Disney's Halloween Festival 2011

Started by littlemermaid83, June 13, 2011, 01:20:28 PM

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They don't charge extra for halloween do they? I find it cheaper this time of year to go as there out of season some what for the crowds etc. The week of Halloween (31st) when they have the party is more and so is mnsshp but there is more entertainment provided and you get to stay i the park until 11-11.30pm so it's worth it SO hope they put the effort in for mnsshp they did in previous years and as you are paying extra I would think they should.

I don't care any more I am just excited to go and I am really excited about the new shows and the three new/reworked shows for mnsshp. Oh and the DLH SO excited for that!!


Fully agree on the decorations and the meet and greets. Even a littl emore on decorations would have helped. It didn`t feel like Halloween.
As fotr meet n`greets. On the 3 dayswe were there in the morningthe Alice one didn`t happen. At 10:30 no one was there. The persons we were asking didn`t know, said they appear every minute(wich they didn`t ).We didn`t come back later. But that was disapointing. I would have wished for a sign, saying not today or something like that.


Quote from: "carrydee38"we just back we were there from the 2nd to the 5th and well soooooooooo dissappointed with halloween this year.  It lacked any thought ...only for the fact they were playing a halloween song on main street and for a couple of pumpkins you would never no it was halloween.  Frontier land completly empty of decorations not many meet and greets.  Dont get me wrong I love dlp totally.  But if your going to advertise a season of 31 days of halloween well then decorate it.  I asked a few cast members and either there told not to comment but they didnt respond to question of where are all the decorations.  They should not charge extra for going a halloween because its now the same time of year as any other time.  On the up side though we had the most amazing weather...it was soooo hot.  Will go back ,hopefully they are saving
there money for the 20th anniversary, because if not my favorite time of year has just gone.

I just got back too.  What used to be mine and my families favourite time of year has just been shattered!  Okay, so I really enjoyed being at DLP but there was very little Halloween feeling, atmosphere or decoration.  I may even fire off an email and tell them that they have just burst my childish Disney bubble for Halloween.  I wished they just went over the top as they used to with the footprints and pumpkin men statues and people.  I mean, that is what Disney is all about isn't it?  This is a land based on talking mice, dogs and all sorts, so I want to see in your face Halloween or else I wouldn't return at that time of the year, time and time again.

So, after all my complaining of lack of within the Park, we still had a really good time and are very sad to be home.  May just not go at Halloween again I guess.


Quote from: "Aurora1"Fully agree on the decorations and the meet and greets. Even a littl emore on decorations would have helped. It didn`t feel like Halloween.
As fotr meet n`greets. On the 3 dayswe were there in the morningthe Alice one didn`t happen. At 10:30 no one was there. The persons we were asking didn`t know, said they appear every minute(wich they didn`t ).We didn`t come back later. But that was disapointing. I would have wished for a sign, saying not today or something like that.

We hung around also, on the Tuesday and got to see Hatter.  He was a little late, but on his own.

Great meeting you at Disney.  :D


Quote from: "kiki_304"I just got back too.  What used to be mine and my families favourite time of year has just been shattered!  Okay, so I really enjoyed being at DLP but there was very little Halloween feeling, atmosphere or decoration.  I may even fire off an email and tell them that they have just burst my childish Disney bubble for Halloween.  
I wished they just went over the top as they used to with the footprints and pumpkin men statues and people.  I mean, that is what Disney is all about isn't it?  This is a land based on talking mice, dogs and all sorts, so I want to see in your face Halloween or else I wouldn't return at that time of the year, time and time again.
So, after all my complaining of lack of within the Park, we still had a really good time and are very sad to be home.  May just not go at Halloween again I guess.

I was just thinking that myself - the reason I love Halloween at DLP is because so much of the park is in your face and decorated in orange! Its exaggerated and overblown - and thats what I loved about it!



Quote from: "kiki_304"
Quote from: "carrydee38"we just back we were there from the 2nd to the 5th and well soooooooooo dissappointed with halloween this year.  It lacked any thought ...only for the fact they were playing a halloween song on main street and for a couple of pumpkins you would never no it was halloween.  Frontier land completly empty of decorations not many meet and greets.  Dont get me wrong I love dlp totally.  But if your going to advertise a season of 31 days of halloween well then decorate it.  I asked a few cast members and either there told not to comment but they didnt respond to question of where are all the decorations.  They should not charge extra for going a halloween because its now the same time of year as any other time.  On the up side though we had the most amazing weather...it was soooo hot.  Will go back ,hopefully they are saving
there money for the 20th anniversary, because if not my favorite time of year has just gone.

