France to ban smoking in public

Started by Anthony, October 09, 2006, 12:20:55 AM

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Could this mean change is finally "in the air" for DLRP too?

Quote from: "BBC News"France is to ban smoking in all public places from next February, the prime minister has announced.

Cafes, nightclubs and restaurants are to be given until January 2008 to adapt, said Dominique de Villepin.


I suppose they'll have designated smoking areas like the US resorts?  I'm very surprised at this news actually, seems totally out of the blue.  In the UK, it's been years and years building up to our ban (which is in the next couple of years, isn't it? :?).


There was a sign outside the Sports Bar that stated: "Wednesday, October 11th Sports Bar non smoking".  8)


Ooo, that's quick!  I wouldn't be surprised if DLRP were actually happy about this.  They made all restaurants non-smoking earlier this year, and I think they've basically been too scared of the repercussions if they dared to enforce a strict ban in the parks.

Now, thanks to this law, they can go right ahead!  Blimey, French bureaucracy actually doing something to help Disneyland?  Whatever next?


Can't wait. I have a 9yr old daughter and on more than one occasion, we've been in a no smoking area thats right next to a smoking area, last thing I want is that crap in my daughters lungs.

Banish smokers outside to the wind and rain I say!! :D

/me waits for the flak........

Miss Tinkerbell

As long as they're out in the open l don't really mind l must say.  l know how people can get when they have to wait for a smoke too long...

The Butlin Boy

That's great news about the ban in France, but why can't we get one here in England! :?


Quote from: "Baloo"They made all restaurants non-smoking earlier this year

It must be hard for those who smoke a lot

Do you think they are going to ban smoking in the whole park? What about the guest who smoke? Are they going to be given a place to smoke or they wouldn`t be able to smoke for a whole day? If so CM are going to have a hard time with angry cigarette hungry guests...


I think they will set up special smoking areas, like you see at airports and so on.  The US parks use that system and it seems to work well enough.  I suppose in Paris, though, they'd need a couple of areas that are under cover.

I can't see this having a negative effect on the resort even from the perspective of people who do smoke.  I think most of them accept that it isn't a good thing to be doing and it shouldn't be allowed all over a place with children so much the focus.

Butlin Boy: I think we're getting a ban in all pubs, clubs and restaurants in Summer 2007, if people stop whining about business being lost.  They have the same ban in Ireland and it seems to work great.

Miss Tinkerbell

lf they have an area in each part of the parks maybe...

Although l'd be lying if l said that it really bothered me outside.  And l'm a non smoker just so you'd know. :wink:


Woooohooooo :)

Although I think it's much too late, I'm looking very forward to the next visit with non-smoking bars and restaurants! What about the waiting queues, is smoking allowed yet?
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World

Miss Tinkerbell

l always thought it wasn't allowed to smoke in the queues


Quote from: "Miss Tinkerbell"l always thought it wasn't allowed to smoke in the queues

AFAIK it's not allowed, when we were queueing for peter pan in August, a CM came over and told a dutch woman to put her cigarette out. She wasn't impressed so she took her whole family out! :D


Quote from: "Samninetysix"AFAIK it's not allowed, when we were queueing for peter pan in August, a CM came over and told a dutch woman to put her cigarette out. She wasn't impressed so she took her whole family out! :D
Nice one! Yeah, it's not allowed but people still do it.

For me, the worst thing is people smoking when you're waiting for the parades.  You've got there on time... found a good spot behind a few people... 15 minutes to wait.. and then they decide to light one up and blow the smoke in your face.  I'm not normally bothered much by smoking, but that is unacceptable.  I remember some woman smoking all the way through Peter Pan to the Rescue in 2004 as well... :(


Smoking in the queue lines is forbidden, as can be found in the park rules:

QuoteSmoking, eating and drinking on the rides and in the queues are forbidden. ... ations.htm

Lightning McQueen

I don't have a problem with a smoking ban in public places or other areas where people can get annoyed by someone else's smoke but there should be places where smokers can enjoy themselves.
Lightning McQueen