Big Thunder Mountain incident (25/04/11)

Started by Kristof, April 25, 2011, 06:22:45 PM

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For those following the news; Check out our latest update on what happened on our newssite BTM Accident - More information

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interesting stuff on, so that is because of damage


The riders said that the train was stopped in a tunnel, in pitch black. Where woud that have been, and what would have triggered it?


The cast members stopped it in the tunnel, if that is what you're asking? :)
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Where abouts would it have stopped though? I guess there is a block section just before you drop in the dark?


From Twitter
Disneyland Paris
QuoteBig Thunder Mountain will reopen for our guests tomorrow, Saturday 21 May. The attraction has been closed since the accident on April 25th.


That's good, but I bet that in september it will close again. From pictures etc., it looks like any moving theming piece that is over the track has been removed. Maybe they are doing individual checks for each piece,


There were no rocks moving on the last lift hill, but it wasn't looking like there were parts missing.

On Sunday the coaster feeled slower and less wild as in march, but that may of course be just a feeling of our group.

Around noon there was a waiting time of 50 minutes announced and only three trains running. Is that the usual number for that many people waiting or is it lower?

And what we found out in the evening as the sun was setting: In that moments the last part of the last tunnel is visible and showing the unthemed concrete. Bad, bad sun ;)


We were onboard saturday. At 14.00 hours, the line was 80 minutes!! The park should be open untill 22.00, but the ride closed at 20.30, even denying people the ride, eventhough they were waiting in line!! I find it strange, that many rides closes at 20.30 when the park is open untill 22.00. The only open rides where childrens rides.

I found the ride a bit faster at the end than normaly.


Quote from: "EnClair"We were onboard saturday. At 14.00 hours, the line was 80 minutes!! The park should be open untill 22.00, but the ride closed at 20.30, even denying people the ride, eventhough they were waiting in line!! I find it strange, that many rides closes at 20.30 when the park is open untill 22.00. The only open rides where childrens rides.

I found the ride a bit faster at the end than normaly.

They closed BTM before the park closed!! It's getting worse and worse. When we have been last year some attractions in Fantasyland and Discoveryland opened and closed at different times. Hopefully many people complained, because that is really a bad show. BTM is the most popular attraction at DLP and it should, like EVERY attraction, be open until the park closes. Maybe they had already a new problem with the coaster.


Maybe it had broke down? Its not exactly un-common for BTM to break down now is it?


Exactly. If they turned away people waiting in line it indeed means that the ride broke down... as it often does, nine times out of ten caused by guests rather than actual technical problems.
David G. Ravenswood
Host, Ravenswood Manor

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Quote from: "DGRavenswood"Exactly. If they turned away people waiting in line it indeed means that the ride broke down... as it often does, nine times out of ten caused by guests rather than actual technical problems.

Maybe that's a stupid question, but what can guests do to break down the ride? I can imagine that throwing something out of the vehicle or bad behaviour at the loading area could cause a shut down.


In a nutshell -- apart from general misbehavior and acts such as standing up during the ride (happens a lot), the most common cause is guests taking too long to board or to leave their trains... The downside of having five trains on the same track is that they have to maintain a certain rhythm, otherwise the attraction detects two vehicles too close to one another and shuts everything down.
David G. Ravenswood
Host, Ravenswood Manor

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"Without a doubt ... the most inclusive online experience of DLP Frontierland." –Jeff Burke


What people can do wrong?
I've seen it with my own eyes. Most stupid thing ever.
 :shock:  :shock:  :shock:
After leaving the train, a group of about 5 students went straight down the tunnel which leads directly under water and to the island.
Castmembers where running after them, to get them back.