Mad Hatter's Tea Cups Refurbishment

Started by dagobert, April 08, 2010, 04:03:19 PM

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dagobert hast posted some pictures about the refurbishment of the Tea Cups. It was about time, the ride was in a very bad condition.

It looks like there is a lot of refurbishment going on at DLRP. There are also construction fences in Frontierland and in Discoveryland:


I am really glad they are refurbishing it.
When i went in March the paint all looked really faded i hope they paint over the sign.
I only hope that we don\'t lose sight of one thing,that it was all started by a mouse[size=150] Walt Disney

:pluto:  :mickey1:


Thank goodness. The paint on the saucers was worn away to the point of nonexistence. And there must have been about three light bulbs working the last time I saw it at night.


Mad Hatter's Teacups is scheduled to re-open on 23 April. :-)


yay - i hope they do a better refurb than last time - as there seemed to be little difference


The last time wasn't a refurbishment, it was maintenance of the ride system. :-)


ah that accounts for the lack of any visible improvement - thanks Kristof


You can see pretty clearly from those photos how faded the laterns look! This refurb is long overdue, the ride was in dire need of a paint and a general tidy-up.

It will look much more lively and bright once the refurb is complete.


From Disney Gazette:

Apparently the refurb is not completely finished, but at least they've got the floor done! :mrgreen:


LED light bulbs!  Great!!

Pete's Dragon

The roof is looking nice, it really needed a good clean. There's something about seeing a newly referbed ride that make me wanna book a flight


Quote from: "Kristof"LED light bulbs!  Great!!

They've been there for years, strangely enough. I don't think they're technically LEDs, more like tiny tungsten lights. Anyway, the majority has been broken for years as well, so let's hope they touched upon that as well.

The paint work looks really great.


That floor looks magnificent! Cannot wait to ride this in June, I've been waiting a long time to see it looking this clean :D


Wow :D It looks so bright and vibrant and bright!  :lol:

Everything is setting itself up nicely for July :D
Very excited for first trip to DLRP in over 10 years! Big Thunder here we come!


They did a great job. The attraction looks brand new.