Annual Pass — questions and privileges

Started by Anthony, February 05, 2007, 11:04:19 PM

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Quote from: "nathalie"Yes, you are the "parrain" and the person you give the 10 % discount to, is the "filleul".

Don't know about the form you recieved, haven't recieved something similar myself, so can't help there.

However, I can still help someone to get a 10 % discount on their pass, I got 1 spot left ^_^

what does that mean, can you sponsor just a tippical  amount of people?!


On the current normal parrainage (sponsor) forms, you can only sponsor a maximum of 3 new annual pass purchases. And you have to sponsor all 3 (and have all 3 DLRP stamps on your parrainage form to prove it) before you can apply to have your own annual pass extended for an additional 12 months for free.

That sounds like a great extra deal you got shaz - but it would seem you would have to work out which offer is best for you as the sponsor. You won't be able to combine both the normal parrainage with the "one sponsorship, 6 months added free" extra one you have.



I dont know if i received this offer because im on their mailing list or because i put in a complaint a few months ago.elaine. I dont know if you remember but i complained about not knowing about the under 7 getting free annual passports with a paying adult and in our group we ended up paying for 3 under 7.  Anyway they were very apologetic and they said to let them know if we were returning and to give them the name of our hotel if it was a disney one and they would "try to restore our faith in Disney" in some way.  We had already booked the kyriad to return in September so they said they would contact the kyriad even tho it wasnt a disney hotel and pass on our details to Quality manager.  They also said if we are to book a disney hotel in the future to send them our details.  
To get back to the form elaine, myself and my husband have annual passports so could i use the normal parrainage form for 3 of my family and he could use the form for one person? Then we'd both get extra months free (but i'd get the 12 months :D/  if thats what you get with the normal form.)


That would work shaz - yes, I do remember your situation with the free under 7s APs.

Theres nothing to stop your husband using the special offer parrainage first, to at least guarantee he'll get 6 months free on his AP. With your 3 sponsorships in September, you have your AP covered for a free 12 months, and then your husband could try and get 3 sponsors on his normal parrainage form before his annual pass expires, then use that for an extra 12 months free, instead of the 6?

As you paid full price for your childrens' APs too, you can also sponsor on those - so get racking up those sponsorships  :lol: !



I was actually wondering if i could sponsor on the kids aswell.  Thats great, thanks for the info! if we wanted to change our francillien passports to fantasy or even dream, do you have to wait til they are expiring or how would you go about this?


I think you can upgrade passes during their validity - you could email DLRP to ask them this.



If someone has need, I can sponsor you to get a discount on annual passport ..  :mrgreen:



We are getting excited because this time next week we will be in Paris!

We are going to apply for the annual passes and as there are 3 children under 7 we will be able to get them free annual passes. So do we do this at the gate as if we pay a daily rate for the kids to get in and then upgrade in the office we won't be able to get their admission refunded? Is this right?


Hi pinkprincess,

Thats right, you can't get the childrens one day ticket prices refunded on their free APs.
You go to the normal ticket offices at the turnstiles, or Guest Services office, which is to the right of the turnstiles at the entrance to the main Park.

Tell them you want free childrens annual passes when you buy adult annual passes.
You can get a free childs pass for each adult pass bought, as long as the child is at least 3 years old, and at most 6 years old. You will need to provide proof of age for each of the children (I used my daughters passport).



Thanks Elaine!

Will we have to pay car parking on that first day before we have got the annual pass or is there a way around that too?


I've got spare sponsorship forms if anyone Was thinking about signing up for one! you will get 10% reduction in the price and you would be helping me out too as it means I get extra months on my Pass! :-) if you want a form then send me your address in an email and I can post you one. :-)


Would love to help you out but as we are claiming the free child under 7 passes we can not do the whole sponsorship thing too.


I only need 1 more stamp, then our form is full.

But seems as we won't make it, the form ends November 7th, and looks like it's impossible to find a 3rd person before that date  :(
(and the form will be in use till October 11th)


This has probably been asked before, do you hand the sponsor form in at the first ticket desk to get the discount or when you get to the annual passport office?? :?


You pay for your pass at the ticket office or Guest Services, so you give them your sponsor discount form.
