitofpxiedust wrote:
QuoteSo many times people have said "your crazy, don't you get bored" or "it isn't a proper holiday" and I respond every trip is different and to me forgetting the worlds the harsh world we live in is my kind of holiday.
I do hear nearly the exact words from some people and I reply nearly the same thing. I can kind of switch off the real
world's problems when at Disneyland. I don't have to do all the rides, I like strolling through the parks and, well, relaxing (kind of) can't exlain it any better.
Oh, by the way, I infected two of my colleagues with the Disney-Virus :D  They are going in May!


Quote from: "BlackPearl"Hi, Rafael,
I know, I'm repeating myself, but what wonderful pictures! You really have an eye for the little details that
make Disneyland such a special place.

I just read what littlebitofpxiedust wrote:
QuoteSo many times people have said "your crazy, don't you get bored" or "it isn't a proper holiday" and I respond every trip is different and to me forgetting the worlds the harsh world we live in is my kind of holiday.
I do hear nearly the exact words from some people and I reply nearly the same thing. I can kind of switch off the real
world's problems when at Disneyland. I don't have to do all the rides, I like strolling through the parks and, well, relaxing (kind of) can't exlain it any better.
Oh, by the way, I infected two of my colleagues with the Disney-Virus :D  They are going in May!

Hi BlackPearl,

Thank you for your kind words!  :D

I agree with you. The details make Disneyland Paris the special place it is.

When I told some people  we were returning to Paris and DLP after just been there the holiday before they said we were crazy too. I don't care though. What matters to me is the way we feel about it and the great moments we have had there.
I don't need to do all the rides as well. I don't really like the idea of running from one queue to another. I don't even like to use fastpass all the time, because I think it gives me somehow an anxiety and the need to control the time.  The last thing I want in my holiday is to control the time in order to have fun.
I am like you. I love strolling through the park. I am completely happy doing that. The attractions work for me like a bonus, not my main goal when I think of my day at the park. If I ride something, great. If not, it is already fine.

It is great to hear you have infected some colleagues with the Disney virus. lol.  :thumbs:
Please share with  us their thoughts afterward. :)


One thing that was remarkable at Discoveryland  was a cast member at Star Tours. He was so funny and made everybody laugh before the ride started. We tried to ride it some other times but he was never there again and the other cast members weren't great like him. I saw him walking through Discoveryland on the last day and he was playing and talking to several children along the way. Amazing castmember. I wish I could remember his name.


Sorry havnt been on for long! Could really do with a Disney fix right now.. My poor little puppy passed away Saturday morning rushed her to the vets and it was all to late!
So definitely could do with going to that "special" place and forgetting the heartache I have felt over the last few days!
Anyway I agree about looking through photos and somehow, your back there! We are very fortunate that we're only a 2 hour Eurostar trian journey away from Disney... So we go 2-3 times a year. I love counting down the weeks/days to the next trip. Booking one in the very hear future.

Until then I will continue to browse the forum reading delightful comments and trip reports by all the Disney DLP fans! And of course enjoy the wonderful photos ou upload! Many thanks :)


Quote from: "littlebitofpixiedust"Sorry havnt been on for long! Could really do with a Disney fix right now.. My poor little puppy passed away Saturday morning rushed her to the vets and it was all to late!
So definitely could do with going to that "special" place and forgetting the heartache I have felt over the last few days!
Anyway I agree about looking through photos and somehow, your back there! We are very fortunate that we're only a 2 hour Eurostar trian journey away from Disney... So we go 2-3 times a year. I love counting down the weeks/days to the next trip. Booking one in the very hear future.

Until then I will continue to browse the forum reading delightful comments and trip reports by all the Disney DLP fans! And of course enjoy the wonderful photos ou upload! Many thanks :)

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of  your puppy. Our dog has passed away recently and I know how painful it is. i am here for you if you need anything. I know I can't do much, but if you need somebody to talk to or just listen, you can count on me.

Being close to Disney is a dream of mine... You are really lucky! :)
I was thinking about this idea of counting the days for the trip the other day. It was so good doing that last year. I loved the feeling of knowing that the trip was coming. The anticipation is also part of the fun.


