Horrible horrible smoking!

Started by Sully, December 02, 2011, 01:14:55 AM

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Quote from: "Anthony"Now that people are perfectly willing to accept no smoking rules (or only being able to smoke in specific areas) in airports, train stations and other public places, surely it's time that Disneyland Paris can step this up a gear, they're massively behind and it really does negatively affect a day in the park. They need to start with signs at the park entrances (similar to the eternal "Filming Today" signs) which clearly state the smoking rules.

My thoughts exactly. Western European society has changed this past decade and it's time to start enforcing the rules. It won't happen overnight, but they have to start somewhere. All Cast Members should be instructed to ask people to put out their cigarettes, particularly in queues and other places where lots of people are forced to huddle up in tight spaces. I used to work in a hotel and everyone, from housekeeping to front desk staff, was clearly instructed to do this — well, we had to ban them from the premises, actually, which may be a step too far for Disneyland Paris at this point. But all these excuses, from "this is not America" to "it's not the Cast Members' job" are just that, excuses.

Perhaps they can go lightly on people smoking in large open spaces for a few years, focusing on the aforementioned queues, the crowded sidewalks before a parade, and places like the Main Street arcades where some of the more clever, existential smokers decide that they can argue being outdoors on the basis of a lack of doors. But something has to happen.


I'm not a smoker, never liked it and I know how badly it's viewed in Britain.  But I wonder what the attitude towards smoking is in France, because i think there has to be a public change in attitude towards smoking. It can't be theme park lead and maybe some European countries are way behind us. On a crowded day at DLP with people determined to smoke, it could be hard for a CM to enforce a non smoking ban in parts of the park. I think there has to be a change in public attitude towards smoking in society. In the last 25 years in Britain peoples views on smoking have changed so much and for the better.
Ed & David


How many people on the forum have actually contacted Disneyland Paris over the smoking issue? I emailed them a while back but never got a reply, just wondering what the response was for anyone else.


Well I've never contacted DLP over the smoking issue, obviously it's not illegal. I don't notice it in their restaurants. To enforce a ban on smoking in certain parts of the park the public have to cooperate with Disney, that's why I think the change of attitude has to come from society. That's what happend in Britain.
Ed & David


Smoking is banned in public buildings in France just as it is in Britain and most of Western Europe at this point. How do you think they got people to stop smoking at railway stations and airports? By making it very clear that it isn't allowed and that penalties exist for offenders, and by continuously tapping said offenders on the back. These things don't just happen, you have to enforce your rules.

Of course, the concept of not being able to smoke outside is still new to Europeans and the French, let's face it, won't go down without a fight in that regard. But I think we can all agree that a person smoking in the Big Thunder Mountain queue should be removed. Let's start there.

Oh, and to all of us: tap people on the back for pete's sake! Anyone blowing smoke in your face should be told off. By you. Do your part.


I would like it better if they just made smoking illegal, then end of problem. But I shant be tapping a 6ft hoody on the back and tell him to stop smoking  in case he tells me to.........off.  A little old lady maybe.
Ed & David


Yes, and then get her to tell the hoodie off.


Will do. :thumbs: But I do agree with you, I dont like smoking. I try to lead by example. If I was standing in a queue at a cash point machine, and somebody infront of me was smoking, I probably wouldn't tap them on the back and tell them to stop, but that could just be me.
Ed & David


You know me, I probably wouldn't be bold enough to ask someone to stop myself, and I'm not sure I'd want the Cast Members to have that put upon them either just yet, not without more warnings and statements of the rules being put in place across the parks to back them up. At the minute do they seem happy to ask people to stop smoking in queue lines, since there are those legally-required signs for covered areas in place, so that's what they need. DLP should come up with a solid plan to gradually make clear and enforce the rule over a year or more, with a CM asking someone in the street to stop smoking being the final step.

I know this might be ugly in itself, but I'd also support an announcement in several languages being made 10 or 15 minutes before parades or shows like Dreams begin, saying something like "While you wait to enjoy the show, please respect other guests by not smoking. Specific areas are available for smoking, consult your park guide for details." Getting an announcement in before the daily parade would be about as much publicity as you can give to the rule. Reports of smoking annoyances would plummet overnight.

Perhaps I should send this idea to them...


Well, perhaps I should have rallied more specifically for polite requests... I realize not everyone has the temperament of Donald Duck. But there are definitely times when it is perfectly appropriate to call someone on their behavior, and no one should have to suffer in a cloud of smoke produced by some callous ruffian wearing a polyester shirt while stuck in a queue.

And I have never seen a Cast Member ask anyone to stop smoking, anywhere. Not in the Small World queue, not in the Arcades, not in one of those immobile lines within four feet of the Bureau Passport Annuel entrance, not even in Alice's Curious Labyrinth, which is an attraction for pete's sake. (Although then again, people pee on attractions, so perhaps I'm overestimating humanity on this.) Staff members do this all over the world; I don't see why Disneyland Paris' staff couldn't.

And I do like your idea of an airport-style "and no smoking please" announcement. Then further increase awareness by putting up signs, and then, finally, actually enforce this thing.

I realize I'm sounding more and more like a Daily Mail letter to the editor, but really, something must be done about this horrible nuisance, haha.


Quote from: "15MagicalYears"How many people on the forum have actually contacted Disneyland Paris over the smoking issue? I emailed them a while back but never got a reply, just wondering what the response was for anyone else.

I just sent them an email.  I hope more of us do this so that they realize it isn't just a handful of people that are annoyed by this.  Here's their reply, which amazingly was fast!

"Thank you for contacting Disneyland® Paris .

I am pleased to hear that you will be visiting the resort.

Further to your query, I would like to assure you that considerable attention is currently being paid with regard to comments on the amount of smoking within Disneyland® Paris .

Once again I would like to thank you for taking the time to share your vision of Disneyland® Paris with us. We sincerely hope to welcome you soon to our Resort to discover new surprises and adventures.

Yours sincerely,
Susie Parker"

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Quote from: "pussinboots"And I do like your idea of an airport-style "and no smoking please" announcement. Then further increase awareness by putting up signs, and then, finally, actually enforce this thing.

I realize I'm sounding more and more like a Daily Mail letter to the editor, but really, something must be done about this horrible nuisance, haha.
I wonder if a British Disneyland would have been similar to our large railway stations: rarely a 10 second gap between endless announcements warning everything from "This station is a no smoking environment" to "Due to today's wet weather please take extra care" to "Abandoned luggage may be moved or destroyed by security personnel". You're lucky to hear an announcement for a train.

But yes, a Disneyland Railroad-style "and please, no smoking" is what they need across the park and especially before outdoor  events to get this going.


Just wondering if anyone else had been in contact with DLRP about the smoking and got a reply. Recent TR's I have read have had some awful tales of smoking in queues and children being burnt etc.

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Disneyland in no way could operate in the UK, the level of general insanity with regard to rules, operation, etc would make it even more unprofitable than it already is. ;P

It is an odd difference though, because in WDW the roped off smoking areas are usually followed, but then again when they aren't the cast members appear like wild bulls and stomp it out.

"Sir, You CANT SMOKE IN HERE, this is Disney World!" was a nice quote to the gentleman behind me at the MSEP.
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I have to say, aside from right after Dreams had finished, I didn't notice the smoking being a big problem last week. In fact it seemed a lot less of a problem than previous visits in November 2011 and October 2010. I'm an ardent anti-smoker so this usually bothers me.
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