I just got back too.  What used to be mine and my families favourite time of year has just been shattered!  Okay, so I really enjoyed being at DLP but there was very little Halloween feeling, atmosphere or decoration.  I may even fire off an email and tell them that they have just burst my childish Disney bubble for Halloween.  I wished they just went over the top as they used to with the footprints and pumpkin men statues and people.  I mean, that is what Disney is all about isn't it?  This is a land based on talking mice, dogs and all sorts, so I want to see in your face Halloween or else I wouldn't return at that time of the year, time and time again.

So, after all my complaining of lack of within the Park, we still had a really good time and are very sad to be home.  May just not go at Halloween again I guess.

did you find that they didnt kinda of listen to what happened halloween??? I think it was sad it took away from the trip ...nothing going on frontier land land of meet and greets or delayed meet and greets but i still love dlp but well think they have lost a season...normally i would be rushing to book again when coming back..but this time i think i will wait a good while....ps was that you in mickeys cafe with birthday cake...with your little girl dressed up...


Quote from: "Elaine"
Quote from: "kiki_304"I just got back too.  What used to be mine and my families favourite time of year has just been shattered!  Okay, so I really enjoyed being at DLP but there was very little Halloween feeling, atmosphere or decoration.  I may even fire off an email and tell them that they have just burst my childish Disney bubble for Halloween.  
I wished they just went over the top as they used to with the footprints and pumpkin men statues and people.  I mean, that is what Disney is all about isn't it?  This is a land based on talking mice, dogs and all sorts, so I want to see in your face Halloween or else I wouldn't return at that time of the year, time and time again.
So, after all my complaining of lack of within the Park, we still had a really good time and are very sad to be home.  May just not go at Halloween again I guess.

I was just thinking that myself - the reason I love Halloween at DLP is because so much of the park is in your face and decorated in orange! Its exaggerated and overblown - and thats what I loved about it!


It just seems so bland.  No orange welcome plaque as you enter DLP to tell you it is Halloween season as there used to be. No smoke, no spiders on buildings.  Just a few of the plastic pumpkin stacked goofy's as normal outside the shop as a token gesture.

Quote from: "carrydee38"
Quote from: "kiki_304"
Quote from: "carrydee38"we just back we were there from the 2nd to the 5th and well soooooooooo dissappointed with halloween this year.  It lacked any thought ...only for the fact they were playing a halloween song on main street and for a couple of pumpkins you would never no it was halloween.  Frontier land completly empty of decorations not many meet and greets.  Dont get me wrong I love dlp totally.  But if your going to advertise a season of 31 days of halloween well then decorate it.  I asked a few cast members and either there told not to comment but they didnt respond to question of where are all the decorations.  They should not charge extra for going a halloween because its now the same time of year as any other time.  On the up side though we had the most amazing weather...it was soooo hot.  Will go back ,hopefully they are saving
there money for the 20th anniversary, because if not my favorite time of year has just gone.

I just got back too.  What used to be mine and my families favourite time of year has just been shattered!  Okay, so I really enjoyed being at DLP but there was very little Halloween feeling, atmosphere or decoration.  I may even fire off an email and tell them that they have just burst my childish Disney bubble for Halloween.  I wished they just went over the top as they used to with the footprints and pumpkin men statues and people.  I mean, that is what Disney is all about isn't it?  This is a land based on talking mice, dogs and all sorts, so I want to see in your face Halloween or else I wouldn't return at that time of the year, time and time again.

So, after all my complaining of lack of within the Park, we still had a really good time and are very sad to be home.  May just not go at Halloween again I guess.

did you find that they didnt kinda of listen to what happened halloween??? I think it was sad it took away from the trip ...nothing going on frontier land land of meet and greets or delayed meet and greets but i still love dlp but well think they have lost a season...normally i would be rushing to book again when coming back..but this time i think i will wait a good while....ps was that you in mickeys cafe with birthday cake...with your little girl dressed up...

I have 2 boys, and no birthday cake.  I was there on Monday but believe LM was there with her daughter and beirthday cake on Tuesday. lol


I think they may have toned it down for a few reasons but although I am many other people liked the over the top orange attack LOTS of people including loads from this forum hated it and said it "wasn't Disney" etc and I do wonder if they just had lots of people moaning etc about it and though oh we will change it.