Aww Thankyou! She was only a baby 10 months old. Ha a cough then started bringing up blood and she passed away in clinic hours later :( cannot get my head round it... Very sad isn't it. Like loosing part of you...
Anyway so when do u think the next trip will be? I wish I could up and go today lol! It would fill me with happy thoughts like Peter pan! Guess it will just be a Disney movie night instead? Lol :)


Quote from: "littlebitofpixiedust"Aww Thankyou! She was only a baby 10 months old. Ha a cough then started bringing up blood and she passed away in clinic hours later :( cannot get my head round it... Very sad isn't it. Like loosing part of you...
Anyway so when do u think the next trip will be? I wish I could up and go today lol! It would fill me with happy thoughts like Peter pan! Guess it will just be a Disney movie night instead? Lol :)

Yeah, I agree with you, it feels like loosing a part of you. Mine was already old. He was 15, and by the end of his life, he was already blind and deaf.

Well, I don't know when the next trip will be...  :cry:  I guess it might take me a couple of years to see DLP again.
But just like you, I wish I could be there today! lol
Whenever I'm down, remembering Disneyland fills me with happy thoughts. :)


Just had a good look through the discovery land photos you put on, all incredible it is fascinating and night isn't it!? We're booking tomorrow for the 22nd sept can't wait.
I love this forum I don't know anybody like myself that understands my passion for DLP! I suppose some would call me a dreamer :) but it's kinda true. The manager from my local Disney store once said to me "I couldn't live in a world without Disney" and you know I don't think many of us would want too! A little bit of magic never hurt anyone.
It also must cost you a lot more coming all the way from brazil aswel but I guess when you do next get to Disneyland it will be worth the wait! How long did you stop for on your last trip?


Quote from: "littlebitofpixiedust"Just had a good look through the discovery land photos you put on, all incredible it is fascinating and night isn't it!? We're booking tomorrow for the 22nd sept can't wait.
I love this forum I don't know anybody like myself that understands my passion for DLP! I suppose some would call me a dreamer :) but it's kinda true. The manager from my local Disney store once said to me "I couldn't live in a world without Disney" and you know I don't think many of us would want too! A little bit of magic never hurt anyone.
It also must cost you a lot more coming all the way from brazil aswel but I guess when you do next get to Disneyland it will be worth the wait! How long did you stop for on your last trip?

Yeah, Discoveryland at night is pretty awesome. It is a fascinating land. :)

I am happy to hear you are booking your next trip. How exciting! :)

I don't even want to imagine a world without Disney...lol I agree with you, a little bit of magic never hurts. :)

Yes, you are right. Going all the way from Brazil to France does cost quite a lot. I know it is worth it, but too expensive. We have been to Europe in our 3 last holidays, the first two times for less than 2 weeks, one year only
in London and the other in Paris and DLP, but this last time we decided to stay longer, so we spent a month visiting Paris, DLP and London again. We love these places! :)
It takes some planning and a lot of saving, so we think we shouldn't travel abroad next holiday in order to save some money. We can only take our holiday together in January, so I think a trip like this will only be possible in 2 years. Next January is out of question. We think it is too soon. People already think we are crazy for visiting the same places again having been there just the year before! lol.

I would also like to visit the other Disney Resorts worldwide, so who knows. Maybe we will visit Tokyo and Hong Kong before being back at DLP. However, DLP has a special place in my heart and going back there would be amazing. It would be a dream! :)


I would love to visit the others also! But it would take its toll on my son who has various special needs and the flights would be gruelling.
But when he's older most definitely! For now DLP is just perfect being a 2 hour train ride away... Many people love London and Paris also, each to their own I say. Asking as you enjoy it, it's your kind of holiday! I'm sure your next visit will come around sooner than you think it always does.
Did you stay in a Disney hotel when you came?


I love your pictures of Orbitron. It looks great at night.
Thanks again for sharing them   :D

QuoteIt is great to hear you have infected some colleagues with the Disney virus. lol.  
Please share with us their thoughts afterward.
I will. Hopefully I may be going in May, too! One of my friends asked. She tries to get a day off for an extended weekend.
(as she is a teacher, it's not that easy because there are no school holidays in May, but she has worked overtime)
So, keep your fingers crossed!