France to ban smoking in public

Started by Anthony, October 09, 2006, 12:20:55 AM

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This is what I mean.
The idea is good, but not where smoking is not permitted.

Mansion Staff

we definitly notice the smoking more (seeing as we havent much in ireland)
and this will definitly improve our visits
well we all cant come and go by BUBBLE!

be careful, or Ill drop a house on you.


Quote from: "Mansion Staff"smoking (we havent much in ireland)

But in Ireland the smoking ban in restaurants and bars by law is already a fact. In France you'll have to wait 'till January 2008. Now it's just a Disney law that bans smoking in restaurants. If you go to Paris there's smoke everywhere. And even in the Disco "Hurricanes" you can still smoke. Can you ?!


Quote from: "Parkfisch"
Quote from: "Mansion Staff"smoking (we havent much in ireland)

QuoteBut in Ireland the smoking ban in restaurants and bars by law is already a fact.

It is in the whole of the Uk now.


Only just in Fareham! The council here forgot to put the paperwork through! So it was still legal til Thursday! :lol:

People can still walk along the street smoking. Holding fags at hip level-child's eye level. GRRRR! :evil: My littlun is sooo subtle, he coughs when he's near someone smoking!

I think its great that there's going to be less smoking in the parks.

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


Quote from: "Owain"It is in the whole of the Uk now.

I know.  :D  You say that like Ireland's part of the UK.  :D

Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Italy and Malta have similar laws AFAIK. Slovenia and some regions of Germany will follow on Wednesday ( the others until 2008 ), Denmark on August 15 and the Netherlands in July 2008. In Switzerland many regions might ban smoking too, at the moment there's only one where it's already done. Portugal will get a non smoking law, but I don't know if it will include Restaurants and Bars. In Belgium, Luxembourg and Spain there are different smoking laws, depending on the kind of public place ( in Belgium only Restaurants and bars where you can eat ), the time ( I think in Luxembourg there are even time schedules about smoking or no smoking ) and the size ( Spain bans smoking in larger Restaurants with the exception of small smoking rooms, smaller Restaurants have to sign out if they are a smoking or non smoking pub, bar, restaurant ). Austria seems to get a "Spanish" smoking ban next year. So there's something changing in Europe and I like that - of course I have nothing against smokers themselves. Don't get me wrong. I think it must be seen like Alcohol. Drink it, but don't drive a car after your visit to the Restaurant. And cigarettes: Smoke them, but not during your visit to the Restaurant, when others ( guests and waiters ) would have to inhale your smoke too.

( Off topic on )
And now the question that many of you may think about:
Why do I know that all so exactly ?
Well: Just watch "EuroNews" ( TV Channel, can be watched in 6 different languages all over Europe ) and you get taught exactly, where something is permitted or banned. There are even special reports called "Europeans" and others where you learn a lot about other European countries, their mentality, rules and laws.
( off topic stop  8) )

In Gardaland in Italy there are the "Vietato Fumare" signs with the whole text about the law and the 270 Euros you have to pay, at every corner. And the signs are hold by little green dragons (?) which makes the signs better looking. Disneyland Resort Paris should do that with Mickey Mouse or other characters.  :lol:


M'be Mickey stomping on Stinky Petes cigar aand waggling his finger at him! :lol:

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club