I love what they HAVE done but unfortunately it isn't enough they need more like the Cali Disneyland and yes I know the budget isn't the same but come on some bunting and pumpkins and a bit more theming is that really too much to ask. I cannot believe the PM has so little decoration it is the "scary" ride of the park.

I am still really excited about going if a little disappointed before I even get there but I hope the five shows and mnsshp will make it ok for me or I will be thinking more about bonfire/christmas time instead.


I got back Saturday night so i was there for the very 1st day of the Halloween season and like others i was soooooooooooooooooo disappointed. :cry:
I knew it wasn't going to be like previous years but even so a few pumpkins and some Autumnal flower beds in my honest opinion is not what people want to see at Halloween.
I too might email Disney to express my disappointment, had i of known about the lack of decorations i would of honestly saved my money and gone at Christmas instead. :(  :(


i totally agree poppie 123...I think I might email them too...as when we went into town hall to book cafe mickey we mentioned about the lack of halloween decorations to be told ooh well i wasnt here last year and that ended the conversation.  When we mentioned in the hotel it seemed too we were stonewalled.  I only hope that it is because that they are keeping there budget for the 20th anniversary.  Other wise no more halloween then there is only one season left which is christmas...who knows there advertising that at the moment on website with a 30 percent discount??


BOO :( We haven't got 30% off in England we have rubbish old 1 day and night for free but not over 5 nights so its a bit rubbish!!

We're staying for seven but managed to get the 40% deal so that was goooood so glad I got it when I did or I wouldn't be going for 5 nights either probably more like 3 or 4 but got a bargain and get to go for seven night so that is one good thing. The christmas looks amazing though.

I am really excited about mnsshp I hope it doesn't let me down.

I would like to think they are saving and planning something BIG for the anniversary so we shall see but if I don't like it I won't go to halloween next year I will wait for christmas because we only managed both this year as the mother helped to book christmas as a present for us so that is why. Normally it is only the one and I have always favoured halloween but I have to say with how christmas is looking the tides are turning. Still maybe the 20th halloween will see it back to it's best?

Mary Poppins in on the television, just had a thought. Wish Bert would draw me Disneyland then I could just jump inside it :D.


David summed up the "pruning" very well a few pages back, it's worth reposting:
Quote from: "DGRavenswood"On the whole I don't think there's been much of a budget cut from the past few years. Let's not forget that the decorations we had up to now were the collective output of more than a decade; a few new things would be added on occasion as the bulk got recycled from previous Halloween seasons. Now that they've changed direction it's going to take a while to get back to the amount of decoration we've enjoyed and/or detested so far.
If anything, it almost looks to me like there's more investment this year than there was last year. Things have looked pretty stagnant decoration-wise for a few years. I really applaud the bravery of whoever decided to scrap the old decorations and start afresh. That's clearly a bold move when you've got guests' expectations of previous years, and there might quite rightly be some disappointment this year, but it will work out in the long run.

Perhaps it's a shame they didn't (or couldn't) add some Anaheim-style orange bunting on the Main Street buildings, or carved pumpkins on the balconies, just to give the "feel" of a bigger overlay. Hopefully investments in future years will continue more the style of the beautiful gazebo decorations rather than identical Mickey-shaped pumpkins on every corner. In Frontierland, why not build on the great ghost story the land already has. I'd love to see Thunder Mesa decorated for the Phantom wedding that never was. (Just saying, DLP...)


Does anyone know if the mnsshp schedule is out yet?! The first one is tonight isn't it? SO impatient!!

Cannot wait until someone gives some details on it lol. I know roughly about the shows etc but like to know the times and whether any special effects are being set up etc.

ford prefect

Quote from: "lubynoo"Does anyone know if the mnsshp schedule is out yet?! The first one is tonight isn't it? SO impatient!!

Cannot wait until someone gives some details on it lol. I know roughly about the shows etc but like to know the times and whether any special effects are being set up etc.

enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


Totally agree with what was said before, hopefully over the coming years the new "style" or direction of decorations will slowly build until the park is fully decked out for the season.

On a side note, InsideDLParis posted this photo of lamp post decor a while back - http://twitpic.com/64h66l
Does anyone know if they have been put in place? They look pretty.