Reports of two suicides amongst DLP cast

Started by seanmartina, April 02, 2010, 03:09:30 PM

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just read this in the newspaper about the conditions for workers in the park.. cant beleive they treat them like that ... 34016.html


That is so bad for the cast members which appear so happy inthe park , yet cannot express their true working emotions on a day-to-day basis where most of us can. Condolences to the friends and families of those workers. :(


Just sad. And if it is a fact that they died due to problems at work, there is at least suspiciousm, if not more.
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


#3 ... 34016.html

And it seems to be the second death in 3 weeks,one even threatend to commit suicide in the park.


maybe someone that works in the parks can throw some light on the topic, a couple of cast members are friends of mine on facebook so i will ask them what their experiences are


wow I read that wrong the first time I thought that 44 people had taken their own lives that worked for Disney but I think it's refering to the french telecom place and omg how shocking and awful is that! 2 lives though are significant and a third person (perhaps more we dont really know) threatening it! :shock:  :o  :shock:

I know it does not mention the race of the people in that article but.....
I have to say that sometimes when I have stayed in the hotels, particularly the Santa Fe and have seen the women working as room cleaners etc and they are nearly all black women in their 50s or older I feel I have been transported back to racist america in the times of black slavery and my mum also commented on it! I know that these people take the jobs but if you think about it the majority of the lower paid type jobs are populated by black individuals whilst whites take the higher cast member jobs - not always but a lot of the time!
Luv Aveen xoxo


Wait a minute, I think we should be careful here. It wasn't a room cleaner who sadly commited suicide it was two chefs, and we don't really know why. In one case there were other personal reasons. I've stayed in the Disney hotels, and I've never thought of the room cleaners as slaves.
Ed & David


Quote from: "ed-uk"Wait a minute, I think we should be careful here. It wasn't a room cleaner who sadly commited suicide it was two chefs, and we don't really know why. In one case there were other personal reasons. I've stayed in the Disney hotels, and I've never thought of the room cleaners as slaves.

Sorry Ed but as you said "wait a minute" -I did not say I seen the women who cleaned room as slaves, they certainly are not and I would treat them with as much respect as the manager of the Disney company but with the way they are dressed and the fact that the magority are black women in their middle ages or older, yes it would be what it was like in old time america- it's not - but lets just say it was noticeable.

I am aware that the 2 men were chefs, it doesnt say what the 3rd person worked as who threatened suicide and as I said before I made my coment i am aware that race was not mentioned but i was noting a very obvious obersevation i made whilst staying in a certain Disney hotel.
Luv Aveen xoxo


About the cleaning cast - fact is, France naturally has a lot of immigration from parts of Africa, people who might not immediately have the additional language skills or qualifications required for higher positions at the resort. DLP should work to ensure they can build those, but generally it's an issue for education and integration in France. Go to any hotel or similar across Europe and you see the same.


I find it interesting (or rather slightly sickening) that The Independent chooses to report this a week after it happened (I think I read it back on Monday...), attaching an inflammatory headline and digging up again the surely unrelated France Telecom case, almost baiting for the same to happen at Disney.

It's two sad and worrying tragedies, but as an issue, I'd say it's for the company not for us. I hope Euro Disney SCA can find some reasoning and have ensured that everyone involved in both cases is being given the support they need. There's not a lot more we can say than that.


Sorry Aveen. I didn't mean to say that you thought the black cleaners in the Disney hotels particulary the Santa Fe were slaves. But that you thought that you had been transported back to racist America in the times of black slavery when you stayed there.  But the article in the Indepedent wasn't about slaves or cleaners or race. I'm inclined to agree with Anthony on this one.
Ed & David


It seems to me it's just a lot of guessing, there isn't any 'evidence' that the suicide is really caused by work only. God knows what else is playing a part in these people's decisions. I believe that the work can cause a lot of stress, but if we knew how many people in other 'normal' jobs who appear happy are actually very depressed, we'd be shocked. I don't believe people will commit suicide due to work only.


There have been some thoughtful responses to this news, and after checking with Kristof we've agreed it's probably best to close the topic now, out of respect for those who have passed away.