20th | 20 Years of Magic - flashbacks & history

Started by Anthony, February 17, 2012, 08:02:39 PM

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Quote from: "Timbo"Have you ever looked up to see how much the ticket is worth now ? We went a couple of weeks after opening to "avoid the crowds" whch never happened any way , but was so quiet , walk on to every ride, every shop , restaurant open and fully staffed it was like a dream it was so perfect then !

I d love to know how much its worth but have yet to find someone who has one (at least like mine an unused one )

It was amazing back then , so many cast members and all seemed to love the job.
The restaurants had fantastic menus ,although very expensive ,with fantastic waiters giving each meal a "show" feeling

captain rocket

These tickets sell regularly on ebay for 60/90 US dollars.


Didn't know where else to post this, so figured this would be the best place. A musical tribute to the resort...



Quote from: "captain rocket"These tickets sell regularly on ebay for 60/90 US dollars.

Looked quit often but never seen any ,especially unused tickets

nice to know thanks

captain rocket

Look on ebay.com under Eurodisney.Oddly, most of these tickets are in the USA and the sellers seem reluctant to send abroad!


How fantastic, loved every second of that video!
Faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust...


Quote from: "wishuponastar"Didn't know where else to post this, so figured this would be the best place. A musical tribute to the resort...

Great video, thanks for sharing! It makes me feel like I'm walking through the park...
♫ S-U-G-A-R, jump into your racing car, it's a sugar rush! ♫


Take flight over Euro Disneyland, just after groundworks first began in 1988...



Happy 25th Anniversary!



Oh, now I see why my granddad got confused and thought it was the 25th anniversary this year. XD
Disneyland Paris
    [li]January 2000, 2012[/li]
    [li]April 2012[/li]
    [li]August 2009, 2011, 2013[/li]
    [li]New Year 1997-98, 1998-99, 2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07[/li]
Walt Disney World
    [li]August 2008[/li]